
Monday, October 3, 2022

Revilo Oliver on Holocaust hoax

In Germany, as in other Western nations, the Jews are resorting to pseudo-legal terrorism as well as mob violence to enforce belief in their “Holocaust” hoax, and they are more or less committed to the slovenly version of the tale that they used as a pretext for the obscene and savage murders committed by the British and Americans at Nuremberg. That fiction was an improvement on earlier versions, (1) but it relied on the perjury of a German traitor who had been an American spy throughout the war, and was so carelessly contrived that it could not resist critical examination.

Since the exposure of the great hoax, there has been a belated attempt to produce “witnesses,” who, I estimate, are as numerous as the individuals, many of them Aryans, who have reported their vacations aboard “flying saucers” or their confabulations with little green or cerise men from Mars or elsewhere. The principal burden of the attempts to enforce belief in the incredible, however, is the doctrine that it is an “insult to the Jewish people” to disbelieve whatever they choose to tell the lower races.

We should not err, as do so many anti-Jewish writers, by interpreting this Jewish terrorism in terms of our own mentality and so regarding it as a consciously evil fraud. As several Jews told the National Conference of Christians and Jews, “normal [i.e., Aryan] ethical standards” are “irrelevant” in such matters. I do not profess to understand the Jewish mentality, but it may be that one aspect of it was revealed by Professor Eric Goldman of Princeton University, if he was correctly quoted as contending that history is a “weapon” to be employed for “determining people’s ideas and attitudes,” and that a respectable historian has a “responsibility…for making sure that he writes history in such a way as will bring about the kind of action that he wants.” Professor Goldman even made the frightening claim that his equation of history with propaganda was the view of “most historians [!].”(2)

One can imagine no more total contrast to the Aryan conception of history as an effort to recover, as accurately as possible, the absolute truth about what actually happened: Von Ranke’s famous standard of a perfectly objective description of the past wie es eigentlich gewesen wäre, and James Harvey Robinson’s addendum that history should also determine objectively, if possible, wie es eigentlich geworden wäre. It is quite possible that to the Jewish mentality what actually happened appears completely irrelevant, and our interest in ascertaining historical truth may seem to be just another odd manifestation of our mental inferiority. The only thing that matters is what you can make your subjects believe, including, perhaps, the mass of your own race. To us, that seems reprehensible deception, but it is quite possible that to the Jewish mentality “truth” is whatever is good for God’s People.

That may be why Jewish forgeries and hoaxes seem to us so amazingly careless, and we wonder why their contrivers disdained the relatively small amount of work that would have been required to make their fabrication consistent and plausible: to them it seemed apodictic that people ought to believe what is good for the Jewish people without thinking about it. The tales in the “Old Testament,” for example, are attempts to simulate an historical record, but is seems never to have occurred to the rabbis to make them internally consistent and less absurd. (68)

And the nonchalance appears today. When Professor Butz’s masterly exposure of the Jews’ Holy Hoax about the Germans was first published, Jews residing in the United States and holding professorships in American universities, who must surely have learned from observation of their goy colleagues what we consider to be the academic standards of integrity, began at once to denounce as “an infamous lie” a book of which they had never even seen a copy, and did so without even taking the trouble to ascertain its title, which they gave as “The Fabrication of a Hoax” or “The Holocaust Never Happened,” and urging that such disgrace to the academic profession be “rooted out” and presumably exterminated. The venomous hatred is, of course, only natural, but what is significant is that the learned professors did not take the two minutes of time for a phone call by which they could have learned the title of the book they were denouncing so hysterically. To us simple-minded Aryans, that seems amazing.

1. According to the Courrier du Continent, a valuable little bulletin published at Lausanne, in its issue for May 1981, a delightful early version of the “Holocaust” hoax was given by a Jew residing in Sweden, Dr. Stefan Szende, in a book published at Zurich in 1944. According to this version, hundreds of thousands of Jews were exterminated by the cruel Germans at Belzec (a small town about twenty-eight miles south-southeast of Lublin), where the Germans had constructed a vast underground installation, including huge halls, built entirely of metal, with floors that could be raised or lowered by machinery. Each floor was a triumph of engineering, so large that several thousands of dear Jews could be packed on it, nude, at one time. The elevator then descended until the Jews were immersed into water to their waists, when a powerful electric current was introduced into the water, electrocuting them instantly. Then the elevator went up to a station at which a further application of electricity incinerated and presumably vaporized all the thousands of corpses, and the machine was ready for a new batch of several thousand. Presumably this version was thought too complimentary to the Germans’famous talent for engineering and applied science, just as the claims that Germans had exterminated 40,000,000 or 12,000,000 Jews were considered a bit hazardous mathematically and the figure was reduced to the 6,000,000 in the current version.)

(2). Goldman is quoted by Professor James J. Marin in his section of the impressive biographical monument, Harry Elmer Barnes (Colorado Springs, Myles, 1968), p. 241. That Goldman may be right about the majority of persons who now call themselves historians is suggested by the fact that the once-respected American Historical Association, which turns a penny now and then by renting out its membership list, crawled on its yellow belly in abasement and apology when it found it had rented the list to the Institute for Historical Review in Torrance, California, which wickedly conducts historical research that does not bear the Kosher seal of approval.)
So much has to be said in explanation of the recent imposition of righteousness in Germany. The puppet government in Bonn has ordered its courts to find that it is a criminal offense to doubt even the most impossible parts of the Holohoax, on the grounds that such doubt “denies to every Jew the respect to which he is entitled.” Men are now serving long prison sentences for having dared to express such doubts, and recently the Bonn government’s Thought Police raided the homes of almost 500 Germans who were suspected of having in their possession books, pamphlets, or leaflets of which the Master Race disapproves. It is also a criminal offense in Germany to doubt the “authenticity”of “Anne Frank’s Diary,” a hoax contrived with such contempt for the Aryan mind that it contains such blatant internal contradictions that it could not impose on any reader who has even a modicum of critical intelligence. And the exercise of normal intelligence is a criminal offense even though the Bonn government’s own criminological laboratory reported that the manuscript was written throughout in the hand of a single author, who made many of his revisions with a pen that had not been manufactured before the supposed “martyrdom” of the young Jewess who is supposed to have written it.

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