To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Saturday, August 3, 2024

White British children are being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism


"[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with veteran nationalist activist Joe Marsh, discussing:

• The attack in Southport and public reaction to three young girls stabbed to death by a 17 year old of non-White descent.
• The attacker was reportedly born in Cardiff to Rwandan parents.
• Media and government response focused on “far-right” reaction rather than the attack.
• Protests and riots broke out in Southport and other areas in response.
• They criticize the government’s immigration policies and lack of action.
• Argue the attack was predictable given rising migrant crime.
• Knife crime by young black men is highlighted as a growing problem.
• The government prioritizes protecting migrants over citizens.
• Stop and search policies were ended due to disproportionate impact on black youth.
• White British people are becoming “second-class citizens”.
• Criticize attempts to portray the attacker as “just as British” as anyone else.
• Migrants being dispersed across the UK, even to rural areas.
• The government wants to eliminate any remaining white-only areas.
• Wales is highlighted as increasingly diverse despite being historically homogeneous.
• Protests outside Downing Street and migrant hotels are mentioned.
• The protests as a sign British people are “waking up”.
• They hope protests continue but remain peaceful to avoid new restrictive laws.
• Criticism of Tommy Robinson for focusing solely on Islam rather than all migration.
• Advocate for “peaceful separation” of ethnic groups.
• Leftists are willing to sacrifice white children for multiculturalism.
• Calls for targeting anger at politicians rather than individual migrants.
• Discussion of how to effectively protest and pressure politicians.
• Criticism of Labour Party’s response and calls to ban groups like the EDL.
• They see hope in growing public opposition to immigration.
• Advocate acquiring land and building lasting nationalist structures.
• Concerns about people becoming desensitized to migrant crime over time.
• The media and elites are controlled by Jewish interests.
• Discussion of cooperation between British and Irish nationalists.
• Criticism of Wales declaring itself a “nation of sanctuary” for migrants.
• Migrants are given priority for social housing over natives.
• The protests as the start of a “revolutionary mindset”.
• White British people are victims and need a civil rights movement.
• Calls to heckle and pressure politicians at every opportunity.
• Hope expressed that reform parties could unseat Labour MPs.
• Advocate robust but peaceful protest to avoid new restrictive laws.
• Protests as a sign the “British lion” is waking up.
• Calls for unity among different nationalist/anti-immigration groups.
• Hope on the horizon for their cause.
• Thank donors and encourage continued activism and protest."


But I think the thing that you’ve said that really touched me is every single one of these Lefties or liberals are fundamentally happy for this to happen. They’re happy for White British girls to be murdered to keep the multicultural train going. And at this point, it is like a child sacrifice, isn’t it? You know, people talk about satanic cult, satanism, you know, politicians being part of a satanic clique, but this is child sacrifice! Children are being, White British children are being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism and these Lefties are cheering it on. They don’t care how many kids die as long as those borders stay open, as long as we keep bringing them in!

And I mean, all we wish for., … And we’re being treated as if we’re terrorists when all we’re asking for is peaceful separation. Because that’s all I want. I don’t want a war on the streets. I don’t want rioting. I don’t want to be fighting people of a different culture, or a different ethnicity. I just want to live around my own. I want my daughter to get on her scooter and be able to play with her friends in the street, or for me to be able to take her to soft play or for us to go out and into the city centre and get an ice cream and go to the park without having to worry, without having to look over my shoulder.

But now that’s not the case. There are going to be British parents now looking over their shoulder every time they see one of these people. And the people I’m talking about, the ones that look like they’ve just got off the boat. And it’s not just the skin colour. It’s not just the way they look. It’s not the fact they don’t speak English. They wear the same clothes. They have a look about them. These people are a threat!

But we have to live alongside them, and we have to play that Russian roulette every day with our kids lives because people like Yvette Cooper, Keir Starmer and all these liberals, you know, Hope Not Hate, all these different migrant charities, because they are politically wedded to the cult of multiculturalism! And our kids have got to be put on the chopping block for that. And it’s sick!

Entire transcript →

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