To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

On whose behalf the lying, stealth, fraud, torture, killing, destabilization and terror are being carried out


The AtlanticMisses the Boat March 21, 2006

The top story in the April issue of the Atlantic is headlined: “The Infiltrator: How This Man Helped Topple the Most Tenacious Terrorist Organization in History.”15 It’s about the Irish Republican Army (IRA), now apparently a spent force. In a “post-9/11 world” it seems any story with “terrorist,” “terrorism” or “war on terror” in the headline will attract fearful readers seeking information on how to protect themselves from this insidious threat lurking everywhere.
Most such articles embroider the make believe official line. But this one, by freelancer Matthew Teague, is remarkable in two ways. First, it delivers rarely-published information about false-flag assassinations and bombings carried out by the network of government agents who execute so many “terrorist” outrages. Second, it appears that the editors of the Atlantic have very little idea of what they have published.

Maybe they are so immersed in the official line that they cannot see what Teague has written. Based on the information in the eight-page article, the headline might read: “I Killed for the British So They Could Blame the IRA.” Teague’s main source is ex-British agent Kevin Fulton, who was recruited at the age of 18. For some reason Fulton decided to spill the beans about his career as an informant/killer who infiltrated the IRA in “a cutthroat and secret British effort … carried out in the shadows …” Says Fulton: “Darker even than people can imagine.”

The article details a convoluted story of double dealing, betrayal, torture and death. British spy services recruited disaffected IRA members who, with relative ease made their way into top positions, including head of internal IRA security. The “ease” part was killing. To rank-and-file IRA members a killing was a bloody badge proving the killer to be an authentic supporter of the IRA cause. The members of this “terrorist” organization were unable to conceive of an infiltrator killing in cold blood just to establish his credentials. This failure of the imagination was the IRA’s main Achilles Heel.

In some cases, a lesser British agent under suspicion within the IRA would be killed by another British agent higher up — a “prize” British agent. This would remove the unsatisfactory agent in an extreme way while burnishing, within the IRA, the credibility of the higher-up agent.

All agents were, needless to say, indoctrinated. “Each night Fulton rocked himself to sleep,” writes Teague, “repeating the mantra his handlers had given him: ‘The greater good. The greater good. The greater good.’” The IRA members also were unable to grasp the extent to which their movement had been infiltrated or for how long. Teague interviewed “folk hero” Denis Donaldson, the “legendary IRA hunger striker.” When Teague told Donaldson about Fulton’s confessions, “Donaldson’s shoulders slumped. ‘I still can’t believe it,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘My God.’” After Teague returned to the US he received the news that Donaldson had been found out as a British spy — and that he had been “for two decades.” He was killed in early 2006.

The British strategy was laid down and implemented by Brigadier General Frank Kitson in Kenya who, Teague writes, “had recruited locals with money and idealism, and infiltrated the insurgent ranks … with layer upon layer of sabotage, subterfuge and duplicity …” Kitson’s “principles,” adds Teague, now are “being followed by American forces in Iraq.”

Much if not most of the terrorism the world news media reported as having been carried out by the IRA was in fact carried out by British agents inside the IRA. The British agents, acting at the behest of the British government, were also largely responsible for the IRA’s acquisition of increasingly sophisticated technologies of murder, such as US-manu-factured bomb detonators triggered by infrared signals.

A great deal of background about the false flag nature of outrages attributed to the IRA — and to al Qaeda — is contained in the recent book Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers,16 by ex-agents Annie Machon and David Shayler. In it, Machon and Shayler state that “MI5 illegally investigated thousands of UK citizens for their political views,” allowed “a known Libyan terrorist into Britain … and allowed him to set up a terrorist network,” and “illegally paid thousands of pounds to al Qaeda to stage a coup in Libya.” The last sentence of the 378-page book is: “What you have read in this book is only the tip of the iceberg.”

Throughout the Atlantic article, Fulton is described by Teague as “a terrorist” and “a bomber for the IRA.” Fulton does not deny the accura-cy of these descriptions. A fellow agent/killer, Freddie Scappaticci, responsible for killing “dozens of people” — three of them are named — was found out and fled the IRA. Teague does not address, and the Atlantic editors apparently did not ask him to address what seems to me an obvious question: how can Fulton, presumably Scappaticci and no doubt many other killers, walk the streets with impunity? In a just and sane world, the article might be headed: “Those Who Torture, Kill and Bomb for an Empire and Survive Will Never be Called to Account.”

* * *

Kitson went on to mastermind similar efforts in Malaya, Cyprus and Northern Ireland. Wikipedia, an Internet encyclopedia, states that “Since World War II, the British military has engaged in over 50 low intensity campaigns.”17

The British Who’s Whostates that Kitson’s career concluded with his becoming Commander in Chief, United Kingdom Land Forces and Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen (1983-85). In 1985 he was made Knight Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire. His address: c/o Lloyd’s Bank, Farnham, Surrey. His club: Boodles. Empires serve the owners of their commercial interests and reward the servants of those owners with the highest accolades, instead of prison terms. It is well to remember on whose behalf the lying, stealth, fraud, torture, killing, destabilization and terror are being carried out.

False-Flag Operation Strategies and Examples

Attacking a second party to frame a third party (for instance blowing up a Sunni mosque with the intention that the Shia will be blamed, and vice versa) is suitable for destabilization purposes. Luring enemies into attack-ing you is suitable for launching “retaliatory actions” which in fact are aggressive, but you claim their “unprovoked aggression” justifies your “measured response.” A variation is simply to claim they’ve attacked you (as was the case with the Tonkin Gulf resolution). The gold standard is a care-fully arranged significant “attack” on yourself and blaming your targeted enemy for it. Such was the 9/11 false-flag op.

History (but not history books, in any coherent way) provides an abundance of examples of false-flag ops, often involving great loss of life. Just a few will be detailed here. It is important that we familiarize ourselves with the sad truth about false-flag ops, so we can try to end them.

Meanwhile, we need to build into our reflexes and indeed our very bone marrow just how common and dirty are false-flag operations. The next time we see a news story about some outrage — a bombing or hostage taking or execution — we should reserve judgment about who the true perpetrators are until we learn more.

In fact, I take it further: I believe that we’re justified in assuming initially that the latest outrage is a false-flag op, until we are persuaded otherwise, no matter the naïve wall-to-wall bleatings of the incurious establishment-oriented mainstream media or the emotional knee-jerk reactions of our more gullible or incurious fellow citizens. The assumption has proven itself reasonable because of how common false-flag ops have become. 

 The false-flag card is being played repeatedly all over the world, as proven by the sampling of cases that follow. The game is called the “war on terror.” We’re told “the other side,” the “jihadists” and “Islamofascists,” are always dealing explosive cards. The record shows otherwise. More like the reverse. The “war on terror” is a dangerous and demeaning illusion fabricated mainly in Washington and London. Now, open the hidden history book and as you read, note the number of times the media swallowed the official story, or fabricated their own, and carried on beating the drums of war. Count the number of times in the following accounts that the media counseled sober second thought, investigated thoroughly and early, encouraged careful debate ….

from the book Towers of deception by Barrie Zwicker

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