To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Thursday, February 22, 2024

To President of India- vaccine damage victim letter

 H E Sri A P J Abdul Kalam Azad,

Hon’ble President of India,

Rashtrapati Bhawan,

New Delhi.

Dt: 29.08.2006

Most Respected Sir,

“We vaccine damage victims and the parents of vaccine-damaged children have been raising our voices against the vile practice of vaccines for quite a long time now. We know that nobody is really interested in our problems, created by Government-sponsored mass vaccine programs indulged in without apprising us of the dangers involved. But we continue regardless not for our sake, our lives have already changed forever for the worst, but for the children who are choosing this country to evolve in their spiritual quest.

“Little do those children know that India is no longer the country it once was. Today the love for mankind the country possessed, the spiritual nature of its people and its great system of education aiming at generating and advancing humane knowledge has been lost. In the name of science we have changed. Science is supposed to be a search for the truth but today the truth is being suppressed in the name of science.

“Where will our movement end? As the enclosed report states, the Chinese Government is now arresting vaccine protestors. We too may be arrested and put behind bars. We are being termed a ‘hazard to public health’. What health, Sir? We no longer see health around us, but only death and disease. Yet we talk of public health. We spend billions so that the medical industry prospers and thrives. Nobody thinks of the patients anymore and what they are being forced to go through, health wise and finance wise, at the hands of this evil industry.

“We are at fault for pointing out that vaccines are a bundle of extremely toxic, carcinogenic and contaminated elements that are being forcibly pushed into young defenseless children who cannot protest, whose parents are not aware of the dangers, whose sacrifice of life, and its opportunities go towards filling the coffers of the medical industry which prefers to bow down to the dictate of agencies who have long since lost their sanctity and credibility in the eyes of the general population all over the world.

“What sort of an age do we live in, Sir? We are forced to part with both our health and life’s income to promote an industry that peddles death and disease in return. Is this what our freedom fighters laid down their lives for? Is this what Gandhiji gave his life for? Is this the expression of love that Panditji had for our children?

“What sort of a country are we that cannot protect our children from the machinations and manipulations of the most corrupt industry in the whole world? Yes Sir, the Global Corruption Report 2005 has stated categorically that the $3100 billion medical industry is the most corrupt industry in the world. And yet we continue to pour billions down the throat of this monster. This corrupt industry is headed by the WHO, the UN, and the US based FDA and CDC whose shenanigans are now being probed by investigative journalists and the reports find place in such prestigious newspapers like the New York Times, The Guardian, and even The Lancet, one of the most prestigious medical journals of our times.

“The people all over the world are pointing out the flaws and fallacies of this industry. In the US it has been revealed that 783,936 people die every year due to medical malpractice, more than the combined number that die from road accidents and terrorist attacks. In India, the doctors say that in our towns alone 200,000 people die every year from adverse drug reactions, and 80,000 due to medical malpractices.

“In the TV channels we watch in horror as the doctors kill children in the womb, burn new born infants in the cots, cut the limbs of healthy people at the instance of the beggar mafia, trade in organs of the innocents, photograph female patients in the raw and sell the footage to the porn industry, and experiment new drugs and vaccines on eight-days old toddlers and infants in the creches. Recently all of India has been shocked at front-page headlines that said that the JE vaccine has already killed 22 children and seriously affected 504 others.

“How long will this go on, Sir? How long before this vile so-called science is replaced by more humane methods of treatment? Why should we be forced to be perennial guinea pigs at the hands of doctors who openly admit that they are clueless as to why epidemics of chronic autoimmune disorders are spreading like wildfire across the world?

“It is said that in a society where people are unjustly imprisoned, the true place for a just man is also a prison. Therefore I request you, Sir, that we vaccine victims and other victims of the medical industry be arrested en masse and put behind bars. At least it will relieve us of the tension of seeing infants and adults being recklessly and systematically mauled in the hands of the cannibalistic medical industry.

“Please forgive me for being emotional. But after 27 years of personal suffering and the realization that things are not going to change despite our protests, I am finding it difficult to keep my mouth shut.

“President Sir, once again we appeal to you, please intervene and save our children. Please ensure that 1.74 million autistic children of India, who have been incapacitated by the use of mercury and aluminum in vaccines and the use of live measles virus, and of uncounted others who have died or rendered disabled due to toxic vaccine ingredients get the attention they deserve and that their parents are at least helped financially to ensure that their children are rehabilitated and lead some semblance of normal life after they are gone.” (Note: Aluminum is 4000 times more toxic than lead!)

“Is this too much to ask of you, Sir?”


Respectfully yours,

Jagannath Chatterjee,


Letter from Ray Gallup to Congressman Burton and read at the December 10, 2002 hearing:

“I was set to go with Albert Enayati tomorrow for the Government reform hearings but could not make it. Our family is in living hell with our 17 year-old son Eric who is 6 feet tall, 150 pounds. He attacked Helen, Julie, my daughter (14) and myself. He head butted Julie and bit my wife on the head. Eric bit one of my fingers. It is not the first time and is getting worse. We have no help and I’m afraid for the safety of our family and my son.

“He is a victim of Merck...with the MMR vaccine...having elevated measles antibody titers.

“Eric was like he was 6’-5” and 300 pounds on Sunday when he had his tantrum. I held him down but he tried to bite me and kick and scratch me. I was so exhausted I could not breathe and thought I would have a heart attack. When we closed the doors to lock ourselves in from Eric, Eric kicked on the door...breaking some of the wood.

“I do not know what to do anymore short of calling the police...we are at our wits end.

“This is our lot in life for trusting the medical profession that vaccines are safe. We are paying a bitter price for that trust. It is hard to have any holiday feelings when we see what has happened to our son...and our family.

“Again, I am sorry I could not attend but we are under siege”.

Ray Gallup

Vaccine damage victim,

Health Reform Activist.

(Vaccinations, Yahoo Groups)

Wednesday, 30 August 2006 (NWBC 202) Protests in India and

China against vaccinations

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