Tall Stories
Elie Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. Due to this and through his dozens of books he has somewhat assumed a “Messiah of the Holocaust” mantle. Translated into 30 languages, his 1958 book Night has sold no less than ten million copies. Yes, ten million! Like the Denis Avey book we discussed earlier, it’s a stolen-identity tale: he is pretending to be Mr Lazar Wiesel who was fifteen years older than he, and who really did have the “Auschwitz number” A7713 tattooed on his left arm.
In 2009, the fellow Hungarian Jew Nikolaus Grüner, after twenty years of investigating the topic, issued this press release:
“Elie Wiesel A-7713 has never existed, and the man claiming himself to be ‘Elie Wiesel’ with the concentration camp number A-7713, knowing full well that this number belonged to someone else, is an imposter of the worst kind. For this statement, I, Nikolaus Grüner A-11104, have certified and written knowledge of.” Grüner is courageously ignoring the death threats he keeps receiving, declaring that copies of all his documents are safely stored and will be released should he be killed. He has summoned Elie Wiesel to appear at a court hearing in Budapest and has published his book Stolen Identity A7713. ⁴⁰⁰ Elie Wiesel appears to have no tattoo on either arm. Grüner knew the Auschwitz inmate whose identity has here been stolen.
Grüner has ascertained that registration cards and official documents from the Auschwitz Museum archives show that Lazar Wiesel, born Sep-tember 4, 1913, received the number and tattoo A-7713; as likewise his brother, Abraham, born Oct. 10, 1900 was given the adjacent number A-7712. That latter number is the one which Elie Wiesel claims belonged to his father Shlomo, who was with him. No such registration records exist for Elie and or father: they are not there. This is another stolen identity story. Maybe the word “lie” in this fellow’s name is no accident. He is the world’s greatest living liar.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2010, in the Italian chamber of Deputies, the President of the Chamber introduced Elie Wiesel as “the most authoritative living witness of the horrors of the Shoah amongst the survivors of the Nazi concentration camps.” In April of 2012 Wiesel introduced President Obama at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and rebuked him for not yet having initiated war against Iran. Can Wiesel even instruct the US President about who to bomb?⁴⁰¹ In 2012 the US Holocaust Memorial Museum named its highest award:
“In honor of Wiesel’s extraordinary vision and moral stature, which not only created the Museum but inspired a worldwide movement of Holocaust remembrance and education, the award henceforth will be named the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Elie Wiesel Award.” The US Holocaust Memorial Council is the governing body of that Museum, enjoying 55 presidential appointees and ten Congressional representatives. See “Elie Wiesel cons the world” by Carolyn Yeager, www.eliewieseltattoo.com. A thousand-dollar reward had been offered by Kentucky man Robert Ransdell for anyone who can show Nobel-Peace-Prize winning Elie Wiesel has that tattoo (May 2012). There is an identity-paradox for this Messiah of the Holohoax, the fraudulent and lying Wiesel.
Having been written as early as 1958, Night does not feature any gas chambers! Instead of Zyklon, it has huge Moloch-type pits of burning babies:
“Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes … children thrown into the flames.” The wicked Nazis were unloading truckloads of little babies into the huge burning pits, and the bodies were flammable.
Human bodies are 70% water. They really don’t burn by themselves.
Not surprisingly, “A little farther on was another and larger ditch for adults.” Ten thousand persons were sent to their deaths each day in Buchenwald. In a hallucinatory manner, cohorts marched towards the fiery pit. He himself keeps being part of a contingent marching towards the inferno, then miraculously he survives while his friends get immolated. Even Mother Earth was shocked by this:
“Later, I learn from a witness that, for month after month, the ground never stopped trembling; and that, from time to time, geysers of blood spurted from it.” The blood of God’s Chosen People was demanding release… He meets of course the fiendish Dr Mengele:
“Dr. Mengele was holding a list: our numbers. […] I had but one thought: not to have my number taken down and not to show my left arm.” Ever since people have tried to scrutinize his left arm, vaguely expecting to find his tattoo number – but… it’s not there.
These Holo-hallucinations terminated rather abruptly when Fred Leuchter arrived in 1988: his Report dryly noted that no pits could have been dug without filling up with water, and certainly nothing would have burned in them.⁴⁰² The high water-table was due to the confluence of three rivers. Thus was fiery fantasy replaced by cold, scientific fact. America’s only gas chamber expert did write with a certain authority.
Many have enjoyed such learn-how-to-hate books about the fiendish SS. Eyewitness Auschwitz by Filip Müller (1979) was found by The New Republic to be “jammed with infernal information too terrible to be taken all at once.” In the foreword, Yehuda Bauer remarks that Müller was “the sole survivor of the whole span of the murder operations of the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center.” Uh-huh. Müller’s tale might indeed have been “a tale of unprecedented, incomparable horror,” as the Jewish Press Features observed, but was it true? He described “the burning pits in which the Jews were consumed”⁴⁰³ at Auschwitz. Dug two metres deep, these hellish pits would burn up to 2,500 dead bodies in a few hours! “White-hot flames” leapt up.⁴⁰⁴ The red hue of these macabre funeral pyres could be seen from far away, added another dubious witness-survivor Pery Broad.⁴⁰⁵ Well over a thousand persons were somehow made to march into the gas chamber, Müller recalled. Yes, they were stark naked, men and women – and no, there are no photographs. His book is subtitled Three years in the Gas Chambers, and he claimed to have worked assisting the SS in their fiendish task. His book has the classic line:
“And then they walked into the gas chamber. Zyklon B crystals extinguished their lives.” The alleged gas chamber of Krema I in the Auschwitz main camp, where Müller initially claimed to have worked,⁴⁰⁶ lacked an external door through which such a macabre procession could have strolled. The door separating the morgue-turned-gas-chamber from the oven room actually had a swinging door, which would have been impossible to lock against a panicking crowd and seal against noxious gases escaping! Explosive cyanide gas from the alleged homicidal gas chamber would have wafted through this door into the cremation furnaces where it could possibly have ignited – as Leuchter noted. No way could this morgue have been adapted to serve as a gas chamber.⁴⁰⁷ This point was rather simple. For that matter (not wishing to quibble) there were no Zyklon B crystals: they were gypsum pellets into which the liquid hydrogen cyanide was absorbed, and someone claiming to have been operating the system for three years might possibly have noticed this.
Müller found one day that he had no stomach for assisting the SS any more and decided to end his life. He himself stepped into the gas chamber together with all the crowd of victims. But then a group of beautiful girls “in the bloom of their youth” stark naked surrounded him and said, “We have to die, but you must live!” And they threw him out of the still-open door!⁴⁰⁸ O, what memories! No wonder Germany has forked over billions of Deutschmarks to Holocaust survivors.
Sado-masochistic readers will thrill to Müller’s account of the heartless SS guard with gun cocked making a mother undress herself and her little daughter before shooting them both. They will also enjoy his account of how, after shooting victims, the fiendish SS chucked fresh human muscle into a bucket: “The muscles of those who had been shot were still working and contracting, making the bucket jump about.” Surely we are in Dr Mengele’s office!
Müller’s book described how the gassing worked quickly, and “after the screaming stopped” the SS prison commandos would come in a couple of minutes later to pull out the corpses. They didn’t even need gas masks! Like so many of the early holohoax stories, this would quickly have killed the guards. You don’t need me to tell you that the whole scenario is totally physically impossible – as Fred Leuchter’s Report duly noted.
A prize-winning best-seller, Müller’s book is required reading in many Holocaust study courses. “Filip Müller”⁴⁰⁹ was actually a German ghost writer, Helmut Freitag, who plagiarized the story from the equally-faked Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account, attributed to Miklos Nyiszli.
Raul Hilberg’s supposedly authoritative three-volume Destruction of the European Jews repeatedly quotes from it.
The Müller book made no real contact with the physical architecture at Auschwitz; it was just a fairy tale from Hell, pandering to a collective need to fantasize about infernal realms. A sea change later took place with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when it became possible for visitors to legally visit the site. The “official” works by Pressac represent an attempt to reconcile belief in the Holocaust with detailed geography of the actual bombed-out ruins. In 1989 he published his magnum opus about the Tech-nique and Operation of the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz. Construction drawings showed the “Gaskammern” i.e. “gas chambers” in the original German design plans of these buildings.
By way of contrast with these fantastic holohoax tales, we have encountered three different authentic eyewitness accounts of the Auschwitz camps in the course of this treatise. There was, firstly, the International Red Cross’s three-volume report published in Geneva in 1948. They regularly inspected the camps. This commented for example upon the shower units at Auschwitz:
“Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged.” These are the real shower-units – not the ones which metamorphosed into the hallucinatory homicidal gas chambers! Secondly there was the book by the judge Wilhelm Stäglich, his powerful Der Auschwitz Mythos which described how he used to visit the camps around Auschwitz (English: Auschwitz: a Judge looks at the Evidence). Then in Chapter 13 we described in some detail Thies Christophersen’s recollections of living at Raisko, a mile east of Auschwitz during the war (in Die Auschwitzlüge, The Auschwitz Lie, 1973).⁴¹⁰ Last but not least, we saw how Dr Charles Larsen came immediately after the war in order to inspect the bodies.
400 It’s online at: Nikolaus Grüner “Stolen Identity,” www.nazigassings.com/PDFs/StolenIdentity2.pdf: “This shameless profiteer turned the graves of Auschwitz-Birkenau into an industry and himself into an ‘impostor’ of the worst kind,” etc.
401 In a December 2009 speech in Budapest, Wiesel urged Hungary to make Holocaust denial illegal. It did so the next year!
402 The Leuchter Report, Toronto 1988. www.zundelsite.org/english/leuchter/report.jpg
403 Filip Müller, Eyewitness Auschwitz, Thee Years in the Gas Chambers, Chicago 1979, foreword quote by Terrence Des Pres in The New Republic.
404 Ibid, p. 130.
405 E. Kogon et al. (eds.), Nazi Mass Murder: A Documentary History of Use of Poison Gas, YUP, 1993. p. 170.
406 In his deposition during the trial against the Auschwitz guards; see C. Mattogno, Auschwitz: The Caser for Sanity, p. 599.
407 The purpose of the morgue was to lay out and prepare the bodies prior to being incinerated in the cremation ovens (which cremated one body at a time): typhus-infested bodies could not be buried because of the high water-table, as their decomposition would have polluted the drinking water supplies.
408 Müller, ibid, p.113.
409 Filip Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz, Thee Years in the Gas Chambers, Chicago 1979, quote from the foreword.
410 Then there were two accounts by prisoners to which we have alluded, more briefly: Pri-mo Levi’s If This Be a Man (1959) and that of Marc Klein, where we cited his swim-ming pool comments: De l’Université aux camps de concentration, Paris 1947.
from the book Breaking the spell the Holocaust, myth reality by Nicholas Kollerstrom
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