
Friday, October 28, 2022



This book is niether a thesis nor an academic dissertation, nor is it written by an academic expert. It provides a strong body of proof that we never landed men on the Moon. I first reached this conclusion by examination of the photos you have just seen and others, and by dissecting direct quotations from the books of the astronauts involved in the Apollo missions and those of government scientists and engineers.

The subject matter caused most publishers to reject this book out of hand without bothering to read it. Some rejected it because I lack proper academic credentials. In this somewhat Orwellian world many people with formal educations delude themselves into thinking that college degrees are a prerequisite for thought. That's simply not so! I have very credible credentials for what I do. I am an ex-member of Mensa with an IQ in the top one-half % of the population; I am an inventor who was granted, without corporate help, two basic patents. I am a self-taught engineer who has successfully designed beams, trusses, a mobile crane, boats, homes, factories, machinery, etc. I know they are successful because I built them with my own hands.

For over 20-years I was the only disciple of Pete Ross who had one of the finest technical minds on the planet. He was a hands-on person who could devise simple experiments to test almost any hypothesis with the same ease with which he could design and build a machine. He claimed I was one of the smarter monkeys, and he vowed to open my mind. He presented me with logic and examples that many times negated some small part of our accepted scientific beliefs. Frequently, when I left, I had severe headaches from the process.

The only people with the proper credentials to write about the moon hoax are the very ones who participated in it. Michael Collins, Frank Borman, and Buzz Aldrin all wrote books about the Apollo 11 mission- which was a mistake, because those books contain many revealing discrepancies.

This book was originally written because in 1990 NASA intended to take us to Mars the same way they allegedly took us to the Moon. The week before I finished this new edition NASA bravely announced that Martian life was found on a rock they found in the Antarctic. WOW! According to their professionals this rock had smashed into Antarctica 13,000 years ago after being blasted off Mars 17-million years ago by a meteorite. Therefore, since Antartica accretes ice at the rate of 2 feet per year they must have found it at the 26,000 foot level- which is rather difficult to do, because there is only 10,000 feet of ice there.

To put the icing on the NASA fruitcake, about a week later some lady astronomer announced that she had located the Martian crater from which it was blasted. This means that although the rock was in space with an unstable orbit for 16,987,000 years (it hit us didn't it?) she was able to calculate backwards from the landing site of that rock. For starters she had to know the exact time, direction, and velocity of the landing. Sure she does!

I cite only secondary sources for information. Whistle blowers are never popular, and in the last few decades many of them have worked in either atomic energy or space. Not having a suicidal urge, I refrained from blandly traipsing in the government archives suspiciously searching for information. That would be foolish. Instead, I chose to dissect the work of other serious writers on space and various other NASA programs, plus the astronauts who wrote about their trips to the Moon.

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I found no fault with the research of these professional writers because it was mostly well written. I feel their only flaw was in their conclusions, where they neglected to exercise their critical facilities. However, it is easy for sincere, honest men to fall prey to professional and unscrupulous con men especially when the con artists have wrapped themselves in red, white, and blue. I myself was an absolute believer for over 20-years.


In October of '92 I received a large size, full color, glossy, 180 page government publica-tion called America At The Threshold. It was sent to me because I had responded a few years before to a NASA solicitation for ideas for space. My best guess is that they originally queried me because I am both a patented inventor and a past member of the high IQ society known as Mensa. While reading the book, I stumbled across my name printed smack dab in the middle of page A-51. It was there because at least one of my ideas had passed the serial scrutiny of a number of special committees of judges. By this time, however, I had become a confirmed skeptic and had ceased to believe in NASA and the CIA, and I was getting mighty suspicious of apple pie Americanism.

Bill Kaysing's book We Never Went To The Moon fine-tuned my suspicions of the Moon landings by pointing out things I had missed. For example, the astronauts' boots left deep impressions in the soft dust, but the Lunar Landers left no craters nor did they sink into it. Thousands of photos taken on each of the missions never showed the millions of stars that must be brilliantly visible on the airless Moon.

I also realized that much of the $40-billion cost for this production had probably been ferreted away, either squandered in the Vietnam "police action" and in the CIA's "secret war" in Laos, or siphoned off to fill the back pockets of the producers. NASA 's America At The Threshold is cover-to-cover propaganda about "Project Outreach" which I was horrified to discover is NASA's grab for our grandchildren's wallets ostensibly to produce a trillion-dol-lar MARTIAN HOAX that can bankrupt our already debt-plagued country.

For almost five months my erstwhile publisher constantly questioned NASA. If they hadn't known about this book before, they sure knew then. The 25th (silver) anniversary of the safe return of the crew of the first Moon landing (Apollo 11) came and went without the expected NASA hoopla and propaganda. Instead, the usually unapproachable Apollo astro-nauts began a series of TV and radio show appearances. I directly attribute this to my book and this man's activities. Unfortunately, he did everything but print the book.

In a prosecutorial mode therefore, I accuse NASA, the CIA, and whatever super-secret group that controls the shadow government of these United States of fraud on the grandest scale imaginable, of murder by arson, and of larceny of over $40 billion in conjunction with the Apollo program that allegedly landed men on the Moon. I also accuse them of violating a federal law against lobbying by government-funded entities and of serial murder of low-level NASA employees, witnesses, and other citizens who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Such accusations seem incredible because none of us ever want to believe our governmental father is deceiving us. However, by the end of this book, even the most trusting reader will have no doubt that NASA MOONED AMERICA !

Note: Since I published, some of my readers have gone to great trouble and expense to teach me about the Federal Reserve hoax and the hidden controllers of the world's economy, money, and power. I must now admit that the Apollo hoax is to the Federal Reserve hoax as a firecracker is to an A-bomb.

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