To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dara Halley-James - The Sixty Million: How Leading Jewish Communists, Zionists, and Neocons Brought on a Dozen Holocausts

The main intention of this book is to defend White interests against Jewish power. A subsidiary intention, though, could be construed as trying to save Jews from themselves.

Dara Halley-James:

The neocons combine the ferocity of Trotskyite (Communist) argumentation with the ethno-religious goals of Zionism, while advancing the absurdity that what is good for Israel is automatically good for America. The upshot of neocon dominance of America’s Middle-East foreign policy apparatus is a trail of destruction there and the decline of American power, as the U.S. squanders its assets on the supposed needs of Israel which in fact disguise the wants of Greater Israel.

What has happened is that gradually, almost imperceptibly over a span of several decades, Israel has turned North American and other Western Jewries into unwitting pawns of its own selfish designs. Because Israel decided from the outset that it would settle for nothing less than Greater Israel status and territory, it needed a fifth column particularly in America to ensure that Israel’s expansionist regionally-hegemonic agenda would prevail where numbers were not on Israel’s side.

However, Israel’s agenda is blatantly opposed to America’s self-interest. Here we have a now economically-wounded giant way overstretching its present capabilities for the sake of a small country that should be of little or no concern to it. Israel is helping to destroy the power upon which it has long depended, and American Jews are being manipulated by Zionists for Zionist ends that are just as inimical to the long-term interests of American Jews as they are to those of Americans in general. Israel is not just biting the hand that feeds it, it is gnawing off that hand to the ultimate detriment of non-Jewish America, Jewish America, the West in general and even Israel itself.

The 1930s were a thriving period or even a golden age for Soviet Jews, in sharp contrast to most Soviet citizens. British writer Martin Amis recalls that in the USSR in 1934, just after “the culmination of the most precipitous peacetime decline in living standards known in recorded history,” and a year after the Terror Famine (the real Holocaust), Stalin took the podium at a ‘Congress’ to a standing ovation—of which, said Pravda, “it seemed there would be no end.” No audience member wanted to be noticed by the secret police as the first person to stop applauding. Indeed, “The first man to stop clapping (a local factory manager) was arrested the next day and given ten years on another charge.”

Gramophone records of Stalin speeches had an eighth side devoted to nothing but applause. In 2011, the year that America would seemingly more-or-less extract itself from the Iraq quagmire into which the Israel lobby had pushed it eight years and trillions of dollars of debt earlier, Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress. America’s elected representatives, trained seals all (or nearly all), not daring to appear less than wholeheartedly enthusiastic lest Jewish financing for their next electoral campaign be withdrawn and bestowed upon a more Israel-friendly rival, leapt to their feet and brought their flippers together to award Israel’s leader 29 standing ovations.

Yes, 29 standing ovations. 29! A ‘resurrected-Elvis’ tour might have elicited fewer. Neocon pundits would have us believe that this was an expression of genuine enthusiasm and merely reflected the confluence of American and Israeli interests and ideals. Sure, much as Stalin’s audience identified with Stalin’s goals—for the sake of preserving their hides.

So, this is what it’s like now when a prime minister of Israel addresses the American Congress, even when what they applaud is clearly contrary to American interests. The majority of Congresspersons know full well how dependent was their election and will be their future elections on ‘America/Israel Political Action Committee’ (AIPAC)-arranged contributions and on favorable public relations directed toward themselves combined with unfavorable PR directed against their less Israel-obeisant opponents. A substantial majority of Congresspersons, almost unbelievably, have become toadies of Israeli power, willing dupes of a nation that often acts more as a bona fide enemy than as the official ally it pretends to be.

With enemies as feeble and divided as the Arab states, Israel barely needs friends like the U.S. That’s partly why Israel can afford to abuse America’s good nature, so to speak. And with friends like Israel, America needn’t bother with cultivating enemies. In return for Israel’s insistence upon the dream of Greater Israel, for both demographic and biblical reasons, America got stuck with pushing bogus peace proposals negotiated in bad faith that of course reached dead-ends and have merely exacerbated the anti-American hostility of Arab states.

Since 9/11 America has gone into overall decline, with Israel in the driver’s seat.

As the damage spreads and becomes more blatant, anti-Jewish feeling could very well erupt once again. Jews will have only their Israeli and Israel lobby brethren to blame. Or rather, they will have their own leadership to blame, a leadership whose judgment, historically, has proved for the most part to be staggeringly bad.

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