To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mark Collett Starmer’s Guide to Rioting – Two Tier Policing Explained

[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:

“Britain’s system of two-tier policing has now been exposed to the world – but what are the rules? How can you get away with rioting and destroying public property? Who gets a ‘free pass’ and which rioters does Starmer and his cabinet cheer on? Find out all this and much, much more…”


(Words: 1,922 – 12:03 mins)

So, let’s take ten minutes or so to just go through exactly how the UK’s two-tier justice system works when it comes to the rights of protestors, or if those involved are White “rioters”.

And that’s a nice place to kick this off, with the issue of race and ethnicity – because let’s face it, how you are treated largely depends upon your ethnic background.

If you are black, if you are a Muslim, or if you are from a minority background, you’re getting an immediate pass. You will always be referred to as a “protester”, any acts of violence or disorder that you are involved in will be down played or completely ignored by the State and the media, and the police will treat you with kid gloves. You won’t be faced down with riot police, instead you will likely be greeted by police officers in regular uniform who will back off and retreat rather than confronting you.

What’s more, if you’re of Afro-Caribbean heritage and you’re rioting over the death of a black career criminal, the police will get down on their knees and grovel in front of you, begging for your approval!

The media and the government will then go to great lengths to explain to the wider public the apparently completely understandable and totally legitimate reasoning behind any acts of disorder. Politicians and leading police officers will then call for dialogue with community leaders and confusing phrases like “policing with consent” will be thrown around to reassure any unruly mobs that they can do as they wish, whilst simultaneously attempting to explain to the public why no one got arrested. Because apparently, when an ethnic minority group is involved, members of that group have to give their “consent” in order to be policed, or something to that effect.

Often, leading politicians and even future Prime Ministers, will then get behind the rioters and their cause, releasing statements that support both those involved and their ideological goals. This happened in 2020 during the Black Lives Matter riots when both Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner took the knee and made heartfelt pleas to the black community, reassuring them that they were totally on board with all of what happened and that they firmly believed that every act of violence was carried out for the “right reasons!”

When dealing with ethnic minorities, there will also be other interesting uses of language and seemingly bizarre political framing. For example, if large groups of heavily armed Muslims gather together wearing balaclavas and then blockade roads, attack motorists and threaten those they perceive to be outsiders, the media will play this down and politicians will jump to their defence. The public will then be reassured that these Muslims are just defending their community and that they were scared of “racists” coming in from out of town.

The police will not intervene, the police will not attempt to confiscate their weapons and the city’s police chief will then quickly book an appointment with the local Imam and spend an afternoon sat at a Mosque in order to be “educated” so that he can better understand why this was all a legitimate course of action.

Sometimes however, the media will be unable to retain any credibility if they continue to use the term “protest”, especially when a major city is literally in flames and people are being publicly beaten in the streets.

In these cases, the government and the media will resort to Plan B: Painting the rioters as “social justice warriors” who only behaved in such a manner because of decades of systemic oppression that was callously ignored by the establishment and fuelled by White people’s racist attitudes! This is literally what happened after the 2011 riots that took place in London.

Finally, when the rioting and violence has ended, the judiciary will ensure that anyone who was arrested will get the most lenient sentences possible. The media and the press will agree with these sentences, going to great lengths to paint those found guilty as good boys who “dindu nuffin” and who were just swept up in an unfortunate moment. The media will then announce that these “good boys” needed lighter sentences, as otherwise they could have been prevented from going on to become rocket scientists, brain surgeons and entrepreneurs – the very citizens who will enrich modern Britain in ways that White people simply couldn’t!

Modern day historians will then lovingly look back on these riots as defining moments in the struggle for social justice, with the riots as defining moments in the struggle for social justice, with the rioters themselves being painted as urban folk heroes who risked everything for freedom and equality! These are the “heroes” who will one day replace the likes of Sir Admiral Nelson in our children’s school books!

So, what happens if you are White and involved in disorder?

Well, that depends on what the disorder was connected to. So, for example, if a White person was being an “ally” to a person of colour, then that White person may also be given a pass. Take for example groups like Antifa or the White individuals and Left-wing groups who supported the BLM riots in 2020. If a White person is caught committing acts of criminal damage, like say, destroying a historic statue and dumping it into a river, those people will be praised by the media and politicians and let off by the courts. What’s more, the local police will stand idly by clapping and cheering as the criminality takes place.

So yes, you can be White and get away with violence and disorder, but only if you’re fighting for an anti-White cause!

But what happens if you’re White and you are out protesting because of an injustice suffered by the White the community? Well, then you’re in for a very different ride, …

The first thing you must understand is that the government, the media and the police will NEVER even acknowledge White communities exist, let alone that those communities may have grievances or may have suffered some form of injustice. Those who do suggest that there are White communities and that those White communities deserve to be heard, will immediately be branded as “racists”. But if, in very rare circumstances, the media do hint at there being White communities, you can be reassured that it will always be in the context that those particular communities are boring, stale and in need of a dose of diversity.

Even before any protest has actually taken place, the media will warn of possible violence and predict all manner of wrong doings, with the protestors being referred to in negative terms – either as thugs, hooligans or as “far-Right”. Far-Right being the new pejorative term for White working folk who are willing to stand up for their own interests. Once White protestors do take to the street, they will not be met by smiling officers dressed in their beat uniform. Quite the opposite. White protestors will be met by riot police, mounted police or face off with snarling dogs whilst being kettled and intimidated. And you can bet your bottom dollar that officers won’t be going down on one knee when policing White people.

Once the media coverage of a White protest begins to emerge, the protesters will always be painted in the worst way imaginable. The pictures in the papers and the clips shown on television will always be carefully cherry picked in order to paint White protestors as violent, feckless, drunk, and, in short, as the kind of people you would

expect to see on the Jeremy Kyle show. This is done in order to prevent other White people from identifying with the protestors or wanting to join them.

And if violence or disorder does break out, you can guarantee it will be dealt with both swiftly and in the harshest manner possible. The police will not begin quietly retreating, there will be no polite calls for calm and policing by consent will never, ever, be mentioned! Then the head cracking will begin – and that policy will extend to the young and old and male and female alike. You won’t have policemen in White shirts on their knees pleading for calm, you will have old ladies carrying placards slammed face down on the pavement, arms up their backs, being hand cuffed and hurled in the back of a van by militarised officers that look like extras from a futuristic dystopian science fiction fantasy!

The press and the media will then immediately brand the protest as a “riot”, and the pejorative terms will be ramped up to maximum. The media will also publish the faces of protestors demanding more information on them and looking to name and shame those involved. The following day, politicians and police chiefs will appear at press conferences to demand the harshest possible sentences, endorse draconian crackdowns and to issue calls for tough new legislation.

Never once will any of the underlying reasons for the protest be addressed and politicians certainly won’t be delivering any fawning addresses about “victims rights” or “social justice”. It doesn’t matter if the protest was over the fact that hundreds of thousands of White girls were groomed by migrant gangs or if it was called because White children were murdered by a knife wielding Rwandan. According to the establishment; there’s no justification what-so-ever for Whites to act in this manner – there will be no White George Floyd, and Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner will not be standing in solidarity with Whites who have just been told that three little girls were butchered by a man that the press are describing as a “choirboy”.

In fact, anyone who does speak out in solidarity with the protestors will be attacked and threatened. Whites who are angry over the underlying causes of the disorder and who attempt to articulate their concerns online will be accused of fanning the flames of violence, and then it will be time for police officers to begin kicking in the doors of people who said the wrong thing on social media.

Finally, as the dust begins to settle on the protests, the newspapers will enthusiastically praise the judges who have handed out multi-year sentences to dads, business owners and those with previously clean criminal records – as after all, a message has to be sent! To White people!


This is modern Britain, this is what the press, the media, the police, the judiciary, the politicians and of course, what Keir Starmer, our Prime Minster, call “justice”. And all of these people will then have the bare faced cheek to tell you, that they believe in equality.

Katana →

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