To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Great White Hoax The Suppressed Truth About the Pharmaceutical Industry


Drugs are not the cure; they are the cause of disease. The use of drugs and vaccinations in the treatment and prevention of disease should be abolished. It does not work, it never did and never will, except according to the “studies” and “statistics” created by those in the business of promoting these products. When someone dies from this stuff called “medicine”, that happens every minute of every day, doctors are well versed in how to cover up. The death certificate might read “heart failure” or some pre-existing condition. When someone dies from a vaccine or even the flu shot, which happens more often than you think, once again the death certificate might read “heart failure” or whatever is the whim of the doctor. The drug companies manage to keep a somewhat clean slate. I find that the Number One cause of sickness, disease, premature death, birth defects and even crime in our society is medicinal drugs. What part do medicinal drugs play in this world of turmoil? What does the assault and pollution of the bloodstream by medicinal drugs have to do with the evil perpetrated by so many leaders and others around the world?

That remains to be seen. I have found from my own observations that the unexplainable mass murders that take place in our society today are not caused by those who failed to take their medicine, but by those who did take it. Children who commit suicide and children who kill are not children who failed to take their Prozac. They are children who did take it. Nothing causes more depression than anti-depressants! Mothers who drown their children for no apparent reason did not fail to take their medicine, as the authorities would have us believe. They are those who did take it. The Jeffrey Dahmers of the world are almost always those who took their medicine, or the products of mothers who took theirs. We can stop the high rate of crime, the diseases for which no cure can be found, even the budget deficit, by stopping the use of drugs or that poison called “medicine”.

It may prove to be the Number One cause of our Nation’s earth-shattering problems and may even be a major cause of world leaders who prefer violence to peace. As if that were not enough, I suggest in time, what we have come to know as “medicine” will prove to be the Number One cause of the pollution of the earth’s water supply.

I have found that when the vilest substances are in our bloodstream, the closer we come to cancer and premature death. The more vile the substances we ingest into our systems the more we induce disease and illness. The immune system has the ability to protect us from disease, and to defeat disease; but it must be unpolluted and it must be allowed and encouraged to do its pre-ordained work.

Because of the power of brainwashing and Deep Pockets, the drug industry may continue to prosper; but those of us who have managed to escape their grasp must demand and fight if necessary, for the right to reject medical treatment especially when we have found something that works better. We must demand the right to employ natural healing or natural immunity when we believe it is superior to that manufactured in a pharmaceutical laboratory.

Nearly every disease in our society can be, and more than often has been, caused by pharmaceutical drugs. We have been overwhelmed by FDA “studies” and “statistics”. We have been brainwashed, browbeaten, intimidated and forced by law, at times with police power, to submit to the demands of the creators of these statistics as well as to their morbid and vile products.

The US Government has not been able to convince the world to employ the great system of democracy. Our elected officials have failed to convince the people of the world that peace and prosperity are better than violence and despair; but our Leaders, in league with the Medical Industry have spent trillions of dollars and have succeeded in convincing just about everyone on the planet that the intake of poison can be beneficial to the human body. Once again the question, “Who are our representatives serving; the American People or the Medical Industry?”

I suggest that a study by statisticians, who have no interest in the status quo of American Medicine, who have no interest in the outcome of the study, who have no personal agenda and no fear of repercussions from the powers that be, could easily prove that the use of vaccinations and drugs in the prevention and treatment of disease is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the human race.



A drug rarely is of any value in the cure of disease. It may sometimes have value in the suppression or relief, but almost never in the cure. Every drug is harmful. Prescription for medicine is a prescription for poison. Penicillin, antibiotics, sulfa drugs, and the other thousands of drugs, including the “life-saving” drugs that sit on drug store shelves and are found in every medicine chest of every American household, are completely worthless and all are harmful. Drugs that artificially control blood pressure, fever, heartbeat and other bodily functions, simply interfere with the natural workings of the body. The human body has a built-in brain mechanism that knows exactly how to deal with any innate physical problem. It can send into remission any disease or disorder, from the common cold to the worst cancer. Prevention or Cure never comes because of drugs and it does not come in a packaged product. Good results may come in spite of drugs and other concoctions, but never because of them. The intake of poison can in no way contribute to good health. When the human body fails to deal successfully with a disease or disorder, no doctor with pills or needle in hand, can improve on the workings of the amazing bloodstream.

Nearly all disease germs are found within the human body. They become activated when suppression or damaging of the immune system occurs, which is exactly what happens when we take medicine. The human body acts positively to normal amounts of air, water and good nutrition; and negatively to the intake of most other substances. Acidic food and products in reasonable amounts are acceptable and even necessary to the human body; but an imbalanced diet high in acidic foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods tends to disrupt the body’s balance making people prone to chronic and degenerative disease. The cure for cancer, arthritis and practically everything else, is first to eliminate the cause, which in our society, is often overuse of coffee, alcohol, and other acidic foods and unnatural products. Frequently, medicinal drugs cause disease. It is usually not difficult to find the cause of an ailment, but in some cases the cause is not obvious. It may sometimes be necessary to search.

The next step is to create an alkaline environment within the body where disease cannot flourish. This is best done by means of a highly alkaline or vegetarian diet. Fruits and vegetables are alkaline. More importantly one should usually avoid highly acidic foods, chemicals, and especially medicinal drugs. We find that disease is more prevalent in the older population because the older a person becomes, the more his or her immune system has been weakened by medicine.

Medicine is often prescribed for a person on the first trip to the doctor, and that person usually continues taking medicine until the end of life. There are also other toxins in our society that are damaging to the human body, but medicine is the great crippler. More than 100 years ago Dr. Henry Lindlahr put it best: “... the poisons and serums employed to arrest the disease process very often affect vital parts and organs permanently, causing the gradual deterioration of cells and tissues, and paving the way for tuberculosis, chronic affection of the kidneys, cancer, etc., in later years.”Before the great rush to medicine, tuberculosis or cancer and other diseases were usually caused by overloading the system with meat, coffee, alcohol or tobacco; but as soon as these bad habits were discontinued, and the organs of elimination were stimulated by natural methods, the encumbrances were eliminated, and the much-dreaded symptoms subsided and disappeared, often with surprising rapidity.

The populace, today, is so brainwashed that even those who have learned to avoid the vile poisons known as medicinal drugs, still ask, “What can I take for this ailment?” They continue to be duped, not only by the doctors, but also by some holistic practitioners who have products to sell.

Alternate therapies are often no better than mainstream medicine. There are many on TV, radio and in the media who will sell us our health. The fact is they have little to sell and there is little that we should buy. Health comes from within. Like all bodily diseases, whether it is a plain simple skin rash or a cancerous tumor, it can be cured by the body’s natural built-in healing ability. All diseases have been known to vanish as mysteriously as they appeared.

The medical authorities, when cornered, will admit this fact; but they have no interest in solving the mystery of diseases that vanish for no apparent reason. They have no interest in a cure that does not involve medical products or procedures. For that reason they have found no cure for anything. Not for the common cold, not for cancer and not for anything in between. A cure can never be found in a chemical laboratory or on a drug store shelf. As for polio, the one and only disease where the medical industry claims total victory, the boast is a complete farce. Not true. Study has shown that the polio vaccine was the cause of the problem. Not the solution. The medical authorities have only one interest. That is in promoting their agenda. The medical industry, in spite of the Hippocratic Oath and all other embellishments, is exactly what its name implies, an “Industry!”The vilest substances known to man are touted by the drug companies and approved by the US government through the FDA, whose job, unbelievable as it sounds, is mainly to approve poison for human consumption. However, do not take my word for it. The absolute proof is in the PDR —the “Physicians Desk Reference”, either in printed form or electronically on-line. The evils of all patent drugs are clearly delineated in this massive “biblical” epic produced by Merck for the drug industry. The PDR is the verbatim statements provided by all drug manufacturers describing the use and warnings associated with all their concoctions. Adverse reaction warnings that range from an innocuous headache to suicidal tendencies to death. Indeed, medicine is far worse than the malady. Equally shocking is the fact that the finely printed inserts that accompany over the counter drugs often do not reveal all the shocking truths. Only the PDR tells all —usually. Drugs are approved that kill, maim, pollute and are capable of causing just about every disease known to man. The important business of the FDA is to approve drugs that can be peddled by the drug industry. These products are nothing less than slow-acting poison for human consumption.

In approving drugs, the FDA does not consider cure to be a prerequisite. If cure were a prerequisite no drug could ever get approved. All that is necessary for approval by the FDA is that the disease that can be caused by these products is slow enough so as not to be apparent. When we place a pill into our mouth, it is not usually enough for a quick death; but it is positively the beginning of a disease and a slow death. Americans are taking pills and Americans are being slowly poisoned.

The agenda of the medical industry is to slowly poison, operate on, electroshock or “treat”, not cure, but treat, in one way or another, every person on the planet; and, when necessary, to accomplish this feat by government mandate and by force. All this in the name of profits and power.

The process of spontaneous remission and natural immunity is one that exists. It is the built-in mechanism used by the body to protect and heal itself. So powerful is the medical industry that a person must fight, sometimes in the courts, for the right to employ natural healing in preference to medicinal drugs or operations or other medical procedures. If the doctor is asked, “Can a patient be immunized or recover without the use of medicine?” The answer is well rehearsed, “Yes, health can be acquired without the use of medicinal products and procedures; but statistics favor medical procedures.” “Statistics” that come from thin air are the backbone and foundation of the medical industry. Statistics, taken from thin air have now become the law of the land, thanks to our “statesmen” who occupy the halls of Congress.

There is no medicinal drug in the world and seldom a packaged product that has ever been of value in the healing process. No vaccine, drug, antibiotic or other pharmaceutical product has ever failed to produce its share of horror. Once again, the medical industry creates and keeps only the records that promote its agenda. Honest statistics are not to be found. True and honest statistics would destroy the medical industry as we know it today.

The intake of any and every drug whether legal or illegal, is the first step in producing disease. The next drug, and there is always a next drug, would be the second step. The more medicine we take, the closer we move to disease and death. The only things that appear to be more harmful than illegal drugs are the legal ones. I have found that the number one cause of disease in our society today, including cancer, is medicinal drugs. I have also found that illicit drugs don’t come close to causing the number of deaths caused by prescription drugs. The human body rebels at the thought of medicine. It does not want it. It does not want it to interfere with its own built-in mechanism for healing and prevention of disease. The first pill a person takes is the first step towards disease or what the doctor politely refers to as a “side effect”. Of course the second pill is the second step toward a side effect, and so on, until the patient has enough side effects so as to be labeled “disease”. Medicine actually produces disease. The doctor’s business, of course, now escalates. The first disease now requires treatment. Not cure, but treatment, which means possibly a medical procedure, but very often, another drug.

The word “cure” has been long forgotten by an industry running rampant. Cure is not important. It is not considered. It is sometimes not even possible because of a medicine-damaged bloodstream. Because of a brainwashed public, cure is completely unnecessary for the industry to gather in their usual enormous profits. When healing does occur in spite of drug poisoning, the doctor chalks that one up as a victory for medicine. Actually it is a victory for the immune system. The immune system is sometimes so powerful that in can defeat both the disease and the medical chemical assault. The medical industry has perfected, not the science of healing, but the science of drug promotion and profits. Complete healing, especially noticeable in the elderly, never arrives. The physical problems of the elderly continue to escalate because of their great intake of “medicine”. Each drug is the beginning of a new disease that requires more treatment that often means another drug. The elderly never enjoy a clean bill of health. As they take more and more drugs, they suffer more and more ailments until they die of, according to the authorities, “Old Age!”

So laden are the elderly with medicinal drugs that at the time of death, it is not uncommon to find as many as twenty different medicines at their bedside, with death caused by as many different diseases. The body’s natural healing process is a great accommodation to the drug industry; but it seldom receives any recognition. The stage has been set. The script has been written. Credit for any healing or remission which might occur in spite of the poisons being administered by the health professionals, is chalked up to the drugs. Drugs get the credit, and a brainwashed public agrees that drugs seem to have been successful.

The real drug pushers sit in fancy offices of many of the great drug companies and send fat checks out to their agents dressed in clean white coats prescribing hundreds of mind and immune-altering drugs. These include narcotics, sedatives, tranquilizers and hundreds of other destructive, and often habit-forming, drugs. Drug companies are known to pay doctors thousands of dollars, simply to prescribe their particular products. Many doctors often comply, knowing that what they prescribe cures nothing and is nothing other than slow poisoning. Since one drug is just as good as another, or should I say “just as bad”, it is not unusual for the doctor to cooperate with the drug manufacturer, prescribe the drug manufacturer’s particular product, and receive a big fat check. Patients clamoring for a drug “fix” further exacerbate this egregious situation. Even when doctors prefer not recommending a drug, they also know that if they do not provide the prescription, they will lose business —patients will simply go to another drug pusher because it is easier to take a pill than take responsibility for life style changes that could prevent illness in the first place. This is how brainwashed unthinking people have become.


The Great White Hoax

The Suppressed Truth About the Pharmaceutical Industry

(2nd Edition, Revised)

Robert E. Catalano

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