
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

GMO Frankenfoods


From a genomics standpoint, germline / genome modification was banned in 83 percent of the 30 nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) until the UK broke ranks in 2013 by allowing three-parent babies. That’s when Pandora’s box tumbled open. Synthetic biology (synbio) is the overarching science that engineers cells (“material production”) with novel (gain of function¹⁰⁷) biological functions. GMO foods were the very first inkling I had of the genetic revolution already underway. The corporations making millions from genetically altered seed alter food genetics so as to acquire lucrative proprietary patents over food. By buying and eating that “food,” you are furthering their power. The same Big Pharma names come up again and again, stretching back centuries: Novartis, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Bayer. Big Pharma corporate families are now gobbling up biotech and genomics corporations so as to control the future of GM seed, germplasm, pesticide with Bacillus thuringiensis genes, corn (maize), soybeans, wheat, rice, tobacco, cotton, etc.—in other words, humanity’s food staples.

Up until the 1990s, the nine-member CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) review panel was relatively balanced between the global North (supply-side science / the head) and global South (end-users growing food / the heart). As biotechnology took over more and more, however, the Northern private sector became dominant. Monsanto spent the late 1990s devouring seed, chemical, and biotech corporations (and buying off politicians). Its apomictic maize (US Patent #5,710,367) creates reproducible plant clones that speed up sterile hybrid seed production.¹⁰⁸

The United States was the first nation to release genetically modified / engineered (GM, GMO, GE) crops and remains the top producer. The U.S. is not a Party to the UN Convention on Biodiversity. Only 26 nations currently allow GM foods to be commercially available or grown by precision farming (site-specific management) under agrochemical corporations whose access to supercomputers, satellites, nanosensors (smart dust), geospatial intelligence, etc., is dedicated to the ceaseless ambient intelligence¹⁰⁹ of smart fields growing GMO foods for Smart Cities filled with BCI cyborgs plugged into the Space Fence lockdown.

Terminator Technology—the RAFI (Rural Advancement Foundation International) term for US Patent #5,723,765, “Control of Plant Gene Expression,” controlled by Monsanto—sterilizes farm-saved seed by blocking its reproductive process. The European version is Zeneca’s Verminator,¹¹⁰ a chemically activated seed killer that switches on rodent fat genes bioengineered into crop seed. Plant variety protection is also built into the seed so that crops can be engineered to kill their own seeds in the second generation, thus making it impossible for farmers to save and replant seed.

Monsanto controls the world transgenic cotton market:

. . . the goal is to develop a variety of cotton that will grow normally until the crop is almost mature. Then, and only then, a toxin will be produced in the (seed) embryos, specifically killing the entire next generation of seeds . . . The key to terminator is the ability to make a lot of a toxin that will kill cells, and to confine that toxin to seeds.¹¹¹

The 1998 Terminator chemical programming bioengineered into the cotton plant DNA is fourfold: (1) a toxin gene controlled by the promoter DNA (responsible for interacting with the cell or environment); (2) a repressor protein coding sequence with a promoter; (3) insertion of a piece of DNA between the promoter and the toxin coding sequence that blocks the manufacture of protein; (4) a recombinase enzyme coding sequence controlled by a promoter but regulated by the repressor protein while the plant grows until it is overridden by the antibiotic tetracycline the seed was treated with before being sold to farmers. (The patent holders, of course, have recourse to an altered version that keeps the promoter active and revives the recombinase just before planting the seed they grow to sell to farmers.)

Transfer methods of getting genes into cells via “gene therapy” have been similar for humans, animals, and plants: injection into the cell nucleus with a tiny needle (microneedle transfection); plant cells soaked in DNA “stews,” then electrically forced into the cell (electroporation); DNA attached to tiny metal particles (nanoparticles) and shot into cells (electroporation); viruses or bacteria engineered to infect cells with DNA.

Once the Terminator seed becomes a mature plant, the Terminator pollen carries the ready-made toxin gene to infect nearby or distant crops wherever the wind or birds carry it. In 1998, the toxin gene ended with a dead plant; today, it is inherited. In 2013, six out of six major rivers in China tested positive for ampicillin antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The bla gene was sequenced: it was synthetic, and samples from all six rivers were also resistant to tetracycline.¹¹²

It is not hyperbole to say that Monsanto and its Terminator patent have been “the neutron bomb of agriculture.”¹¹³

With molecular pharming, Monsanto synbio turned to genetically modified crops for pharmaceuticals.¹¹⁴ Ventria Bioscience (CA) began planting rice engineered to produce the synthetic proteins lactoferrin and lysozyme.

Lactoferrin regulates immune functions and controls pathogens by binding iron required for bacterial growth; implicated in fatal asthma

Lysozyme is normally produced in human milk, saliva, and tears; it breaks down the cell walls of bacteria and may contribute to emphysema

The USDA, another department of Big Pharma,¹¹⁵ approved Ventria’s pharm rice test site right in the middle of Missouri’s chief rice-growing region so other fields could be contaminated by cross-pollination and seed spills during transport.

From the beginning, the intention of Big Pharma has been that transgenic proteins enter the human food supply.

. . . by far, the greater danger is that the transgenic proteins are only approximations of the natural protein both in DNA sequence, Amino-acid sequence and patterns of glycosylation (carbohydrate chains added to the proteins), all of which may make transgenic proteins allergenic, or the transgenic proteins may trigger diseases connected with the inability of human cells to break them down properly.

As these proteins [lactoferrin and lysozyme] both target bacteria, there is a large question mark over the safety of these proteins to beneficial bacteria in our gut . . . [and] horizontal transfer of the transgenes to viral and bacterial pathogens that are everywhere in our environment.¹¹⁶

GM fruits, vegetables, and grains (potato, tomato, lettuce, papaya, carrot, rice, quinoa, alfalfa, banana, algae, etc.) are now being genetically modified to produce edible vaccinations.¹¹⁷ Compounds like resveratrol and genistein¹¹⁸ are programmed to generate an immune response in the intestinal epithelium, no doubt contributing to the epidemic of gut biome problems in children—inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, etc.—on the rise since 1990.

The French molecular biologist Gilles-Éric Séralini conducted a two-year study of rats fed on Monsanto GM corn, all of the rats developed dramatic tumors and organ damage, including atrophied kidneys. Séralini’s paper was published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology in September 2012, then retracted due to pressure from Monsanto, then republished (minus crucial data) in the Environmental Sciences Europe journal.

More than a decade ago, cellulose fibers found in the skin of Morgellons sufferers pointed to a possible connection between Morgellons and GMO fields—in other words, the possibility that eating food grown from genetically modified seed in soil treated with chemical aerosols and pesticides and fertilizers can end in Morgellons lesions with protruding fibers produced by the pathogenic soil bacterium Agrobacterium, which is used extensively in agricultural genetic engineering because of its “natural ability to transfer parts of its genetic material to plant cells.”¹¹⁹

Agribusiness is deeply involved in synbio experimentation. Besides the impact of Agrobacterium transferring its genetics to plant cells that are then consumed by humans and animals—animals that many humans then eat—there is the impact of “microencapsulated insecticidal pathogens” (US Patent #4844896A) loaded with “a virus, bacterium, or fungi known to infect insects; a polymeric encapsulating agent comprising polyacrylates, polyacrylic acids, polyacrylamides or mixtures thereof; a sunscreening agent comprising methyl orange, malachite green or its hydrochloride, methyl green, brilliant green, an FDC green, coomasie brilliant blue R, methylene blue HCI salt, brilliant cresyl blue, acridine yellow, and FDC yellow, an FDC red, fluorescein free acid or mixtures thereof,” etc. Then there are the pesticides based on baculoviruses that attack insect and anthropod hosts, given that recombinant baculoviruses are used to transfer genetic material into human cells (Cell Biology, 1995).

When humans consume all of these genetic modifications in plants and animals, what happens to their human cells?

The FDA has no list of genetically modified foods for consumers, purportedly because labeling is “voluntary,” the philosophy being that if a biotech corporation signs off on the safety of GM food, that’s good enough for the FDA.¹²⁰

Herbicide tolerance is engineered into GM seed, but insects evolve their way around the genetic modifications and around Monsanto’s mitochondrial and cellular toxin Roundup Ready that contains the infamous carcinogenic glyphosate and Syngenta’s hormone-disrupting, estrogen-mimicking Atrazine. For example, the cotton bollworm has become immune to the deterrent toxins derived from the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacterium.121 To get around evolving insects, Monsanto is genetically modifying other insects to hunt down the evolving offenders. The unleashing of this supposedly “greener” alternative to chemicals alters the genetic structure of entire insect populations, but Monsanto cares as little as do its friends in the military who are weaponing other insect species.122 ‘Round and ‘round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows . . .

In 2002, Zambia realized what was really going on with AGRA, the World Food Programme, USAID, and the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and rejected the GM corn “gifted” to solve their hunger and poverty. The GM corn “gift” had been to create dependence upon more and more chemicals as the biological effects were tracked and measured. Now that Africa’s natural food production has been on the rise, Bill Gates is again on the move, purchasing Ginkgo Bioworks, a biotech “organism company” that prints DNA for GM crops for $1bn. Ginkgo reprograms the DNA in plants and other organisms like synthetic microbes “that would allow staple crops like corn, wheat and rice to produce their own fertilizer.”123 (Sounds like mRNA programming cells to produce their own spike proteins, doesn’t it?)

Meanwhile, Boko Haram fighters burn fields and drive farmers and their families to displaced persons camps. Debt and dependency are essential to Big Pharma domination.

GMO meat

The synbio pharming of animals by corporations like ConAgra, Cargill, and Tyson has changed what people consume in the name of nutrition. Big Agribusiness drugs animals, feeds them GMO grains and body parts, and irradiates them.¹²⁴ Or perhaps you’d prefer “cultured meat”:

Cells are taken from an animal, often via a biopsy or from an established animal cell line. These cells are then fed a nutrient broth and placed in a bioreactor where they multiply until there are enough to harvest for use in meatballs or nuggets.¹²⁵

Of course, it’s hard to tell if the animal the cells are from is a natural animal from a natural reproductive process (probably not) or a cloned Dolly-the-sheep animal. If it’s all just too much to investigate, people might resign themselves to the GM Impossible Burger made from GM soy leghemoglobain protein from yeast bacteria and GM imitation blood (to make the Impossible Burger “sizzle like blood”).¹²⁶

Speaking of blood, where is the GM line regarding remaining human? Apaches are cautious of eating pigs and fish because both eat reptiles. Does it matter what, or who, one eats, or is it just “superstition”? Corporations like BiteLabs “want to make human test-tube meat a reality”: a biopsy (human) tissue sample containing myosatellite cells (which help to repair and regrow damaged muscle) is floated in “a medium that acts as an artificial blood to grow muscle” to multiply the cells. Once the cells are mature, they’re ground and mixed with meats like ostrich, spices, brandy and shallots, fats and oils, then stuffed into casings to be dry-aged and cured.¹²⁷ Celebrities donate their tissues (from which parts of their bodies?) and star-status names—for example, Ellen DeGeneres (blood) salami.

Have these stars and BiteLabs executives attended Marina Abramovic’s Spirit Cooking ventures? Remember the 1973 preprogramming film Soylent Green? Washington State is the first state to compost dead human bodies as crop fertilizer. Bill 5001¹²⁸ legalizes “liquid cremation” wherein alkaline hydrolysis turns the human body into “organic” sludge (“gray goo”?). How will human body fertilizer qualitatively affect the food grown in fields and gardens?

Is the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research—which regulates vaccines, blood and blood products, human tissue and tissue products for transplantation, cell therapy, and gene therapy—engaged in public-private partnerships with corporations like BiteLabs, “natural organic reduction facilities,” and funeral homes like Recompose? Actual human remains composting is called terramation.¹²⁹ Eighteen states already permit alkaline hydrolysis (“aquamation”),¹³⁰ Washington State being the first to allow human composting. Water involved in the aquamation process is then either processed like other wastewater (to municipal water treatment facilities) or given to farmers to use in agriculture.

With hydrolysis (lye and water dissolving protein and fat) instead of fire, what will occur when the chemotherapy and radiation from cancer treatments, “enhancements,” and other non-dissolvables end up in the soil, water, and air?

GM marketing

They draw on a number of disciplines in their work: biology, psychology, physiology, and organic chemistry. A flavorist is a chemist with a trained nose and a poetic sensibility. Flavors are created by blending scores of different chemicals in tiny amounts—a process governed by scientific principles but demanding a fair amount of art. In an age when delicate aromas and microwave ovens do not easily co-exist, the job of the flavorist is to conjure illusions about processed food and, in the words of one flavor company’s literature, to ensure “consumer likeability.” The flavorists with whom I spoke were discrete, in keeping with the dictates of their trade. They were also charming, cosmopolitan, and ironic. They not only enjoyed fine wine but could identify the chemicals that give each grape its unique aroma. One flavorist compared his work to composing music.

– William Langewiesche, “The Million Dollar Nose,”

The Atlantic, December 2000

The supermarket is a carefully concocted artificial environment dedicated to making genetically altered, nutritionless, precision-farmed GMO products fool the public into thinking it is food. GMO marketing spends millions on PhDs who peer into the shopper’s subconscious, even employing functional magnetic resonance imaging machines (fMRIs) to register brain blood flow as different name brand images flash in front of now-third generation modern supermarket shoppers. America takes profits exceedingly seriously.

Each supermarket issues plan-a-grams according to retailer slotting fees for where their goods get placed. Slotting is sometimes a real fight, which is partially why security cameras watch for smiles and grimaces as much as for shoplifting (now passé, thanks to item nanosensors), the moment of truth being first in the choice, then in the purchase.

Cashier stations are embedded in decompression zones where digital video screens are filled with ads linked to facial recognition software. Greeters and chill zones wend the consumer toward the “fresh” GMO fruits and vegetables. Everyday items like bread, meat, milk, and pharmacy drugs are placed so shoppers increase their “dwell time” among labels, price stickers, specials, and images, all measured by tracking their iPhones as they follow the smell of baking bread (or citrus in clothing stores, or coconut at travel agencies).

Having supplied the chemicals for aerosol deliveries and GMO farms, Big Pharma arms GMO foods with industrial flavors and smells to make them appetizing or, in some cases, addictive. In the list of ingredients, “natural flavor” and “artificial flavor” are synonyms. Take the natural flavor out of mass food—long shelf-life food—and put it back in with chemicals and nanoparticles, along with chemically brightened colors to make it look like it has vitality. (The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t require that color, flavor additives, or nanoparticles be listed.) Not only have we lost our taste buds and sense of smell and instinct for Nature, but whole generations have psychologically bonded with ads and flavor and smell memories whipped up by “flavorists” (chemists / food technologists) who use mechanical mouths to measure “mouthfeel” via rheological¹³¹ properties—the “bounce, creep, breaking point, density, crunchiness, chewiness, gumminess, lumpiness, rubberiness, springiness, slipperiness, smoothness, softness, wetness, juiciness, spreadability, springback, and tackiness”¹³² of every refined, packaged GMO food.

Methyl anthranilate smells like grapes.

Ethyl-2-methyl smells like apples.

Methyl-2-pyridyl tastes like popcorn.

Ethyl-3-hydroxy tastes like marshmallow.

Amyl acetate tastes like banana.

Benzaldehyde smells like almond.

Gas chromatographs,¹³³ mass spectrometers,¹³⁴ and vapor analyzers detect volatile gases and help find flavors to be synthesized for over 10,000 new processed “foods” per year.

A typical artificial strawberry flavor, like the kind found in a Burger King strawberry milk shake, contains the following ingredients: amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, amyl valerate, anethol, anisyl formate, benzyl acetate, benzyl isobutyrate, butyric acid, cinnamyl isobutyrate, cinnamyl valerate, cognac essential oil, diacetyl, dipropyl ketone, ethyl acetate, ethyl amyl ketone, ethyl butyrate, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl heptylate, ethyl lactate, ethyl methylphenylglycidate, ethyl nitrate, ethyl propionate, ethyl valerate, heliotropin, hydroxyphenyl-2-butanone (10 percent solution in alcohol), a-ionone, isobutyl anthranilate, isobutyl butyrate, lemon essential oil, maltol, 4-methylacetophenone, methyl anthranilate, methyl benzoate, methyl cinnamate, methyl heptane carbonate, methyl naphthyl ketone, methyl salicylate, mint essential oil, neroli essential oil, nerolin, neryl isobutyrate, orris butter, phenethyl alcohol, rose, rum ether, g-undecalactone, vanillin and solvent.¹³⁵

Natural flavors and artificial flavors may now and then share the same chemical signature, but step out of your materialistic mindset for a moment and consider the qualitative difference between Nature and manmade to the living body is night and day. The next time you are tempted to eat a brightly colored Dannon strawberry yogurt, you may remember having read something about the origin of that unnaturally bright pink:

Cochineal extract (also known as carmine or carminic acid) is made from the desiccated bodies of female Dactylopius coccus Costa, a small insect harvested mainly in Peru and the Canary Islands. The bug feeds on red cactus berries, and color from the berries accumulates in the females and their unhatched larvae. The insects are collected, dried, and ground into a pigment. It takes about 70,000 of them to produce a pound of carmine, which is used to make processed foods look pink, red, or purple . . .¹³⁶



Aerosol pesticide spraying, virus “food additive” spraying, and glyphosate spraying work hand in glove with what is being delivered by jets in the stratosphere. For years, Monsanto has had access to insider trading data from those who engineer the weather, which could explain why Monsanto purchased Climate Corporation, the underwriter of farmers’ weather insurance, for $930 million in 2013.¹³⁷ Monsanto receives weather measurements from 2.5 million locations (including satellite), 150 billion soil observations, and forecasts from major climate modules to generate 10 trillion weather simulation data points.¹³⁸

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, points out that glyphosate is even in jet fuel, due to the “green” decree to convert waste biomass into oil-based biodiesel fuels made up of post-harvest stalks of corn and wheat “woody biomass.” Dr. Seneff then ties glyphosate to COVID-19 by how it damages the lungs with airway inflammation, asthma-related cytokines, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). We are breathing in not just vehicle biodiesel fuels but the chemical nanoparticles in jet biofuels falling earthward and carried by wind and rain. Biofuel is used to heat buildings (35 million gallons in New York City in 2018), and of course there are the runoffs from fields into water catchments, gutters, rivers, etc.

The pineal gland housed deep in the brain (“the seat of the soul,” according to philosopher Rene Descartes) may be the ultimate target of a purposely concocted synergy that chemically and electromagnetically assaults the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink, cook with, and bathe in. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, has come to this conclusion by studying the combined impact of Big Pharma aluminum, fluoride, and glyphosate, whose frequencies appear to be electromagnetically pulsed to act together on the human body and brain. Glyphosate depletes micronutrients of calcium, zinc, magnesium, etc., and kills the good bacteria in our gut (our “second brain”). By mimicking the amino acid glycine, glyphosate misfolds the proteins that then become prions.¹³⁹ (See Chapter 14, “The COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Event.”)

Another detail pointing to a devilish intent is the 2009 aluminum-resistant patent US #7,582,809 designed at Cornell University to assure that GMO seed would be able to thrive in nano-aluminum-poisoned soil. The patent process was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, both of which must have been aware of the massive dumps of aluminum nanoparticles coming down from the stratosphere.¹⁴⁰

Dr. Klinghardt stresses that every American is full of nanosized aluminum, mercury, lead, and organophosphates¹⁴¹ like Roundup, which chelates (binds) trace minerals in food to aluminum, thus preventing nutrients from being absorbed. Roundup in the body binds with aluminum and transports it deep into the brain.

That nano-aluminum is inundating us has been stressed by a few courageous scientists willing to brave the scientism-controlled peer review / publishing gauntlet, like interdisciplinary scientist J. Marvin Herndon, PhD. In his 2016 paper “Human and Environmental Dangers Posed by Ongoing Global Tropospheric Aerosolized Particulates for Weather Modification,” Dr. Herndon stresses that the ability of coal fly ash—the aerosol particulate favored by geoengineers and the military as “chaff”—to “release aluminum in a chemically mobile form upon exposure to water or body moisture has potentially grave human and environmental consequences.” Toxic, soluble nano-aluminum falls earthward, is breathed in, and contaminates the soil along with coal fly ash

. . . able to liberate a host of toxins through exposure to body moisture, including aluminum, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium, chromium, lead, lithium, selenium, strontium, thallium, and thorium and uranium with their radioactive daughter products, and other toxins.¹⁴²

Thousands of lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto—now owned by the parent corporation Bayer, first offspring of the notorious Big Pharma Nazi collaborator I.G. Farben—claiming that glyphosate causes cancer (NHL or non-Hodgkin lymphoma).¹⁴³ Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has set a 2024 deadline to stop using glyphosate and phase out GM corn cultivation and GM imports so as to protect Mexico’s native corn as well as citizen health. Of course, Mexico has been accused of being in violation of NAFTA guidelines (now called the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement or USMCA).¹⁴⁴ The average Mexican consumes one pound of corn per day. The previous president, Enrique Peña Nieto, let Big Pharma grow its GMO corn all over northern Mexico. Will the populist president hold his ground, as Thailand in 2019 did not? Will the CIA force a regime change?

Geoengineered Transhumanism

How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism &

Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology

Elana Freeland

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