To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Thursday, November 24, 2022


Everywhere the Jews have gone throughout history, General, one thing they’ve always done is to groom a certain number of their most beautiful, educated, and intelligent girls as high-class tarts,” explained Cody. “They identify the most powerful Gentile leaders in their host society, noblemen and kings and churchmen in the Middle Ages, politicians and billionaires and intelligentsia today, and they more or less pimp these girls out to them. Among the Jews themselves it’s no secret that this happens. These women are called Hadass, after the Bible story, and this practice or institution of concubinage to powerful goyim is called Hadassah. Yeah, I know, there’s a Jewish women’s charity by that name. I’ve never denied they occasionally have a sense of humor. 

“But it’s more than simple pandering. The Jews are long term planners; when they corrupt someone they want to make damned sure he stays corrupted. These women are not so much spies or provocateurs, although often enough they do fulfill that function. Their purpose is to make these powerful Gentile men like Jews. You got some hot little Hebrew number in your bed rocking your world at night, you’re naturally disposed to give her people a break in the way of business during the day. 

Sometimes these are lifelong relationships, and sometimes the Gentile leaders actually marry these Jewish women. This goes way back. The Emperor Nero had Poppaea, which is why the Christians got tossed to the lions down at the Colosseum and the Jews didn’t. The Viking chieftain Ragnar Lodbrok had Meera, which is how the Jews established a brief commercial monopoly in Scandinavia when Christian missionaries were still killed on sight. Richard the Lionhearted had a Hadass, whose name I forget, which was how the Jews became what was called King’s Persons and the royal tax collectors. Richard went off on Crusade and left England in the hands of his Jews, which was why so many people supported his brother Prince John in his attempts to usurp the throne.”  “You weren’t in any of Red Morehouse’s history classes, were you?” asked Barrow in bemusement. 

“No, sir. I just hung around in the downtown library in Seattle to stay out of the cold, back when I was a street kid. Anyway, sometimes these women run through a whole string of high-class lovers, a good example being Sarah Bernhardt in the nineteenth century, who gave the Prince of Wales such a fine time of it that he became irretrievably pro-French in everything and so was instrumental in starting Europe down the road to World War One. So forth and so on. These bitches have done incredible damage down through the ages. The classic example is the old Soviet Union, where every single major Gentile Bolshevik under Lenin, Stalin, and Khruschev had either a Jewish wife or long-term mistress. Stalin himself spent the last twenty years of his life shacked up with Rosa Kaganovich, Lazar the Butcher’s sister. In America we had a brief glimpse of Hadassah with the Monica Lewinsky episode under Clinton the First. Everyone wondered why Monica’s father didn’t come after Clinton with a shotgun for debauching his daughter, or at least criticize Clinton publicly. They didn’t realize that Hadassah is an ancient Jewish tradition and it’s considered an honor to have a Hadass in the family. Doctor Lewinsky was proud as punch of his little girl. He should have been. There’s every chance she put Clinton in the mood to betray the Palestinians at the 2000 Camp David summit, which brought on the second intifada and endless bloodshed.” (...)

“And if you’re right, her husband is going along with this?” asked Gair incredulously.  “Pimping out his own wife? Talk about your indecent proposals!”  “I know it’s hard to understand, but these people are actually proud of the women who do this,” Cody said again patiently. “To a Jew, the preservation of Jewish life and power is the highest of all mitzvahs or holy acts. It’s called pikuach nefesh in Hebrew, and in the Talmud the rabbis all agree that saving Jewish life justifies any sin or crime whatsoever, and there is no sin and great virtue attached to it. Anyway, if I’m right, sir, you need to bear in mind who’s most likely whispering in Stanhope’s ear at night, and also picking up on virtually everything via pillow talk and transmitting the information to points unknown.”

A Mighty Fortress

Harold Covington

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