
Saturday, October 15, 2022

AIDS: From Spare Tire to Multibillion-Dollar Business

 “If there is proof that HIV is the cause of AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document.”459


“Even with the greats of the AIDS establishment, Gallo does not hold back on psychiatric diagnoses. [According to Gallo,] one is a ‘control freak’, the next is ‘uncreative’ and has a ‘complex’ because of it, a third is—‘can I be honest?’—just plain ‘crazy.’ [Gallo’s] impetuous anger is real when he speaks of the fight for power in the AIDS business, the fight for the money pot, the spiteful jealousy of prestige. With AIDS a lot of money is at stake—and above all fame.”460

DER SPIEGEL, 29/1995

“[Freedom fighter John] Milton and Galileo would back the British Medical Journal on free speech [on HIV/AIDS]. We should never forget Galileo being put before the inquisition. It would be even worse if we allowed scientific orthodoxy to become the inquisition.”461


Whoever experienced the 1980’s will still clearly remember: The AIDS panic picked up so quickly that there was no time for a survey of the facts. The media-stimulated fear of viruses had left behind such “traces in society,“ as the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit wrote in 1990, that “social psychologists even trace the imminent comeback of men’s white underwear [as a symbol of HIV—and with that sterility right into the most intimate zones] back to the AIDS effect.”462In 1984, Der Spiegel463 announced that, by the middle of the 1990s, the last German would become ill from AIDS, dying from it two years later (in other words: by the mid-1990s, AIDS would wipe out the entire German population). The magazine Bild der Wissenschaft464 made the same deadly predictions the following year (1985). In comparison, a 1986 forecast in US magazine Newsweek sounded moderate: by 1991, five to 10 million Americans would be infected by HIV.465

In reality, yearly, no more than a few hundred Germans die from AIDS.466 Moreover, these people actually die from traditional diseases (like lymphatic cancer or tuberculosis), which are then redefined as AIDS (see below: “What is AIDS?”). And as for Newsweek’s visions of horror: its prognosis was around ten times the 750,000 HIV cases identified by US authorities.467750,000 is actually a cumulative number, since AIDS cases aren’t tracked yearly, meaning that number represents the total numbers since official AIDS records were started in the early 1980s. Obviously, with such a method of measurement, the figures appear many times scarier than they actually are. Additionally, logic dictates that such numbers can only increase, even if the number of new cases had gone down in a given year. Incidentally, only AIDS cases are counted cumulatively. Have you ever heard the evening news give the number of traffic accident deaths since the beginning of statistical records (and not ‘just’ the deaths for a given year)? Certainly not.

Strangely, the Robert Koch Institute even admits that they proceeded this way: “To catch the public’s attention and encourage a political readiness to act, large numbers were naturally more suitable. A trick in the presentation of AIDS cases, applied internationally at the time, served to do this: in the first years, in contrast to other diseases where the number of new cases each year is given (incidence), AIDS cases were accumulated from year to year (cumulative incidence).”468

Anyone who impartially dives into the topic of HIV/AIDS, perpetually trips over such oddities, inconsistencies and contradictions—and searches in vain for scientific proof of the theory’s basic hypotheses: that a virus called HIV, causes AIDS. At the same time, we are dealing with a very complex topic, so to make the controversies around the study of the cause of AIDS understandable, we will begin with a section which compactly explains why doubts that HIV exists and causes AIDS are justified—and why it makes sense to name factors like drug consumption or malnutrition as causes of AIDS, or better: of the many diseases grouped together under the term AIDS.

459 Mullis, Kary, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, Vintage Books, 1998, pp. 171-174

460 Grolle, Johann, Siege, aber kein Sieg, Der Spiegel, 29/1995

461 Smith, Richard, Milton and Galileo would back the BMJ on free speech, Nature, 22 January 2004; p. 287

462 Kruse, Kuno; Schwarz, Birgit, Die Apokalypse wird abgesagt, Die Zeit, 15 June 1990

463 AIDS: Die Bombe ist gelegt, Der Spiegel, 45/1984

464 AIDS: eine neue Krankheit erschüttert Deutschland, Bild der Wissenschaft, 12/1985

465 Morganthau, Tom, AIDS: Grim Prospects, Newsweek, 10 November, 1986, pp. 20-21

466 HIV/AIDS in Deutschland: Eckdaten (at the end of 2005), Website of the Robert Koch Institute

467 Suspension of Disbelief??, Health Education AIDS Liaison (HEAL), Toronto, see http://healtoronto.com/aidsdrop.html

468 Marcus, Ulrich, Glück gehabt? Zwei Jahrzehnte AIDS in Deutschland, Blackwell, 2000, S. 10

from Virus Mania

Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Köhnlein

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