
Sunday, December 15, 2024

Chemitrails - introduction

 HAARP technology with its ionized chemtrails constitutes a global-scale DEW system.

While mainstream newscasters wring their hands over “global warming” and “climate change,” ionospheric heaters torque the chemtrails and unnaturally heat the planet in endless military “experiments.” The President promises “new climate proposals” as TransCanada Corp’s $5.3 billion Keystone XL pipeline is pushed through Congress to deliver tar-sands oil that promises yet more greenhouse gas emissions.5 Meanwhile, stealthy aflatoxins, Ebola and Lassa, binary agents, and genomic-targeting pathogens ride nanoparticulates into our lungs and bloodstreams in a “long-term fingerprintless campaign.”6The “Worldwide IT Revolution” is synonymous with a C4 (command, control, communications, computers) weapons system. Thanks to “superb worldwide sensor suites and precision strike capabilities,” it’s “tele-everything.” Communications, computing, and sensors are silicon, molecular, quantum, bio, and optical, soon to move humans into AIs and “Automatics / Robotics ‘in the large’,” immersive multisensory VR (virtual reality “holodecks”), and multiphysics hyperspectral sensors in land, sea, air, and space. By circa 2025, robotics will be the norm, with binary bios in the agriculture and food distribution systems, with nanosensors, munitions, and swarm/horde weapons keeping a brave new virtual world peace tacked to a wireless Smart Grid “Cloud.”

Such is our transitional condition in this 67th year of the American National Security State.


Secrecy always accompanies cutting-edge technologies yoked to war.

In 2010, 76.7 million documents were classified, compared with 8.6 million in 20017. While the military plays its part, CEOs and boards of directors behind the closed doors of vast transnational corporations connive for more and more power and profits at the expense of human-scale society, and government institutions mandated to serve the people are now more alien than Big Brother in the dystopic classic 1984.

The aerosol program going on in the sky over our heads remains secret because for the first time in human history, we are being forced to live in a chemicalized atmosphere more like a plasma “battery” than the sky our forebears enjoyed. Global powerbrokers monitor and map our every movement while subjecting all of biological life to ionized aerosols loaded with experimental biological and chemical agents. As Aviation Week’s senior international defense editor Bill Sweetman put it in his 1993 book Aurora: The Pentagon’s Secret Hypersonic Spyplane: “Cover and covert are the principal words in the secret world’s vocabulary . . . Lifting the cover on intelligence systems reduces their value.”

The wartime secrecy of World War II and the Manhattan Project was continued as the Cold War with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947 and conversion of the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS) into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In 1951, the Inventions Secrecy Act was added to conceal technological inventions and shift the patent system from open source to control by the new National Security State. To this day, every electromagnetic technology that can be weaponized ends up under a shroud of “national security.”

The American people did not foresee the impact that blanket secrecy would have on their peacetime representative government. They thought they understood the whys and wherefores of Cold War containment of military and intelligence secrets, including compartmentalization and need-to-know clearances. Little did they realize that cabals, dynastic corporations, and crime syndicates—experts in secrecy, lies and deception, mayhem and murder—would gather like vultures to double-cross elected officials and split society between those burying their heads in the flag and those struggling to penetrate how 24/7 canned “news,” disjointed factoids, and social media peppered with memes were undermining the social order. Maintain a lie or secret for one generation and the next generation becomes easy pickings, particularly if the lie is echoed in school textbooks, TV cartoons, the History and Discovery Channels. Confuse one generation and the next will happily ingest the media gruel prepared for them.

An army of sociology and psychology Ph.D.s like Austrian-American public relations consultant Edward Louis Bernays (1891–1995) and German-American psychologist Kurt Zadek Lewin (1890–1947) has designed a system of information overload and cognitive dissonance guaranteed to desensitize Americans. Deluge people with bad “news” and uncertainty in tiny context-less “news bites” and trigger the emotional overwhelm that will drive them to seek one distraction and convenience commodity after another, thus enriching corporations while making “we the people” accept more and more secret programs for our own good.

A real conspiracy is underway, composed of Air Force personnel, weather forecasters, civil air traffic controllers, pilots, media, environmental agencies and associations, senators, representatives, physicians, and scientists in denial  of service and breach of duty to inform and protect the public. The artificially mediated environment spoon-fed to us by “experts” has crushed much of our confidence in our ability to perceive what is really going on right before our eyes. Many technical secrets of this conspiracy are in public sources, but we do not know how to interpret them, given that our authority figures and “experts,” in one way or another, have been bought off and silenced.

The subterfuge surrounding “geoengineering” is thick as molasses—from Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth (2006) to fake “global warming” NGOs (nongovernment organizations) rising up like chimera to blame the public, broker deals with geoscientists, and manipulate scientific data. The California Air Resources Board claimed it had no air quality records for 2002–2011, and when data was finally released to Environmental Voices (www.environmentalvoices.org), it had been reworked. U.S. science adviser John Holdren insists that releasing particulates of barium, magnesium, aluminum, nanofibers, mold and bacillus blood spores is a great idea.8 After all, what are chemtrails but a global extension of biological and chemical warfare (BW/CW) field experiments that have been going on for decades?

We find ourselves in an upside-down world in which government and industry profit from creating disasters and running biological “trial experiments” on the people whose tax dollars feed their children—from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Atomic Safety and Licensing Board’s approval of Southern California Edison’s plan to continue operating the collapsing San Onofre nuclear power plant to “see what happens,”9 to the New York Police Department (“working with Long Island’s Brookhaven National Laboratory”) releasing perfluorocarbon gases into the subway system during morning rush hour “to study how chemical weapons could be dispersed through the air.”10Under such a regime of secrets, lies, and plausible deniability, our greatest defense must begin with learning how to read between the lines of mainstream media smoke and mirrors so as to discern how public inquiry is being confused and marginalized by assaults like that of the overused, hackneyed term “conspiracy theory.” Lay researchers with no tenure to protect nor fact to hide may now be our only hope. As I said, much can be found in open source, if we but have the context with which to interpret it. Waiting for NASA or military-supported university labs and their phalanxes of “experts” to tell us the truth about what is going on in our skies is folly. Nor should we depend upon honest whistleblowers or canaries in the coal mine to brave charges of treason and even  death. It is time to concentrate on working together to discern true from false, information from disinformation—a truly democratic process.


In the late 1990s, when HAARP was coming online and jets were laying “chembombs” that made people below violently ill, the Internet was alive with guessing games about the strange behavior of “persistent contrails” lingering and dispersing into what NASA Langley Research Center scientists had already coined as cirrus contrailus.11 At the same time, a meme utilized by the U.S. Air Force Academy12 flamed over the global Internet: chemtrails.

According to Chemtrails Confirmed (2004) by William “Will” Thomas, a former pilot and ocean navigator,13 the earliest chemtrail observers were World War II and Korean War veterans who had retained their habit of keeping a sharp eye on the sky. Immediately, they recognized that the skies over their California homes were being “gridded,” and not by normal contrails. When they contacted Military Operation Control at nearby Travis Air Force Base and Fresno Yosemite International Airport, all they got for their trouble was plausible deniability: no flight plans equals no jets overhead.

Researchers slowly began to realize that some of the “friendlies” they were encountering on the Internet were spreading the bad seed of disinformation14 and that they were on their own, given that there were no topical books in the library—at least until 1995 when the book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning came out. “Insiders,” “anonymous sources,” and whistleblowers began slipping out of the shadows. Were they legitimate, or disinformation agents? Kevin Barrett, Ph.D., offers insight into the problem:

The main way that covert operators keep secrets is not by keeping them, but by revealing them—through a discredited source. For example, young George W. Bush’s cocaine arrest, which got him thrown out of the National Guard, was revealed (in an operation orchestrated by Karl Rove) to a journalist named Jim Hatfield. Rove, Bush’s minister, and others confirmed the story to Hatfield. Then when Hatfield revealed the coke bust in his book  Fortunate Son, Rove in turn revealed that Hatfield was an ex-con with a conspiracy-to-murder conviction. 60 Minutes did a hatchet job on Hatfield, and all copies of the book were burned by the publisher. From then on, no respectable journalistic outlet would go near the Bush cocaine arrest story.15Given all the deaths of scientists who have broken with their “blood oath” confidentiality agreements,16 the anonymity that “insiders” often insist upon for their own safety is understandable but can also work against what they are revealing. Here are three positive examples and one less so.

Angels co-author Manning had a fortuitous encounter with a “Mr. X” whose revelations about Pentagon “maniacs” and Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patents led directly to Manning and Begich digging into the HAARP project unfolding nearby in Gakona, Alaska, and writing Angels to forewarn the public. Then in 2001 “Deep Sky” stepped forward, a senior air traffic control manager for the northeastern seaboard of the United States who in three taped interviews with Will Thomas and veteran radio journalist S.T. Brendt insisted that “he had been ordered to divert incoming commercial flights away from USAF tankers spraying a substance that showed up on ATC radars as a ‘haze’.”17

Both early whistleblowers seemed authentic, as did the anonymous “well-placed military source” that independent scientist and Morgellons researcher Clifford E. Carnicom encountered in 2003. His insights into the biological aspect of the chemtrails aerosol operation were for the most part credible, not so much for who he was as for confirming other accounts from random angles:

1. The [aerosol] operation is a joint project between the Pentagon and the pharmaceutical industry.

2. The Pentagon wishes to test biological diseases for war purposes on unsuspecting populations. It was stated that SARS [severe acute respiratory syndrome] is a failure as the expected rate of mortality was intended to be 80%.

3. The pharmaceutical industry is making trillions on medications designed to treat both fatal and non-fatal diseases.

4. The bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and then placed on fine filaments for release.

5. The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply.

6. Most countries being sprayed are unaware of the activities and they have not consented to the activities. He states that commercial aircraft flying is one of the delivery systems.

7. Most of the “players” are old friends and business partners of the senior Bush [George H.W. Bush].

8. The ultimate goal is the control of all populations through directed and accurate spraying of drugs, diseases, etc.

9. People who have tried to reveal the truth have been imprisoned and killed.

10. His final words: “This is the most dangerous and dark time that I have experienced in all of my years of serving this country.”18

But then the following year, the anonymous insider “Deep Shield”19 showed up on the Internet to stir the pot, claiming that he worked with “chiefs and levels above the worker.” Borrowing heavily from the National Academy of Sciences’ 1992 Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base,20 Deep Shield’s revelations read chapter and verse like much of the conspiracy-spun pablum that dominated the first few years of the global Internet. Deep Shield hung heavy on chemtrails as a Star Wars21 “shield” straight from the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) introduced in 1983 by the Reagan administration. (Under President Clinton, SDI was renamed the Ballistic Missile Defense and faded from headlines.)

Deep Shield insisted that the chemtrails agenda was about creating ozone in the stratosphere, stemming infrared and ultraviolet radiation, and terraforming a dying planet, and that public secrecy was merely to keep people from panicking. He claimed that defending against UV poisoning had brought the U.S., Russia, and NATO together and that they were all involved in chemical production and distribution, with observers on hand when aerosol canisters were being loaded. Because the “shield” had to be maintained for the sake of the entire planet, “nonparticipant nations” were being sprayed, too, and that not spraying was considered a military offense. He agreed that the tons of heavy metals and polymers being sprayed were making people sick, but insisted that “without spraying, we have a 90%+ chance of becoming extinct as a species within the next 20 years.”22Not once did Deep Shield mention HAARP. Then, having spun his Internet spin, he dropped from sight with a suicide story trailing behind him.

Mainstream media play an essential role when it comes to silencing voices attempting to expose secret programs that constitute a danger to the public (and republic). Whether those dangers are nonthermal radiation, GMO foods, DU weapons, HAARP, or chemtrails loaded with ionized metallic particulates and pathogens, going public in the land of the National Security Act is risky, indeed.

In 2000, New Zealand environmental scientist Neil Cherry, Ph.D., gave damning testimony regarding electromagnetic radiation before the New Zealand Parliament and the European Parliament in Brussels; the next year, he was diagnosed with a fast-acting motor neuron disease and became increasingly immobile, dying two years later at 56.23 New York attorney Andrew Campanelli24 advised city councils across the United States about writing more protective telecom ordinances and suing to stop the onslaught of cell phone towers. One summer day, his new office landlords turned off the air conditioning and stairwell lighting, the elevator cable snapped and left him suspended between floors, and when he tried to use the elevator phone, he was cut off even as he smelled smoke. By the time the firefighters arrived, he’d crawled out onto a chest-high floor.25The prominent German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung26 reports that individuals and groups opposed to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide have been threatened, hacked, slandered, and terrorized. As Chapter 6 will reveal, when it comes to biotechnology and control over food production, geoengineering and megacorporations like Monsanto work in tandem. Monsanto has ties to U.S. intelligence, the military, and private security companies, and former Monsanto executives hold scores of key government positions.27 While anti-chemtrail activists around the world (like Label GMO) attempt to awaken public awareness through protests like the Global March Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering (August 25, 2013; January 25, 2014; etc.), Monsanto consolidates its geoengineering clout by purchasing Climate Corporation, a farmer insurance underwriter, for $1 billion.28According to a report prepared for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU),29 John P. Wheeler III, 66—a  West Point, Harvard, and Yale insider—was brutally murdered on New Year’s Eve 2010 after threatening to expose the U.S. military’s test of the poison gas Phosgene that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas. From 2005 to 2008, Wheeler was Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, then Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Environment. He then worked as a consultant for MITRE Corporation, producer of the first draft of HAARP’s Environmental Impact Statement, which bypassed congressional scrutiny and was instead announced in the Federal Registry.

Strange deaths happen to NASA employees, as well. Paul Milford Muller, 76, co-navigator on the Apollo Navigation Team, was found in Thailand in May 2013 with a rope around his neck and genitals, plus drug paraphernalia nearby. He had worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. Seven years earlier, former NASA astronaut Charles E. Brady, Jr., MD, 54, was found dead by knife wounds on Orcas Island, Washington. When chosen as an astronaut, Dr. Brady had been serving in the U.S. Navy’s Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 129. He spent 16 days, 21 hours, 48 minutes and 30 seconds 173 miles in space above the Earth on space shuttle Columbia(STS-78), saying of his journey:

You almost feel guilty being up there. The oceans were so blue, they were almost phosphorescent. The landmasses were something like you’d dream of as a child. The earth is a magnificent place, and it does look perfect from space. At the same time, we saw evidence of rain forest destruction and damaged river systems. It makes you come back feeling very deeply that you want to protect the earth.30

He added that he was totally unprepared for the almost corporeal transformation that takes place in space: “It is as if God suddenly made you into a dolphin. It is a mystery that is billions and trillions of times deeper than I had ever imagined.”

How different from the military mindset that has loosed HAARP and chemtrails technology on Planet Earth.


Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein wisely said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Learning new ways of thinking requires time, attention, practice, and a diligent, organized equanimity of mind—certainly not how prestigious Ph.D.s are trained to work on need-to-know research projects minus how their work will contribute to the whole picture. Thus is it any wonder that the scientific peer review system operates more like a good-old-boy club than an honest tool of oversight?

As early as 1999, approximately 160 websites were already devoted to unlocking the chemtrail phenomenon. Today, the electronic buzz of thousands is furiously pursuing what is going on over our heads and how it connects with what is showing up in our soil and bodies. Researchers are slowly piecing together bits and pieces of evidence scattered throughout the media like Osiris’ body—individual observations, analyses of Doppler maps, patents, scientific papers, military studies, etc.—all of which must be retrofitted into a picture of the military operations we have been denied access to. It is while thinking our way through a hunt-and-peck comparison of sources that we learn to think in ways that differ from the thinking that created the problem.

Meanwhile, mainstream media work hard to sustain military-industrial complex thinking. Take, for example, Daily Comet reporter Xerxes A. Wilson’s 2012 article about the tremors in Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes, Louisiana, land of Big Oil fracking,31 salt domes, and sinkholes. (See Chapter 5.) Wilson chooses descriptors like “vibration,” “rumble,” “shake,” “loud noise similar to thunder,” “sounding like a garbage truck had just dropped a dumpster,” “more tremors,” but when it comes to what might have caused the tremors, he is stone silent. He quotes the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office and Office of Emergency Preparedness regarding weather and flyovers, and the Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Center regarding seismic activity, but references only hearsay when it comes to connecting the tremors with the sinkhole, and then not a word about fracking:

Residents of the Assumption Parish community of Bayou Corne felt light tremors in the months leading up to the emergence of the 400-foot-wide sinkhole in the swamp near the community this past summer. Scientists believe the sinkhole was caused when a subterranean brine cavern collapsed within the Napoleonville Salt Dome. The floor of the cavern is more than 1,000 feet underground. Though Lafourche and Terrebonne have similar brine caverns, [the director of Emergency Operations] said there is no reason to believe there are any similarities to the Bayou Corne situation.32“Lay Scientist” Martin Robbins wrote a clever piece in The Guardian about “opaque references to ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ who ‘say’ or ‘claim’ things,” and how referring to individual experts and bits of research “imply consensus where none exists” and mean “approximately jack shit.”

. . . newspapers train their readers to view science as a homogeneous community of ‘them’ and wonder why ‘they’ make apparently contradictory claims at different times . . . Stories based on single studies or experts are not unlikely to be wrong, and over-reliance on stock phrases like ‘scientists say’ suggests the writer hasn’t grasped the wider picture. In the world of science, context is king — we need more of it.33 In 2010, “scientists” were “baffled” by the collapse of the thermosphere 56 miles above the Earth surface, then relieved when it “rebounded.” NASA and the Naval Research Lab called it a “Space Age record.”34 Did these scientists lack HAARP need-to-know clearance, or were they just providing cover?

Will Thomas recounted a possible need-to-know HAARP anecdote in Chemtrails Confirmed (2004). In 1989 or 1990, Air Force pilots were invited to attend a NASA-sponsored meeting at NOAA in Washington, D.C. to toss around ideas about how large air masses might be moved to enlarge the launch window at Cape Canaveral. When a team of pilots offered the feedback that it didn’t seem feasible, they were dismissed and discussion continued without them.

Daily hearsay accounts of inexplicable wonders may be true, and then again may be planted to obfuscate, distract, or create anxiety. What exactly were those “sky sightings” from Raton, New Mexico to Colorado Springs, Colorado and Liberal, Kansas on summer solstice 2012? And six months later on the last day of 2012, what caused hundreds of in-flight starlings to simultaneously drop dead southeast of Knoxville, Tennessee?35 Aircraft battling blazes were grounded after a heavy tanker making a slurry run on the blaze spotted a “meteor.” Was it a meteor, or was it a UFO or plasma orb? But no one’s talking.36 In Scotland, Alastair MacMillan saw a “ball of fire with a long green tail” 150–200 feet off the ground. “No whoosh, no squeak, just this bright, bright light,” MacMillan said. Brian Guthrie added that he saw something large breaking up in the atmosphere. “I’ve seen shooting stars and meteor showers before, but this was much larger and much more colourful,” said Guthrie.37 Space junk? Satellite debris? Plasma orb?

Then there are the news sources themselves. Who funds them? Consider the Veterans Today story about a “highly unfriendly extraterrestrial threat.”38 Rumors of underwater bases in the Pacific Basin and advanced suborbital energy weapons being deployed from Vandenberg Air Force Base are one thing, but UFO wars? Veterans Today is a “military and foreign affairs journal,” so what was senior editor Gordon Duff getting at? He ends the article with, “I either have to give this a 70% or reclassify a reliable official source as purposefully leaking  something that makes no sense.” Was it a cover story to obscure covert naval operations? Was Duff seeding cognitive dissonance39? Was the story true but its context false?

Electronic Internet articles and published papers are too easy to hack and “edit.” Louis Slesin of Microwave News discovered that the White House Office of Policy Development had removed a key paragraph of a two-year Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study, namely the recommendation that ELF fields be classified as “probable human carcinogens.” Slesin’s exposés are typically shunted to the fringe, as Time magazine finally noted in 1990:

Like the one about the 23 workers at the Bath Iron Works in Bath, Me., who got “sunburns” one rainy day when someone on a Navy frigate flicked on the ship’s radar. Or the trash fires that start spontaneously from time to time near the radio and TV broadcast antennas in downtown Honolulu. Or the pristine suburb of Vernon, N.J., that has both one of the world’s highest concentrations of satellite transmitting stations and a persistent — and unexplained — cluster of Down’s [sic] syndrome cases.40Renaming clandestine projects and corporations that have received too much public attention is a widely employed shell game. For example, the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, a radial velocity spectrograph installed in 2002 at ESO’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla Observatory in Chile, uses the acronym HARPS from which the V for velocity has been deleted. Perhaps to properly confuse HARPS with HAARP, especially for a Google search?

If you have to be this cunning to ferret out a straight answer from news sources, imagine what is going on at the scientific research level where scientists “not formally tied to” defense patrons are rewarded with glorious careers, and scientists of conscience are either marginalized or silenced for good. For example, a decade ago, the international weekly New Scientist complained that the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Pentagon’s Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWP) refused to release dozens of reports on non-lethal weapons. Were chemtrails at issue?

The Academy is justifying its unprecedented reticence by citing security concerns after 11 September. But campaigners think the real reason is that the research violates both U.S. law and international treaties on chemical and biological weapons . . . In 2000, New Scientist revealed that senior officials in the JNLWP want to rewrite the chemical and biological weapons treaties to give themselves more freedom to develop non-lethal weapons. The reports make it clear that research that violates the treaties has been underway since the 1990s.41 Finally, a word about the overused “C” slur. Robert Shetterly’s clever response in “The Necessary Embrace of Conspiracy”:

Con + spirare, from the Latin. To breathe together. Those are the roots of conspiracy. Breathing together doesn’t sound like an activity of the ideologically deracinated whispering seditiously in a dank cellar or a board room, foul breaths denting a weak flame flickering over a candle nub, gunpowder or greed blackened fingers setting a timer, the whites of creased eyes glinting like knives with treason, murder, power, and deceit. Con + spirare sounds like healthy men and women standing in the sun figuring out how in the hell they are going to take care of each other and their aging mother Earth and love life while doing it. Breathing together, sharing the same air, plotting to make sure that what’s mine is yours, conspiring to save their self-respect, their ideals, the future for their children.

I want to be part of a conspiracy. Pervasive, populist, revolutionary, and totally transparent. Grassroots. Idealistic. Simplistic. Life-affirming. Community-building.

A conspiracy to make the common good and the love of nature the common denominator of every economic transaction.

And the simple truth is either we start breathing together, conspiring big time, right out in the open, nakedly, unashamedly, or we will have conspired in secret, by default, in our own demise.

We have let them breathe for us, and they have stolen our breath, our air, our spirit.

Secret con + spirare is death. Open con + spirare is life.

Conspiracy is dead. Long live conspiracy!42


Thus far, we have covered the secrecy and silence that inquiries into truth must now labor under; the danger to insiders and anonymous sources whose conscience demands they speak out, as well as the danger of disinformation undermining researchers’ credibility; and the nation’s overarching burden of an embedded mainstream media that no longer serves the First Amendment.

A good introduction should also offer readers a map by which to navigate the chapters ahead, especially when those chapters seek to throw light on a shadowy technology whose glaring absence from public debate threatens public safety. Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth exposes how chemtrails (persistent contrails / aerosols) and ionospheric heaters like HAARP work together in a pump-and-dump action seeking to “own the weather,”43 maintain a global wireless Smart Grid, and experiment with chemicals and biologicals on unaware populations.

The acronym “HAARP” will not only refer to the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) in Alaska, nor to its several component installations at the High-Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS), the Chatanika Incoherent Scatter Radar Facility, and the Poker Flat Research Range. “HAARP” will also reference the global network of phased array ionospheric heaters and radar installations that together constitute a world interferometric grid. While HAARP’s transmitter power may be only 3.6 MW (millions of watts),44 its effective radiated power (ERP) can actually be multiplied to billions of watts (gigawatts):

[The Gakona facility] has 180 antenna units, organized in 15 columns by 12 rows, yielding a theoretical maximum gain of 31 dB. A total of 3.6 MW of transmitter power will feed it, but the power is focused in the upward direction by the geometry of the large phased array of antennas which allow the antennas to work together in controlling the direction . . . The facility officially began full operations in its final 3.6 MW transmitter power completed status in the summer of 2007, yielding an effective radiated power (ERP) of 5.1 Gigawatts or 97.1 dBW [decibel watts] at maximum output.45 [Emphasis added.]In other words, by locking crossbeams with other ionospheric heaters, HAARP reveals itself to be a weapon of global scale.

The first section of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth is entitled “Ionizing the Atmosphere.”

Chapter 1, “A Thumbnail History,” offers an historical overview of the Tesla weapon now known as HAARP as well as a chronology of chemical and biological warfare experimentation that nonconsensual civilians and enlisted military personnel have been subjected to since the Cold War.

Chapter 2, “Deconstructing Eastlund’s 1987 HAARP Patent,” examines the HAARP patent and how the ionosphere is utilized as a “mirror” so beam weapons can, with enough charged ionospheric energy, employ phase interference that can focus, localize, and pulse vast quantities of extra low frequency (ELF) energy on regions far from their sources.

Chapter 3, “Not Your Average Contrails,” studies the aerosol delivery system known as chemtrails (as distinguished from contrails46) essential to the HAARP network. The nanoparticulates of conductive metals and polymers, sensors, microprocessors, and biological pathogens loaded into the chemtrails serve multiple agendas, the most crucial being to perpetuate a continuously ionized atmosphere.

Chapter 4, “The Poisons Raining Down,” examines what jet fuel is dropping on us, along with a varying cocktail of particulate matter (“chaff”), polymers, mold and fungi, heavy metals, and sulfur, all acting synergistically, all challenging our immune systems.

The next section, “Profit and Force Multipliers,” looks at everything from what Big Oil and HAARP tomography are doing to the Earth, to the biologicals and “cross-domain bacteria” taking up residence in our bodies.

Chapter 5, “Exploiting Earth Changes,” comes to terms with “global warming” and looks closely at what really lies behind Earth events unfolding, from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, subsidence, salt domes, and sink holes, to the earthquakes occurring along the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

Chapter 6, “Climate Engineering, Food, and Weather Derivatives,” pinpoints the profit-and-plunder opportunity that HAARP-chemtrails “geoengineering,” “Earth changes,” and “extreme weather” present for disaster capitalists and corporate control over global food.47Chapter 7, “Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare,” examines weather engineering as a military “force multiplier” and treats the HAARP-chemtrails pump-and-dump as the Tesla weapon it is. Readers are offered a general idea of how this weapon works, followed by accounts of several major earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes that appear to have been engineered as “force multipliers.”

Chapter 8, “Morgellons: The Fibers We Breathe and Eat,” concentrates on the hard research achieved by independent scientist Clifford E. Carnicom that connects the bioengineered fibers falling from chemtrails with the “nanowires” poking out of Morgellons sufferers’ sores. I concentrate on Carnicom’s work over that of other inquiring scientists for two reasons. The first is the sheer scope of his research on a painstaking budget that readers can easily follow at www.carnicominstitute.org. He has been studying the skies over his New Mexico home since the 1990s. The fact that his experiments have not been independently replicated by agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is not his fault as these agencies, to which he has appealed again and again, have refused his requests or ignored them. Take the time to examine his papers and you will see why the National Security State “visitors” on the list at the end of this book continue to check on his work while marginalizing it. The second and lesser reason I concentrate on Carnicom is that he has been readily accessible for discussions and questions, given that we were friends long before I was asked to write this book. Destiny (or whatever you care to call it) has its own methods of getting things done.

By and large, I have pieced together data from open Internet sources and hearsay of acute observers. I hope to stimulate dialogue while expecting more qualified researchers to correct my errors. The few layman books on HAARP and chemtrails (see Bibliography and Footnotes) provided me with an excellent overview but are now dated, given more recent revelations regarding the cutting-edge disciplines of plasma physics, scalar interferometry,48 nanotechnology, genomics, etc. Until then, the Internet remains the last vestige of a free press, despite its flaws and ongoing surveillance.

Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth should be viewed as a learning manual, a work in progress for the sake of maintaining a biological (not to mention human) future, given that chemtrails-HAARP technology—global Tesla weaponry—is not just a scientific issue but a moral issue superseding “national security.” It is with this in mind that I close with a fervent appeal written by Clifford Carnicom in 2004. May his words begin to dispel once and for all the belief in the cover story of greenhouse gases being the sole cause of “global warming”:

It can be demonstrated that the introduction of essentially any metallic or metallic salt aerosol into the lower atmosphere will have the effect of heating up that lower atmosphere. The impact is both significant and measurable. Those that seek and express concern on the so-called global warming problem might wish to begin their search with an inquiry into the thermodynamics of artificially introduced metallic aerosols into the lower atmosphere . . . An examination of the specific heat characteristics of an altered atmosphere will provide the path for the realistic conclusions that can be made.

Any claim that the aerosol operations represent a mitigating influence on the global warming problem appears to be a complete façade that is in direct contradiction to the fundamental principles of physics and thermodynamics. The lack of candor and honesty by government, media and environmental protection agencies in response to public inquiry is further evidence of the fictitious fronts that have been proposed. It is past time to recognize that one of the primary effects of the dense aerosols that now permanently mar the lifeblood of this planet is the heating up of the very atmosphere we breathe.49 With this clarion call resonating throughout our electrical bodies and brains, we begin our study of chemtrails and HAARP and their role in what the military hopes will constitute a full spectrum dominance of Planet Earth and its living beings.

1 Alex Kirby, “Earth ‘entering uncharted waters’,” BBC News, 20 January 2004. Authors of the article in Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet Under Pressure (Springer, 2005) were Paul Crutzen, Ph.D., 1995 Nobel prize for chemistry; Bert Bolin, Ph.D., founding chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Margot Wallstrom, European Environment Commissioner; Dr. Will Steffen, director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme.2 Stephen Leahy, “Experts Fear Collapse of Global Civilization.” Inter Press Service, January 11, 2013.

3 Quoted from the 113-page NASA Langley Research Center PowerPoint document The Future Is Now! Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025], written by Bill Stryker of DIA/Futures, July 2001.

4 Ibid.

5 Lisa Lerer, “Obama Tells Keystone Foes He Will Unveil Climate Measures.” Bloomberg, June 14, 2013.6 The Future Is Now! “Some Interesting ‘Then Year’ BW [biological warfare] Possibilities,” 2001.

7 Andy Greenberg, This Machine Kills Secrets: How WikiLeakers, Cypherpunks, and Hacktivists Aim to Free the World’s Information. Dutton, 2012.

8 Susanne Posel, “How Gov Uses Geoengineering Experiments Without Telling You.” Occupy Corporatism, June 17, 2013.

9 Fortunately, this attempt failed and San Onofre is being shut down, which Edison expects customers to pay for: Marc Lifsher, “Edison tells customers they should pay for San Onofre shutdown.” Los Angeles Times, August 12, 2013.

10 “NYPD Releases Harmless Gases in Subway for Chemical Weapon Test.” NBCNewYork, July 9, 2013.

11 Patrick Minnis, J. Kirk Ayers, Steven P. Weaver, “Surface-Based Observations of Contrail Occurrence Frequency Over the U.S., April 1993-April 1994,” NASA RP-1404, December 1997.

12 Thanks to Harold Saive for retrieving the manual from government microfiche: chemtrailsplanet. files.wordpress.com/2013/03/chemtrails-chemistry-manual-usaf-academy-1999.pdf

13 Thomas was carefully watched as early as July 9, 1999, the day he was to present “Chemtrails Over America: What’s Wrong With Our Skies?” at the James A. Little Theater in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and two parallel trails simultaneously appeared overhead from east to west. Three weeks before his presentation, the New Mexican had run its first attack on chemtrail “conspiracy theorists.”

14 Misinformation is defined as unintentional wrong information and disinformation as the intentional “spin” of true information with wrong information.

15 Dr. Kevin Barrett, “Now It Can Be Told: The REAL Reason Obama Was Nearly Devoured by Carnivorous Plesiosaurs on Mars.” Veterans Today, October 1, 2012.16 Many scientists have fallen prey to untimely deaths; see “Dead Scientists 2004–2013,” www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=146.

17 William Thomas, “Air Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails.” Rense.com, March 4, 2002.

18 Clifford E. Carnicom, “A Meeting,” July 26, 2003, www.carnicominstitute.com

19 Chris Haderer and Peter Hiess quote “Deep Shield” in their 2005 book Geoengineering, Chemtrails, and Climate as Weapon. (See Chapter 3.)

20 National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1992.

21 1977 George Lucas film. Note “Disney buying Lucasfilm, will release new ‘Star Wars’ film in 2015,” NBCNews, December 2012.22 www.holmestead.ca/chemtrails/shieldproject.html

23 Dr. Neil Cherry, “Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic: The implications for the epidemiology of cancer and cardiac, neurological and reproductive effects,” June 2000.

24 www.campanellipc.com/attorneys.htm

25 See anticelltowerlawyers.com, if it hasn’t been hacked.

26 sustainablepulse.com/2013/07/13/the-sinister-monsanto-group-agent-orange-to-genetically-modified-corn/#.Uj92AeB9mrI

27 Jonathan Benson, “Groundbreaking investigation reveals Monsanto teaming up with US military to target GMO activists.” Natural News, July 29, 2013.

28 “Monsanto Buys Weather Climate Corporation For 1 Billion,” www.minds.com

29 “Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death.” European Union Times, January 4, 2011. As usual, readers will have to make their own decisions regarding the veracity of this foreign source. Also, see Sarah Hoy, “Central Arkansas growing weary of relentless tremors.” CNN, December 28, 2010: 500 measurable earthquakes in central Arkansas between September and December 2010. What all was going on in Arkansas?30 The Pilot.

31 Slang for hydraulic fracturing of rock to get more gas and oil to flow out.

32 Xerxes A. Wilson, Daily Comet, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, October 4, 2012; also see Deborah Dupre, “Sinkhole state-ordered fracking-type process might be causing quakes.” Examiner.com, October 27, 2012.

33 Martin Robbins, “Scientists say. . .” The Guardian, 6 March 2012.

34 John Emmert, Naval Research Lab, “Collapse in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Stumps Researchers.” Tech Talk, CBS News, July 16, 2010.35 “Birds fall from sky in Seymour.” The Mountain Press, December 31, 2012.

36 “Meteor reports ground Colo. firefighting planes,” FOX News, June 21, 2012.

37 “Meteor’ sightings across Scotland prompt 999 calls.” BBC News, 22 September 2012.

38 Gordon Duff, “UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco: Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat.” Veterans Today, September 17, 2012.

39 Cognitive dissonance: the feeling of discomfort that follows from simultaneously holding two or more conflicting ideas.

40 Philip Elmer-Dewitt, “Technology: Hidden Hazards of the Airwaves.” Time, July 30, 1990.

41 Debora MacKenzie, “US non-lethal weapon reports suppressed.” New Scientist, 09 May 2002. New Scientist seems to take chances: In January 2009, its cover article “Darwin was wrong” detailed how Darwin’s evolution theory was skewed, one example being the shape of phylogenetic trees of interrelated species. Some evolutionary biologists boycotted the magazine.42 Robert Shetterly, “The Necessary Embrace of Conspiracy.” Common Dreams, August 31, 2007.

43 See Appendix D, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,” Air Force 2025, August 1996.

44 www.darpa.mil/ucar/programs/haarp.htm, March 9, 2006.

45 Wikipedia, “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.”

46 According to U.S. Patent #8,402,736 B2, “Method and apparatus for suppressing aeroengine contrails” (2010), chemtrails and contrails may soon be invisible.

47 See G. Edward Griffin, Michael J. Murphy, Peter Wittenberger, What in the World Are They Spraying? Truth Media Productions, 2010; and Michael J. Murphy and Barry Kolsky, Why in the World Are They Spraying? Truth Media Productions, 2012. All appendices can be found at feralhouse.com/chemtrails-appendices/48 See Glossary for “Interferometry” and “Scalar”; also, see Appendix K “Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics” by Bill Morgan (2001).

49 Clifford E. Carnicom, “Global Warming & Aerosols,” January 23, 2004.

Chemtrails, HAARP, and the “Full Spectrum Dominance” of Planet Earth © 2014 by Elana Freeland

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