To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Murdoch Murdoch – Never Forget the Greatest Generation

In this classic Murdoch Murdock satirical video Allied soldiers – just before storming the French coast on D-Day (May 6, 1944) – give their reasons for being prepared to die in the name of multi-racialism, multi-culturalism, LBGTism, communism, and the destruction of White societies that are to follow following the defeat of Germany.



Captain: All right men! Nazi occupied Europe lies before you! Many of you will die here today, but all of you are heroes! Let us take this moment before we engage our enemy to remember what it is that we fight for.

Thomas, are you prepared to die today?

Thomas: Yes sir!

Captain: And what are you prepared to die for?

Thomas: Sir, I’d gladly give my life for the future of our country. Future where all negroes use the same water fountain as us, and go to the same schools as our kids. [flag waving and cheering]

Captain: And you Tyler, why do you fight.

Tyler: Sir! I’m fighting so that in the future our daughters can abandon motherhood and join the workforce, to be like men! [flag waving and cheering]

Captain: That’s right Tyler! Our society doesn’t need mothers. It needs more worker units, in a non-binary capitalistic, soul-crushing, machine!

James, what are your hopes for the future?

James: Well I just want my granddaughter to pop out as many welfare-supported mulatto babies as possible! [flag waving and cheering]

Captain: I’m sure all of us would recognize our White privilege, and would agree, we should offer up one of our granddaughters to the superior African bull.

Now let’s hear from Nigel, from the Royal Army. What are you fighting for soldier?

Nigel: Well sir, I would say my greatest hope would be to see a Muslim Mayor of London, one day! But the truth is, I aspire for something even greater! That some day no Muslim sex criminal will be punished in our kingdom again! [flag waving and cheering]

Captain: John Pierre, why did you join us on this most holy crusade?

John Pierre: Well, my Capitan, I wish to see those German invaders pushed out of France, so that on one glorious day it can be occupied permanently by a tidal wave of sub-Saharan Muslim invaders!

Captain: We should all be so lucky as to be replaced by a tidal wave of sub-Saharan Muslim invaders! [flag waving and cheering]

Thomas: How about you Captain? Why do you fight?

Captain: I fight so that one day a black man can be President of the United States! And use his authority to force bakeries to make cakes for homosexual weddings!

For schools to allow transsexuals to use whatever bathroom they want!

So that my great-grandchildren will be burdened with debt at the beginning of their adult lives for a worthless degree from a Marxist educational system! [flag waving and cheering]
Thomas: Well that’s beautiful Captain!

What about you, Frank?

Frank: Well, I want to help free the jewish people from the “Holocaust” camps! So that they can hang guilt over us for nine centuries, while they quietly take over every institution of our society, from finance and education, to media and government bureaucracy! [flag waving and cheering]

Captain: They are truly god’s chosen people! And we should submit before their superiority!

What about you Isaiah? Aren’t you from the tribe?

Isaiah: Well, I’m just here to support our communist allies. So that they can rape Eastern Europe for a couple of generations, and murder tens of millions of people in China!

Captain: Well communism is the way of the future, boys.

Remember folks, the Nazis are the bad guys! And we’re the heroes!

Are you ready?

John Pierre: Viva la France!

Nigel: For King and Country!

All: For our future!


Never Forget the Greatest Generation
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