To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Friday, February 23, 2024

Cancer industry

 Cancer is a disease caused by great irritation or assault, usually to the bloodstream, and caused usually by medicinal drugs. Radiation from CT Scans, X-Rays, Mammograms are also high on the list of causes. Pre-cancerous conditions, such as cysts, moles, tumors and other abnormalities can become malignant from irritation, biopsy and sometimes by surgical removal. These procedures are often called routine medical procedures, and often, they are the beginning of the end for the patient.

The cure for most cancer is simply to eliminate the cause and create an alkaline environment within the body where out of control cancer cells cannot survive. Anything that depresses the immune system, such as over indulgence in acidic foods, obesity, or invasive or harmful products or procedures can be cancer causing. The ability of the immune system to cure the disease is sometimes so powerful that the cancer is defeated not because of drug or medical intervention, but in spite of it. The medical authorities insist that the cure comes as a packaged product or medical procedure, and for that reason they have gone 100 years without finding a cure. The fact is that cancer can never be cured by drugs. It is caused by drugs. The main cure for this disease is removal of the cause combined with the natural healing ability of the human body while being enhanced by an alkaline diet.

The first cancer breakthrough came 100 years ago when Dr. Henry Lindlahr found that biopsy of a tumor would cause that tumor to become cancerous. Not only were his findings displeasing to the medical authorities, the findings were rejected and the doctor became an outcast. Today, in complete disregard to these findings, the medical authorities continue the practice of tumor biopsy. The industry is not only causing most of the cancer in our society with medicinal drugs, radiation and surgery; but is causing even more devastation with its testing and other treatments.

When the doctor says, “there is no cure…” such as in “there is no cure for pancreatic cancer”, this is simply another one of those tricks at which these people excel. The fact is they cannot cure anything. Not so long as their business is not in curing, but rather in the sales and promotion of drugs and other medical products and procedures. Yet, the fact remains that there is a cure. Patients with the most serious cancers are often given five years to live by the doctors, which is usually an accurate estimate, since the patient is about to be poisoned with drugs. I myself have discovered that the cure for the worst cases of cancer may take about the same length of time.The cure is simply to remove the cause, which can be the overuse of acidic foods, acidic products, chemicals, toxins, but more than often, it is medicinal drugs. The patient then embarks on a holistic lifestyle that includes a mainly alkaline diet creating an environment within his or her body where tumors cannot thrive and are sent into remission. Except in final stages of a disease, the patient can recover completely in about five years. It is a long slow process; but recovery in five years is preferable to death in five years, except to those who are in the business of promoting medicine. Death, when it occurs in a cancer patient, will be recorded as due to cancer, but drugs cause the weakening of the immune system that allowed the disease to flourish.When the doctor says that cancer is curable if caught early, that is true. The immune system is more successful in dealing with cancer in its early stages than in its advanced stages. The fact is, that the doctor has nothing to do with the cure. He is usually the cause of the cancer’s advancement. The first symptom of the disease is often a tumor, which the body can deal with successfully when allowed and encouraged to do so without interference from drugs, surgery or biopsy. The first step in the treatment of cancer should be the removal of the cause. In our western industrialized culture, there are many causes, but it is usually medicinal drugs. For the doctor to stand by while a tumor goes into remission might be sufficient for the physician to receive credit for the cure; but what often happens is that a benign tumor is biopsied. This causes the tumor to turn cancerous. Then the patient is given chemotherapy that can damage the immune system, often to such a degree that cancer becomes a disease of the entire bloodstream.

The doctor is never responsible for the cure of cancer unless he or she allows the immune system to do its pre-ordained work. This of course, is not allowed in the practice of medicine. The practice of medicine includes the promotion of medicine. There must be a “treatment”. A treatment that promotes medical procedures and medicinal drugs. A treatment that usually restrains the immune system so that the disease becomes more difficult, if not impossible, to defeat.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) sits proudly in its plush offices. Its chief officer receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary. Thanks to a brainwashed public, there is no end to the funding the society receives.

Millions and millions of dollars pour into their coffers. The Jimmy Fund is a great tool of the cancer people. “If you love the children you will donate generously”, and the American people being generous, donate billions to the cancer societies. Most of the money goes for salaries and operating expenses. The American Cancer Society may not do too well at finding a cure for cancer; but they are very generous with their payment to their officers and directors. All said and done, an amount equal to not much more than 10% of their gross is used for research. Research to find a cure that has eluded them for 100 years is the least of their problems. Their main interest is funding. There is no limit to the amount of funding they will accept in their search for a “cure”. Their main sales pitch is, “The cure is on the horizon.” And the cure will always be on the horizon for the American Cancer Society, unless the American people wake up and look at the monster that hovers over them.

The American Cancer Society has close connections to the mammography industry. Five radiologists have served as ACS presidents, and the ACS promotes the interests of the major manufacturers of mammogram machines and films, including Siemens, DuPont, General Electric, Eastman Kodak, and Piker. The mammography industry also conducts research for the ACS and its grantees, serves on advisory boards, and donates considerable funds. DuPont is a substantial backer of the ACS Breast Health Awareness Program. It sponsors television shows and other media productions touting mammography. It produces advertising, promotional, and information literature for hospitals, clinics, medical organizations, and doctors. It produces educational films; and, of course, it lobbies Congress for legislation promoting the availability of mammography services. Since mammography screening is a profit-driven technology, the ACS has been and remains strongly linked with the mammography industry.

The “irony” of mammograms is that breast tissue is bombarded with a type of radiation that, with sufficient exposure, will cause cancer. Women over forty are urged to get at least two mammograms a year (two exposures of radiation a year). With sufficient exposure, cancer finally appears and the doctors proudly boast to have “caught it in the early stages.” If there had been no mammograms performed, then likely breast cancer would not have occurred. Instead the hapless victims are relieved it was discovered “in the early stages” and happily accept chemo over mutilation as their only early choice for survival. They never associate those semi-annual radiation treatments with the generation of their breast cancers.

The search for a cancer cure has proven to be one of the most lucrative markets in our society. It must be said that the American Cancer Society has not cornered the cancer cure market. Dana-Farber Institute is right there in the running. They are not slouches, with David Nathan, President Emeritus, taking home a cool million in salary. The Cancer Research Institute lags slightly behind with Executive Director Jill O’Donnell-Torme with a mere $335,000.

There are others who have cut themselves in for a piece of the action. Some lesser known names as Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation with executive director Scott Santarella with only $200,000.

Breast cancer has become big business simply because they haven’t found the cause or the cure. Like other medical research societies, not finding the cause or cure keeps these lucrative ventures alive and well. Finding the cause and cure of a disease or disorder, even though that has never happened, would be the end of that particular program.

Radiation from routine mammography poses significant risks of initiating and promoting benign tumors in the patient receiving the X-rays. They are creating their own diseases. Once the patient develops 2 or 3 benign tumors, the doctor may then biopsy of one of the tumors, causing that particular tumor to become malignant. This may then be followed by chemotherapy, which suppresses the immune system and which leads to cancer of the entire bloodstream. This is often followed by more drugs and often leads to a horrible death. Convention assures us that radiation exposure from mammography is trivial. That is, according to “medical studies and statistics”. It is not true according to anyone who has the ability to see and possesses the ability to believe what he sees. An interesting note, not to my surprise, Myra Biblowit, President of The Breast Cancer Research Foundation receives an annual salary of $500,000!

Patients who do not survive the outrageous cancer treatments being touted by the cancer industry today, are too many to count; and the medical authorities do not want to count. They do not want to know. The medical authorities need only to wait for that one exception who happens to survive the medical “treatments” being perpetrated on cancer patients, that one exception who happened to survive biopsy, surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation and who actually appears to be a survivor of the disease. That particular patient is then paraded before the American public by such outlets as CNN Television. One exceptional example is that of Lance Armstrong. Although he is one in a bazillion, his remarkable story offers blind acceptance in modern medicine and cancer victims everywhere believe they can be “cured” just like him.

The public is made aware of an imaginary miracle of modern medicine and is led to believe that cancer-cure is the rule; but the fact is, cancer-cure is not the rule. The immune system has the ability to deal successfully with the disease; but it has a nearly impossible job when it has to deal with the disease as well as the “treatments” at the same time! The American people are being taken for a ride, not only by the medical industry, but also by the media over which the medical industry exerts great control.

Only children and the very strong, can survive the outrageous, self-serving practices of an industry gone wild. An industry that has learned the value of brainwashing. Only a brainwashed person can believe that 100 years of cancer research without a cure is an excellent record. Only a brainwashed person can believe that 100 years of research without a cure deserves to be rewarded with billions of dollars in funding. A report issued by the American Cancer Society a few years ago found a staggering 150 Americans per hour were diagnosed with cancer. They also claimed that cancer cures are becoming more frequent. That is exactly correct. The reason so many Americans are being diagnosed with cancer is that so many Americans are taking medicine. The reason cures are more frequent is that more people, after being diagnosed with cancer, are turning away from mainstream medicine. More people are turning away from radiation, mammography and especially chemotherapy —the great depressor of the immune system and the great killer!

The ACS recently held a fund balance of over $400 million with about $69 million worth of holdings in real estate, office buildings, and equipment. How this helps them to cure cancer remains a well-hidden secret. How they could spend billions of dollars without finding a cure is mind boggling; but the fact is that a cure was found. It was found and was so unacceptable to the authorities that it was shunned like the plague.

The fact is that cancer is very much preventable and very much curable. There are those in the industry who are aware of this fact but still remain silent. The great breakthrough came in the 1970’s. It was found patients receiving large amounts of immunosuppressive drugs in order to receive organ transplants, developed Kaposi’s Sarcoma, a skin cancer. The doctors halted the drugs while contemplating what caused the cancer and what treatment they might employ. The doctors, after stopping the drug treatment and while pondering their next step, found that the cancerous tumors either diminished in size or disappeared completely. —AIDS, The Mystery and the Solution by Alan Cantwell, Jr. M.D.

This was shocking. The possibility that at least one form of cancer was caused by medicinal drugs would be somewhat upsetting to the drug industry, to say the least. To find that a cure for anything, let alone cancer, could be achieved by the discontinuance of medicine was something that had to be carefully studied. The thought that other forms of cancer or other diseases could be caused by medicine was unacceptable to an industry bent on the promotion and sales of drugs. What happened then is unknown, but a real breakthrough had occurred and was then quietly put to sleep. The possibility that cancer could be caused by medicinal drugs and cured by the withdrawal of those drugs was not to be accepted by medical authorities. That cancer was caused by drugs would be devastating to the pharmaceutical industry. The best thing to do was to completely ignore these findings and that is apparently just what they did. The authorities decided to treat these findings as if they had never taken place. They did exactly that and to date they never looked back. Today, drugs are used in the treatment of cancer and Americans are dying by the thousands.Billions of dollars pour into medical research foundations, most of which goes into everything but research. All of it is an unnecessary waste. Even the funds that actually do go into research are a complete waste of the public’s money. The medical paraphernalia, the drugs, the buildings, the offices, the entire panorama, strictly show business! A gigantic scam! The fact is that cancer is curable by the immune system, a 60 trillion cellular universe all by itself. It is estimated that the averaged sized adult is composed of 60 trillion cells working in concert for its own good. A universe of 60 trillion cells that have the ability to prevent or cure any disease under the sun. 60 trillion cells, the understanding of which the medical experts haven’t even come close to scratching the surface. For anyone and for any reason, to insert a droplet of poison into this star-sent universe, to tamper with it in any way so as to “improve on its workings” is nothing less than a crime against the patient and a crime against nature. When done by force or by government mandate or for the purpose of financial gain, it becomes a crime against humanity.

The Great White Hoax

The Suppressed Truth About the Pharmaceutical Industry

(2nd Edition, Revised)

Robert E. Catalano

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