To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Statistics or with the magic of numbers they can lie without getting into trouble!


I have no interest in statistics produced by those who have an agenda. Statistics can be made to say whatever they are wanted to say. Unless statistics are well documented and the documentation concise and researched by those who have no vested interest in the outcome of the study, they might just as well be outright lies, which they usually are. According to Mark Twain: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and “statistics.” Lies are not allowed in most spheres. Damned lies are probably worse somehow and still not allowed. Statistics however, were made to order for the medical industry.

With the magic of numbers they can lie without getting into trouble! I do not provide the public with statistics that have resulted from my own findings. It would be an insult since statistics can be made to achieve any desired result. The drug industry with their cronies at the CDC and FDA know this all too well. The FDA could use a 5-person study to test a drug; and if 2 persons survived, it could be considered a 40% success; but the cries of thousands of people who have no question that their children acquired autism from vaccination are considered invalid and not sufficient for a finding.

The medical authorities can usually achieve their desired results; but in any case they are prepared to readily provide statistics for any question that might come their way. They have ever-present statistics for why a drug might work or why a vaccine is necessary; but they can never produce proof that their products or services are beneficial. If a patient survives, “He responded to treatment” If he succumbs, “He died from complications.” They have ready-made answers.

The unwritten rule and apparently the first one learned in medical school is that the patient never dies from treatment whether it be surgeries, drugs or whatever else. The fact is the patient almost always dies from the treatment. Poison is not very beneficial to the human constitution! The patient dies from “complications,” says the doctor. “Complications”, another trick medical word with little or no meaning. When doctors are called on to produce documented statistics or findings, there is a large silence. If a study is actually done and the results are not satisfactory, any reason can be used to reject the study; and they may keep rejecting studies until the results are satisfactory. So why bother studying? They don’t bother! Not very much! So interwoven is the drug industry with the media and our elected officials that it has become untouchable.

The pharmaceutical industry with their friends at the CDC and FDA deals greatly in statistics. Cure is not necessary. Successful treatment is not required, all that is required are the medical statistics taken from thin air and readily accepted by a brainwashed public. Statistics are the backbone and foundation of the medical industry. Statistics provided by the FDA prove “beyond the shadow of a doubt” that poison can be beneficial to one’s health! If medical statistics were compiled by statisticians who had no interest in the outcome, the drug industry would topple into the dust.

No doctor ever declined to quote statistics. How often does a doctor say, “Excuse me while I check the statistics?” Never! No doctor ever has had to research statistics. Statistics are ever present and have lain on the tip of the doctor’s tongue since the beginning of time. I have come to the conclusion that doctors use statistics strictly for support, not for illumination.

Most of the Western World’s population is self-indulgent. They welcome the quick fix that will deal with their ailments. They not only welcome it, they demand it. The pharmaceutical industry is only too happy to oblige. They do research to the tune of billions of dollars, not looking for a cure, but looking for anything that would be toxic enough to require control by the authorities. Requiring a prescription means more income for the industry. A non-toxic substance would still be profitable; but not profitable enough, so as to satisfy the appetite of a ravenous industry. A medicine or poison must be slow acting enough so it will be accepted as beneficial by a brainwashed or confused public. Although slow-acting poisons are approved by the FDA, it retains the appearance of respectability by disapproving fast-acting poisons. Cure is not required by the drug companies nor is cure necessary for approval by the FDA.

The medical industry has become so powerful that cure is not even necessary to receive payment for services. The word “cure” is no longer part of the medical vocabulary. All that is required of a product is that it be toxic enough so that it will require a doctor’s prescription. Far removed from its original purpose, the FDA’s job is to approve poison for human consumption and to distinguish slow acting poisons from fast acting poisons.

Beware of medical advertising. It is responsible for a large part of the industry’s budget. Meaningless excessive medical advertising, that includes words or phrases with little or no meaning, confuse the listener and gives the appearance of respectability. Use of such vague terms as “treatment”, “giant strides”, “check with your doctor”, and “complications” have been found by the drug promoters to be an excellent method of brainwashing while achieving for them the appearance of respectability. Much of the advertising during the News Hours is paid for by drug companies. Much of the newscast is focused on the wonders of medicine. Every day a new wonder drug is presented that may be the key to salvation, but of course, it never is.

The drug companies, having brought the FDA and CDC into the fold, as well as our elected officials, have now become a law unto themselves and the law of the land. These agencies that were formed to serve the American people, now give their allegiance to the medical industry. The medical industry is preparing itself to draft government policy. It is not so bad for those who have been brainwashed into believing that drugs are the key to health and longevity; but for those of us still caught in the act of thinking, there is the feeling of terror that these vile products may be forced on us, our children or even our household pets by an industry running rampant with power.Statistics are gathered by the medical industry, not to get to the truth, but to promote an agenda. Statistics can be made to show whatever is desired. If a group of researchers is studying a certain drug, unsatisfactory results can be discarded for any reason. There is no reason to keep unsatisfactory results, not unless, of course, they were seeking the truth. Testing may be repeated until the desired results are achieved. Thousands of parents cry out in horror as their children are maimed and killed by vaccinations. I have, myself, received dozens of letters from such parents. They are immediately rebuffed by the authorities that accept only whatever facts, figures and statistics are acceptable to their own agenda. The outcry of thousands of parents who swear that their children acquired autism from vaccination is not good enough for the medical authorities to admit a possible link between the vaccine and the disease. I suggest that as the numbers of such claims grow, and they will continue to grow, the cries of these parents will still fall on deaf ears.

Once again, I ignore statistics compiled by those who have an agenda. But I can say that from my own observations, I find that vaccinations and drugs are not only worthless; they are harmful and often fatal. Vaccinations positively are the cause of autism, tumors, epilepsy, asthma, Alzheimer’s and other diseases too numerous to mention.

The medical industry guarantees nothing. What they do is maintain that cure is possible with or without their intervention; but of course, medical statistics say, “chances are better with medicinal drugs and medical services than without”. If and when a person under medical treatment happens to recover from his or her aliment, the drugs and medical procedures that were administered to the patient receive the credit. These experts often have the audacity to quote exact statistics and percentages to show the value of their products or services. To question medical statistics can be considered un-American. In a court of law it could amount to contempt.

The immune system, a mind-boggling multi-faceted force which includes a mechanism that protects and defends the body against disease is not only a self- healing entity, it has been know to cure every disease under the sun. This fact alone could decapitate the drug industry. All cures are performed by the immune system. From the beginning of time, charlatans have duped the ignorant, into believing that some substance or some procedure was necessary to prevent sickness or achieve a cure. These were the first doctors. They would usually introduce some concoction to the patient. If the patient stayed well or healed, the doctor would take credit for what was actually the body’s natural power of immunity or built-in healing ability. There were concoctions used to ward off disease. These were akin to the first vaccinations.Diseases can be prevented and cured only by the immune system. The search for a magic bullet goes on to this day by a brainwashed people who are taken advantage of by an industry that has been given unlimited power. Diseases the doctors cannot claim to cure (practically all diseases) are now “treated”. No proof is necessary to determine whether the treatment is or is not beneficial. All that is necessary are once again, “medical statistics.” This patient died in one month after treatment. “But” says the doctor, “He would have died in two weeks without the treatment”, and once again the notation reads, “Responded to treatment.” “Treatment has prolonged this patient’s life” according to the doctor and his “statistics”. “Treatment has helped to cure this aliment”. If the doctor says so, it must be true! When the person expires after his so called treatment, “He lived as long as he did because of the treatment”. When a patient dies a horrible death after his chemotherapy, “It would have been more horrible without treatment”, so say the doctors with their ever present “statistics”. Where is the basis for all these statistics? I have searched high and low to no avail. There are no worthwhile statistics anywhere on this planet to prove that drugs are of any value in the treatment or prevention of disease. The only proof of value is found in the “studies” and “statistics” of the drug promoters. Many people, of course, will claim that drugs benefit them. Example: Prescription drugs or even over the counter medicine often masks symptoms and hence, these drugs appear to ‘cure’ or provide relief.

When I inquired as to how many children with curable diseases, die in hospitals each year while under medical treatment, I was told that this was not important enough for them to keep records. The medical people aren’t counting. They had no reason to know. I found later, that someone was counting. The fact is that the number of children who die in hospitals each year with curable diseases is astronomical.

How many people survive with cancer, even advanced cancer, and yet refused medical intervention? The medical authorities say “Very few.” Where do they get this information? As usual, from thin air. There are no such records. The authorities don’t know. It is of no concern to them. Their business is selling drugs and operations. The largest part of their business is testing. Testing for diseases for which they have no cure! The fact is that the real cures of the worst diseases, several of which I have personally witnessed and participated in, (below see “Letters”, Idaho Observer November 15, 2005) are usually by those who reject medical treatment; and especially by those who reject medicinal drugs. I have also found that the longest living AIDS patients were those who refused drug therapy. Anything that has the ability to self-heal should be allowed and encouraged to self-heal; and that means just about everything. Whether it is the common cold or cancer, Nature does the work. The doctor does very little of any benefit; but Nature is seldom given the credit.I am not sure AIDS is reversible. It is very similar to cancer and may be a condition where the immune system is too far damaged to achieve remission. If AIDS can be reversed, I am certain the reversal is similar for cancer. A stringent alkaline regimen that forms a condition within the body where cancer cells cannot thrive.

The two magical words that keep the pharmaceutical industry in business are “treatment” and “statistics”. These are the words that cost US citizens more than a trillion dollars a year plus ill health, pain, suffering, crime and even environmental pollution.

Are statistics provided by Harvard and other such institutions independent of the medical industry? I doubt it. The drug industry in 1991 alone, gave over $2 billion to colleges and universities for research. The drug industry is not a slouch. They hover over us like exactly what they are: the monster that we have created and allow to exist. Medical schools have long been corrupted by Big Pharma, which secretly bribes professors with meals, gifts, vacations and cash bonuses to make sure they teach students a pro-pharmaceutical curriculum.

Now some medical students are fed up with the corruption, and they are demanding that schools require professors to disclose their financial ties with drug companies. Unbelievably, the medical schools are refusing!

Harvard Medical Students Rebel Against Big Pharma Ties

By Pollywog

“Two hundred Harvard Medical School students are confronting the school’s administration, demanding an end to pharmaceutical industry influence in the classroom.

“The students worry that pharmaceutical industry scandals in recent years, including criminal convictions, billions of dollars in fines, proof of bias in research and publishing and false marketing claims, have cast a bad light on the medical profession. The students have criticized Harvard as being less vigilant than other leading medical schools in monitoring potential financial conflicts by faculty members.

“Harvard received the lowest possible grade, an “F,” from the American Medical Student Association, a national group that rates how well medical schools monitor and control drug industry money.

“The students were joined by Dr. Marcia Angell, a faculty member and former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, who has vigorously advocated for an end to liaisons between academia and Big Pharma.”

Source: Alliance for Human Research Protection. March 3, 2009

The Great White Hoax

The Suppressed Truth About the Pharmaceutical Industry

(2nd Edition, Revised

Robert E. Catalano





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