To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Spiritual reptilians?

 Man, it would appear, is an easy enough creature to control, if one knows the right buttons to push and switches to flip on the opportune occasions. If we are to believe some authorities, the exercise of such control has been refined to the precision and exactitude of a science. Those who are in the business of what is called “public relations”—advertisements, political campaigns, propaganda efforts, and suchlike—zero in relentlessly upon the psychic vulnerabilities of targeted groups; billions of dollars have been spent to help these uber-experts to perfect their technique. By now, we are all allegedly at their mercy; they have effectively made us their Pavlovian mongrels, and mental freedom is now a sheer impossibility; the bitter dawn of the “Brave New World” has broken; we now dwell helplessly like lobotomized, lifeless-eyed mandarins, utterly enslaved to the whims of our handlers.

  I have my doubts that things are quite so dire as this, as I suspect that man is far too complicated an animal to be so thoroughly “owned” to such an extreme degree; in any case, if man is indeed “owned,” then his “owners” (being men themselves) are also perfectly capable of being dominated by the very same instruments they have used to consolidate their rule. Moreover, the fact that he sees fit to exercise control at all is an indication of their vulnerability to be controlled, as the compulsion to be a ruler is, paradoxically enough, itself a sign of psychic weakness. 

  Surely control is not an exact science; indeed, it is probably more of an art than a science. Still, it cannot be doubted that man is indeed an easily exploitable creature; there is no “one size fits all” manner of exercising dominion, as each individual is at least to some degree unique—to control for the quirks in absolutely everyone’s programming would be costly and time-consuming. Yet there does exist a baseline for control, a way of dominating the thoughts of the mass of men (even if some men manage to escape this widely-cast net), of strafing this weary load of penned-up souls with a barrage of stimuli to the extent that their minds are blown and their hearts are wrenched in a manner that aids and abets their psychological enslavement. Of course, such operations must be performed sparingly, or else they lose impact. Pragmatically speaking, these propagandistic campaigns necessitate extensive coordination and planning, cost loads of money, and are generally onerous and burdensome in their intricacies. 

  Still, one imagines, such campaigns have their utility. Just as a micro-controller—say, a devious and malignant-minded person who wished to gain the upper hand in a relationship—might resort to deception, even brazen theatrics, in order to establish a position of emphasis, thus insuring that he is better equipped to launch psychological sorties against his “target,” so it makes perfect sense that those with a similarly devious and malignant mindset attempting to gain or enhance control on a macro scale (i.e., those in charge of the machinery of the state) would likewise occasionally contrive and carry forth grand, bold, and decisive deceptions, as a means toward achieving domination over a larger but still generally hapless “target.” (i.e., the population in general).

  Such orchestrations are not unknown throughout human history; in modern-day conspiracy culture, they are often called “false flags” or “inside jobs.” That the ruling authorities would “have it in them” to intentionally deceive their subjects is beyond dispute, at least judging from history; to suppose that current rulers are exempt from such considerations is at best naïve, at worst disingenuous. Again, given that people commonly deceive other people on a small scale in their personal relationships, why would not those generally “in charge” not seek to promulgate deception on a wider scale, given their conspicuously more developed, and considerably more depraved, ambitions?


  It shouldn’t strain credulity overmuch, then, to posit the possibility, or even assert the likelihood, of certain events being artificially orchestrated for the purpose of mass deception and psychological manipulation. The adage that “power tends to corrupt” is verifiable on numerous levels, with reams of anecdotal evidence available for support. When a person gains power, things become available to him in ways that couldn’t even have been dreamt of in the absence of said power. A wide world of alluring possibilities suddenly opens up, and that which had previously constrained his sensibilities just as suddenly releases its grip, making him capable of behaviors that would have been deeply alienating to his consciousness prior to his ascension to the post he now occupies; he comes to believe that he is truly deserving of all that he has, and that all steps undertaken with the purpose of consolidating his position are self-justifying. Power thus becomes an end in itself; he need not appeal to any standard of decency in the pursuit of protecting and consolidating his “turf”; if an act helps him and hurts those who would oppose him, then that act is reflexively deemed warranted by dint of the end it serves.

  Such a condition, whereby a person gains power by surrendering his humanity, is commonly referred to as “selling one’s soul”—in such cases, one simply degrades oneself by choice, after making the determination that the benefits of this transformation outweigh the costs. A lot of fuss has been made over this categorization of person, the one who seems to be patently inhuman, at least according to our accustomed understanding of what humanity is. Clinical psychologists designate this man a “sociopath.” Those with broader and more adventuresome sensibilities have theorized that in fact a whole other race lives among us, one what only appears to resemble humanity; these beings are called “skin jobs,” in that they possess merely the epidermal exterior of normal men and women, while retaining a cold-blooded core. This sinister alien race is at times referred to as “Reptilian,” and while the patently ‘sci-fi’ connotations of such a designation may strike one as far-fetched when taken literally, it must be admitted that as a metaphor it could scarcely be more compelling in capturing the essence of a sociopathic soul: viperous, venomous, carnivorous,  bereft of empathy, etc..

  Some Reptilians are born, while others are no doubt made, and still others probably have their Reptoid identity “thrust upon them” through perceived necessity of one kind or another. Still, all such beings, whether via nature or nurture, have assumed room temperature in their hearts; they are perfectly possessed, one might say, by their ambition. Everything they say seems suggestive of a “normal” mindset is in fact a ruse; all gestures which appear to indicate goodwill and charity are merely aspects of a carefully contrived façade. Their lusts predominate, unconstrained by appeals to morality, reality, or restraint; the only thing that keeps them in line is their wily cunning; indeed, absent the sneaky prudence of their conniving craftiness (that which bids them to bide their time in order to achieve the best results), they would abandon themselves to an orgy of sheer, unbridled concupiscence.

  Of course, their predominant ruthlessness of heart and monstrousness of spirit ought not keep us from recognizing that these Reptilians are essentially vulnerable in a manner that is (dare we say it?) deeply human. There could even be said to linger an aura of poignancy about these creatures, since in their drive to be masters of the universe, they have become little more than slaves to their appetites. Still, while not inhumanly invulnerable, they have indeed ceased to be “human” in the way that a human being is said to have empathy, awareness of moral obligation, and a thirst for a transcendent consciousness whose locus dwells outside of his own willfulness and ruthless determination to survive and thrive at all costs. Moreover, these (literal or figurative, born or made) Reptilians have come to see other humans as little more than beasts of burden: to be worked, to be exploited, to be fussed over and fattened, not out of a compassionate impulse to provide nurturance, sustenance, and livelihood for said “beasts,” but rather with the mindset of a profit-minded owner of livestock, i.e., as one who feeds one’s cattle with an eye towards their eventual slaughter and sale for consumption. Other people, that is, exist merely for one’s use; they can be culled and cannibalized whenever it proves advantageous to do so.


 a primer on what is, and what is to be done

 By Andy Nowicki

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