To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The state child kidnapping

Secret courts where proceedings can’t be reported are the cover for incredible injustice which the public never hears about.

David Icke describes a real problem. For more "respectable" and recognised author, see books Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family and The New Politics of Sex: The Sexual Revolution, Civil Liberties, and the Growth of Governmental Power by Stephen Baskerville 

Financial incentives are encoded at every stage to oil the wheels of state child kidnapping and the same with government targets for the number of children that have to be taken by the state every year. Assess the circumstances? No, no, check how many more we need to meet the target. Only the psychopathic and sociopathic without empathy or heart could possibly do this, and that is why social services have been recruiting such people apace at the expense of those with compassion and decency who should be doing the job. Teachers, doctors, dentists and others are encouraged to report the most minor perceived ‘problem’ to social services to start the sequence of child stealing, and most of them will have no clue of the injustice and trauma they are triggering. There is a particularly disturbing trend of doctors and medical personnel  collaborating with social workers, police and prosecutors against mothers and pregnant women. New guidelines to education and medical staff issued in 2017 by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) said that parents of children who have temper tantrums in class should be considered potential abusers or guilty of neglect. One guideline says that staff should consider abuse if a child displays behaviour that differs from what is normal for children of that age or developmental stage. Think about the potential for that to open the floodgates. Numbers of state-stolen children climbed rapidly when war criminal Tony Blair introduced emotional criteria for claims of parental abuse and that handed vastly more power to the subjective opinion of the social worker chasing targets. Authorities claim cases of abuse are increasing year on year – but so are the criteria for what is defined as abuse and the two are obviously connected. Children are being removed from families who refuse to accept a doctor’s treatment for their child (like deadly chemotherapy for cancer) or even when they want a second opinion. Medical fascism is increasingly part of life. Parents are even being reported by vindictive neighbours out of spite and that’s how simple it is because the state is looking for any excuse to kidnap children. Parents find themselves in a secret court where media reporting is banned, desperately trying to keep their children in the face of a judge (paid by the state), lawyers (paid by the state), social workers (paid by the state) and ‘experts’ (paid by the state) who are called to give ‘evidence’ by social workers (paid by the state) and lawyers (paid by the state). This is a complete stitch-up, as it is meant to be (Fig 328). I have seen some of these cases at close hand and it is a disgrace to justice and the most basic humanity. Among them have been mothers who lost their sexually and satanically-abused children to Satanist fathers on the orders of a clearly rigged judge. Satanic and paedophile rings infiltrate every area of society – including the judiciary.

Children who are in abusive situations should of course be removed immediately, but that is not what this is all about. Highly-publicised ‘mistakes’ (not always) by social workers who leave truly abused children with their abusers provide the excuse to take more children from loving parents with public support. ‘You have to protect the children,’ people say. Yes, and that should include protecting  them most of all from the state, which is the prime abuser and kidnapper of children. They also need protecting from those in the medical profession who have them removed from parents who disagree with their often unsupportable diagnosis and ask for another opinion. Secret family courts, which are legendary for their corruption and collusion, are justified by claims of protecting children when they are secret to protect this abomination. State-stealing of children is connected to hijacking childhood to allow for maximum control of perception by taking kids from parents that have a mind of their own. You will find brilliant documentaries exposing this global scandal at and see also (Fig 329). ‘Free Scotland’ provides a clear example of where we are heading with its planned ‘named person’ scheme to assign a representative of the state to every child from birth to at least 18. The named person is a health visitor for a preschool child and a ‘promoted teacher’ for those of school age. These ‘persons’ would oversee the child’s upbringing and contact social services if they are unhappy with what is happening across a range of possible situations. Given that satanic and paedophile rings have infiltrated social services and the system in general you can appreciate the potential for this named person imposition to dramatically increase the numbers of children stolen by the state. At least one designated ‘named person’ has already been dismissed for sending images of child sexual abuse. There has been tremendous opposition from parents and others to this shocking state imposition which has delayed its widespread introduction, but Nicola Sturgeon, the mirror-worshipping-not-very-bright leader of the ruling Scottish National Party, cracks on regardless in a typical response from the ‘do what I say’ political class which pervades the entirety of Archontically-created politics from far left to far right. Sturgeon is so deluded that she thinks there can be an independent Scotland within the EU dictatorship, which is a contradiction of terms taken to extreme levels of absurdity. So, stage one of lifetime perception programming begins with parents and now the state is making moves to take over even from that.

From David Icke Everything You Need to Know

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