To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Robert S. Mendelsohn

 When doctors are criticized for not telllng their patients about the side effects of the drugs they prescribe, they defend themselves on the grounds that the doctor-patient relatlonship would suffer from such honesty. That defense implies that the doctor-patient relationship is based on something other than knowledge. It's based on faith. 

 We don't say we know our doctors are good we say we have faith in them. We trust them. 

 Don't think doctors aren't aware of the difference. And don't believe for a minute that they don't play it for all it's worth. Because what's at stake is the whole ball game, the whole ninety percent or more of Modern [17] Medicine that we don't need, that, as a matter of fact is out to kill us. 

 Modern Medicine can't survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art nor a science. It's a religion. 

 One definition of religion identifies it as any organized effort to deal with puzzling or mysterious things we see going on in and around us. The Church of Modern Medicine deals with the most puzzling phenomena: birth, death, and all the tricks our bodies play on us -- and we on them -- in between. In "The Golden Bough," religion is defined as the attempt to gain the favor of "powers superior to man which are believed io direct and control the course of nature and of human life."  If people don't spend billions of dollars on the Church of Modern Medicine in order to gain favor with the powers that direct and control human life, what do they spend it on? 

 Common to all religions is the claim that reality is not limited to or dependent upon what can be seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled. You can easily test modern medical religion on this characteristic by simply asking your doctor Why? enough times. Why are you prescribing this drug? Why is this operation going to do me any good? Why do I have to do that? Why do you have to do that to me? 

 Just ask why? enough times and sooner or later you'll reach the Chasm of Faith. Your doctor will retreat into the fact that you have no way of knowing or understanding all the [18] wonders he has at his command. Just trust me. 

 You've just had your first lesson in medical heresy. Lesson Number Two is that if a doctor ever wants to do something to you that you're afraid of and you ask why? enough times until he says Just Trust Me, what you're to do is turn around and put as much distance between you and him as you can, as fast as your condition will allow. 

 Unfortuately, very few people do that. They submit. They allow their fear of the witch doctor's mask, the unknown spirit behind it, and the mystery of what is happening and of what will happen to change into respectful awe of the whole show. 

 But you don't have to let the witch doctor have his way. You can liberate yourself from Modern Medicine -- and it doesn't mean you'll have to take chances with your health. In fact, you'll be taking less of a chance with your health, because there's no more dangerous activity than walking into a doctor's office, clinic or hospital unprepared. And by prepared I don't mean having your insurance forms filled out. I mean you have to get in and out alive and accomplish your mission. 

For that, you need appropriate tools, skills, and cunning. 

 The first tool you must have is knowledge of the enemy. Once you understand Modern Medicine as a religion, you can fight it and defend yourself much more effectively than when you think you're fighting an art or a science. Of course, the Church of Modern [19] Medicine never calls itself a church. You'll never see a medical building dedicated to the religion of medicine, always the medical arts, or medical science. 

 Modern Medicine relies on faith to survive. All religions do. So heavily does the Church of Modern Medicine rely on faith that if everyone somehow simply forgot to believe in it for just one day the whole system would collapse. For how else could any institution get people to do the things Modern Medicine gets people to do, without inducing a profound suspension of doubt? Would people allow themselves to be artificially put to sleep and then cut to pieces in a proeess they couldn't have the slightest notion about -- if they didn't have faith? Would people swallow the thousands of tons of pills every year -- again without the slightest knowledge of what these chemicals are going to do -- if they didn't have faith? 

 If Modern Medicine had to validate its procedures objectively, this book wouldn't be necessary. 

That's why I'm going to demonstrate how Modern Medicine is not a church you want to have faith in. 

 Some doctors are worried about scaring their patients. While you're reading this book, you are, in a sense, my patient. I think you should be scared. You're supposed to be scared when your well-being and freedom are threatened. And you are, right now, being threatened. If you're ready to learn some of the shocking things your doctor knows but won't tell you; if [20] you're ready to find out if your doctor is dangerous; if you're ready to learn how to protect yourself from your doctor; you should keep reading because that's what this book is about.

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