To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Monday, May 15, 2023

The metaphysical hints of the pandemic producers

   The so-called "Pandemic" is a global Truman Show episode, a comparison with the movie "The Truman Show" (1998). It is virtually a live global reality TV show in which only the participants (Truman) do not realize that they are in a staged theatrical performance put on by corrupt and coordinated collaborating governments, media and institutions (the NWO, the Deep State, the System). In the film, various disaster scenarios are suggested (very likely plane crash) or staged (traffic jams, forest fires, nuclear power plant accident) to keep Truman from escaping the false reality (his island) due to frustration and fear. Also, Truman was installed a trauma by a staged event. His fake actor father "drowned" in front of his eyes to keep him on the island through fear of water. The island symbolizes a limited perception.

In principle, the staged "pandemic" works in the same way. It is an illusion created by means of lies and deception to perpetually generate fear in order to keep a politically awakening population under control. Fear paralyzes, makes compliant and restricts the field of vision.

The deception must remain recognizable so as not to violate people's free will. The actions of the "elite" are constrained by metaphysical laws. They avoid violating free will to escape karmic consequences. Newton's third law (action-reaction), in the East it is called karma, the popular wisdom is: What goes around comes around. An exception to this law allows people to be deceived/ tested on the condition that the deception remains recognizable. That is why they build into their deceptions, logic errors, ironic elements and other hints. There are dozens of such hints in the "pandemic". These are the equivalent of the warning colors of poisonous plants or animals.

With each additional clue, they give people the chance to recognize the deception, thus asking for permission to continue. If you ignore the clues and let them, they continue, escalating it to the next level.

Jean-Claude Juncker, former EU Commission president, puts it this way: "We decide something, then put it out in the open and wait some time to see if anything happens. If there is then no big shouting and no riots, because most people don't even understand what has been decided, then we continue - step by step, until there is no turning back."

The NWO goal is openly admitted by the "elite" in their publications. Criminals are often arrogant, out-of-touch-with-reality narcissists who brag about their crimes and mock investigators. According to metaphysical laws, they are also obliged to make their schemes public. One of these titles is: "Covid-19: Der Grosse Umbruch" (The Great Reset) by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and model for every megalomaniac James Bond super villain. Fiction imitates life. There are dozens of such titles in which the "elite" openly announce a NWO. These people are not theorizing amateurs, not harmless daydreamers, they are organized, financially strong, powerful, seriously criminal sociopaths and psychopaths. Those who do not take their proclamations of intent seriously do so at their own peril.

The system creates the following hints with intent and great frequency. They are found in every relevant area of the "pandemic" narrative. The System's agents use anagrams, irony, symbolism, and ambiguity with calculation, not out of carelessness, incompetence, sheer stupidity, or other reasons often given as excuses. They act according to clear guidelines and with high accuracy, because they are strictly controlled by the NWO hierarchy.

1) Hint

2) Decoded Hint

(In the book more examples are given)

1)The "Delta wave", based on a variant of the "CovID virus" is officially considered to be particularly contagious.
2)Delta waves are the brain frequency in deep sleep. It is an ironic reference to the fact that those who do not see through this deception are in deep sleep and is completely unconscious. Relating to "being put to sleep" as in the sense of putting an animal to sleep, killing it. So a wave of deep sleep, or euthanasia.

1) The "Omicron" wave, a variant of the "CovID virus" is the latest variant, which now absolutely requires mandatory vaccination of all people.
2) "Omicron" is an anagram for "Moronic" (feeble-minded). So, a wave of moronicness in form of a staged pandemic based on a non-existent virus.

1) The "Delta-Omicron"-waves were especially propagated in the immediate aftermath.
2) "Delta-Omicron" is an anagram for "Media-Control". So, a wave of media control.
The first time can happen. The second time is coincidence. The third time is intentional. The Greek letters delta and omicron are not in succession in the Greek alphabet, between the two lie 10 letters. So, the fact that of all things these two variants are strongly propagated one after the other as "variants of concern" excludes a coincidence with regard to the relevance of the respective anagrams and in particular the combined anagram from both.

1) The address of German "CovID vaccine manufacturer BioNTech SE is "An der Goldgrube 12" (At the Gold Pit 12).
2) "At the Gold Pit” is a clear ironic reference to a profit-oriented thinking and action of the company. No reputable pharmaceutical company would choose such an address, as it potentially evokes enormously business-damaging associations.
Companies deliberately pay great attention to such things, since, for example, many terms can have a completely different (negative) meaning in another language. Every product name, every address, every telephone number, every company logo is scrupulously checked by specialist agencies (marketing experts, psychologists, linguists) in order to completely exclude negative associations.
A comparison would be if Mercedes Benz were to build its main plant at the address "At the Junkyard 7". Something like that just doesn't happen without being intentional.
So it is intentional and a hint that clearly states that this company is all about gold, it is a money printing machine that runs most profitable when people are sick and therefore it is in the interest of the company that people are sick, stay sick and become sick!

1) Prof. Lothar Heinz Wieler is a German veterinarian (vet) who has served as president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI, similar to the U.S. CDC) since 2015. In this role, he advises the federal and state governments on public health issues, particularly infectious disease threats, and on mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2) An ANIMAL DOCTOR, is being used as an expert on the HUMAN pandemic as a consultant to the government. Not a random or alternative choice of personnel. This is intentional, a hint, a degrading ironic allusion to humans as (stupid) animals.

1) Dr. Anthony Fauci of the CDC, Center of Disease Control, in the USA.
2 In a video clip from CBS News, we see Anthony Fauci being injected in his left arm (supposedly with the CovID vaccine), but when asked about it in another interview a short time later, he points to his right arm as the place where he feels "soreness at the injection site."
This is not a mistake, not a mix-up, not a bad memory, not a mirrored monitor, but a deliberate indication that he did not receive the vaccine, that his injection was staged.
Fauci is a Sicilian name meaning "sickle," referring to the makers of sickles. The sickle is the symbol of the Grim Reaper (and communism, a political ideology that has caused 100 million deaths, mostly in the East. That someone with such a name is in such a position is no coincidence, it is an indication that this person brings mass death.  Dr. Anthony Fauci, bears an undeniable resemblance to Dr. Thomas Tuttle, his "mask" and "social distance" prescribing counterpart of the 1918 "pandemic." A deliberate choice of personnel. The hint given by the similarity of the main protagonists is a "then as now", so that today's "pandemic" is again the same lying scenario as then. The "vaccination" brought disease and death then as now, the "flu virus" was fictitious then as now.

1) Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, referred to the "pandemic" at a press conference as a "PLandemic," which is a neologism of plan+pandemic.
2) Not a slip of the tongue, but intentional.
Thus, they can claim that they openly admitted it was a plandemic. If people make the unfounded assumption that it was a slip of the tongue, that is their own fault for being so gullible and naive.

1) The first man who allegedly received the "Corona vaccination" in England, and died shortly thereafter, was William Shakespeare, namesake of the world-famous English writer (Romeo & Juliet, among others), according to the media.
2) Of all things this name from possible millions? A completely implausible "coincidence".
"Is Shakespeare dead?" is a writing by Mark Twain, in which he critically questions the existence of Shakespeare.
The hint that is given is that the media is not to be trusted. That it is questionable whether presented persons, alleged Corona infected and died are real at all.
Or they are just fictional characters, existing only in digitally created photos, to which fictional names are assigned.
Who's going to check? Spiegel reporter Relotius, for example, not only reported in detail about people who never existed, but also freely invented entire reports. For years! This was not an isolated case, but is the rule. The media complex consists largely of figures like Relotius. Framing is their daily business. Whoever has the immorality to frame, also invents freely.

1) The American CDC uses NPC characters clearly identifiable as such in its official vaccination advertising. See image below the table.
2) The abbreviation "NPC" stands for "Non-Playing Character" and refers to background characters in video games that have no individual mental inner life, no will of their own, and whose behavior is influenced solely by direct environmental influences. They are programmable propaganda slaves.

1) The “Tagesschau” (a German broadcast comparable to CNN prime time news) reports on a campaign in which "sheep promote vaccination", standing in a syringe formation. See image below the table.
2) "Sheep" is a widely used term, for naive victims of propaganda. In this case, for those who get vaccinated.
This report is pure cynicism and expression of absolute contempt of the system for those who get vaccinated. It is a very clear hint.

These were some of the particularly relevant and obvious clues. Some of them are recognizably placed in a central position for everyone to see and are quite unambiguous, like "Dr. East". Or they are statistically practically impossible, as in the case of "Shakespeare". Others require a deeper consideration or a higher level of education, because they are e.g. hints which refer to political incidents, historical events (dates) or persons, still others are certain groups of numbers with hidden meaning (e.g. 33 or 666).

In the names of many objects, persons, numbers and dates central to the agenda, there are metaphysical hints that reveal the true origin, nature and effect, and other hidden information.

 It is important to know that the "elite" communicate in this way. It is not pareidolia, the human characteristic of spotting patterns in chaos, like recognizing faces in passing clouds. It is a secret, coded, symbolic form of communication.

It must be made clear that the terms do not merely provide general building blocks (e.g., random letters) from which to formulate something (as in Scrabble) and which are then used by "creative conspiracy theorists" to fabricate arbitrary conspiracy-related terms. Rather, the terms (safe) contain something unique and definitive (valuables) to be discovered (key/combination).

 Strictly speaking, the conspirators want it to remain undiscovered if possible, but metaphysical laws force them to provide the hints. The balancing act for the conspirators is to provide the hints in sufficient quantity that they can be found by many, but at the same time to hide and disguise them as well as possible so that at best they are not found or are found only by a few. (...)

From the book:

The Covid Pandemic Hoax  Exposure Of An Organized Global Deception  2Circles

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