To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Quotes from the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology


Some of the people were concerned about possible military applications of a technology that could knock out the Internet or blackout the power grid. More close at hand, they figured, what goes up must come down, especially if the radiations bounce off the ionosphere. Wally worried when he heard talk of the HAARP technicians planning to install filters on the radio and satellite receiving dishes in and around every home in the vicinity. The filters would screen out incoming radio wave interference, he was told. He got together with an electronics whiz who lived on an even more remote homestead, to study the proposal for high power beaming. Concerned about their families' health, they came to a conclusion. "It's not innocuous."

Nor was the proposed violation of Earth's atmospheric electrical system, he said. "You read about a tremendous heated plume rising, and raising part of the upper atmosphere with it, and that it could change weather conditions and that the actual effects can be intensified. Then (HAARP spokesmen) come back and say 'don't worry'."

He did worry - about his family on the ground receiving reflected radiation, and then about swans, ducks, geese and other frequent flyers that could be fried in the intense radio frequency beam above the project site. The ionospheric heater, as the HAARP antennae were called, would beam upward in a prime corridor for migrating waterfowl.

Another of the guys in the bush worried that migrating salmon might lose tlieir way, as they use the geomagnetic field as part of tlieir road map for returning to spawning grounds. The magnetically- sensitive material magnetite had been found in salmon, as it had in human brains. Therefore changes in the magnetic field would be confusing, he said. A powerful ionospheric heater such as HAARP could create an artificial electromagnetic storm high above the earth.

"All we have is John Heckscher's comments that there'll be no more magnetic disturbances than what occurs naturally," Wally said skeptically.

The bush dwellers and their science advisors, on the other hand, contended that even naturally occurring disturbances, caused by solar storms, do disrupt living systems. A psychologist at the University of Alaska did a study trying to connect Alaska's high rate of suicides to disturbances from geomagnetic storms generated by the aurora borealis.68 And scientific articles about the sensitivities of living cells and nervous systems said it doesn't take strong magnetic fields to make a difference; 68 Vancouver Province newspaper, "Electric Impulse", Apr. 4, 1995 fluctuations of very weak fields can dramatically affect the cellular level of life. Leaning against the passenger side window of the truck, Nick nodded agreement with tlie NO HAARP researcher. His yeaTS of research had uncovered studies that proved this point.
Van Bise, an electronics and biomedical engineer, says bluntly "They're suicidal!" He made the comment after reading about HAARP, the military's plan to pump unprecedented levels of radio frequency power up through the upper atmosphere to heat parts of the unpredictable ionosphere. His concern is that the experimenters admit they do not know what the outcome might be.72

Surprisingly few scientists know about ionospheric heaters. "Why in the world would anyone want to heat up the ionosphere? It's already hot enough," said one head of a large university's physics department. Co-author Manning gave him the benefit of the doubt, but as it turned out, he was not joking. Other department heads at universities with sizable atmospheric physics departments had heard about ionospheric heaters but said their knowledge of the research was vague.

The University of Alaska's geophysical department knows what an ionospheric research instrument is, because their university is directly involved in HAARP funding. But although "auroral research" involvement of the University of Alaska is played up in press releases, HAARP's internal documents say the goal of the experiments is to control ionospheric processes so that they can be exploited by the Department of Defense.

Concerned scientists such as van Bise are doubly discouraged, because the people who want to control the electrojet or make "nuclear-sized explosions"73 or an "artificial cyclotron"74 in the upper atmosphere are the most difficult to stop. Traditionally they have held the biggest handfuls of taxpayers' money. Their power base includes mega-corporation defense contractors and their lobbyists. Few physicists are willing to risk their livelihood (government contracts) by contradicting these people.

Elizabeth Rauscher has a Ph.D., a long and impressive career in high energy physics, and has been published in prestigious science journals and books.75 Yet her warnings apparently go unheeded. For example, in 1984 she presented scientific findings at a Pentagon briefing and then tried to address the colonels and generals person to person about global environmental issues. They refused to respond to her blunt question, "Don't you worry about your children and grandkids?"

Seven years ago Rauscher and her partner William van Bise wrote a paper76 that discussed the earth's magnetic field emanations in technical language, but ended with a strongly worded warning.

Earth and life forms on it vibrate and resonate in harmony, they noted; radiant energy from the sun and materials and vibrations of the earth support life. "Is there a symbiosis between the earth and the life forms upon it?" After mentioning chemical and radioactive pollution of our life support systems, they injected a less-publicized concern, "some of the electromagnetic waves generated by man may have global significance..."
As if natural disasters weren't bad enough, the CIA reported that national governments were already able to manipulate weather for military purposes. The editorialist had an impertinent thought: "It is difficult to read the CIA report without wondering whether some of the climatic aberrations in recent years may not have been part of military experimental programs."

Saturday Review's 1977 editorial used strong words to describe the desensitization of the public and decision makers - a deadening of moral indignation tliat came from seeing an endless procession of super-weapons. That process was described as mass insanity. "If the collective conscience does not now respond, then all our philosophy and religion and education,..have been abstract, irrelevant, futile."

The collective conscience was silent, however, and by 1995 the military has had another 18 years to work on weather warfare methods, which it euphemistically calls weather modification. For example, rainmaking technology was taken for a few test rides in Vietnam. The DoD sampled lightning and hurricane- manipulation studies in Project Skyfire and Project Stormfury. And they looked at some complicated technologies that would give big effects. Lowell Ponte, author of The Cooling, says the military studied both lasers and chemicals which they figured could damage the ozone layer over an enemy. Looking at ways to cause earthquakes, as well as to detect them, was part of the project code named Prime Argus, decades ago. The money for tliat came from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, now under the acronym ARPA.)

The next year the Air Force revealed a bit more - its Spacecast 2020 master plan includes weather control as a possible new weapons initiative. Defense News excerpted the report. Under "weather control", the article said that scientists have experimented with weather control since the 1940's, but Spacecast 2020 noted that "using environmental modification techniques to destroy, damage or injure another state are prohibited". Having said that, the Air Force claimed that advances in technology "compels a reexamination of this sensitive and potentially risky topic. "92

What could the new technology do? For one, military forces may have the tool for zapping a hole through a cloud in order to target their enemy. That would be costly and risky, but "the potential benefits for national security could be even higher".

Air Force officials said the weather control section of their report is classified and won't be released. 40


As far back as 1958, the chief White House advisor on weather modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the U.S. DoD was studying "ways to manipulate the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather" by using an electronic beam to ionize or deionize the atmosphere over a given area.93

In 1966, Professor Gordon J. F. MacDonald, associate director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California, Los Angeles, was a member of the President's Science Advisory Committee, and later a member of the President's Council on Environmental Quality. He published papers on the use of environmental control technologies for military purposes. MacDonald made a revealing comment:

"The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy. "94

MacDonald had a number of ideas for using the environment as a weapon system and he contributed to what was, at the time, the dream of a futurist. When he wrote his chapter, "How To Wreck The Environment", for the book Unless Peace Comes.95 he was not kidding around. In the text he describes the use of weather manipulation, climate modification, polar ice cap melting or destabilization, ozone depletion techniques, earthquake engineering, ocean wave control and brain wave manipulation utilizing the planet's energy fields. He also said that these types of
weapons would be developed and, when used, would be virtually undetectable by their victims. He was not some wire haired fanatic when he made these observations in 1966 - he had the credentials of a world recognized scientist. What his futuristic concepts became, are tlie tilings which projects like HAARP are made of...

U.S. Congress' subcommittee hearings on Oceans and International Environment looked into military weather and climate modification conducted in the early 1970's. "What emerged was an awesome picture of far ranging research and experimentation by the DoD into ways environmental tampering could be used as a weapon," said Lowell Ponte.96

The revealed secrets surprised legislators. Would an inquiry into the state of tlie art of electromagnetic manipulation surprise lawmakers today? They may find out that technologies developed out of the HAARP experiments in Alaska could deliver on Gordon MacDonald's vision, because leading edge scientists are describing global weather as not only air pressure and thermal systems, but also as an electrical system.


A point to remember is that the ionosphere is an active electrical shield protecting the planet from the constant bombardment of high-energy particles from space. This conducting plasma, along with Earth's magnetic field, traps the electrical plasma of space and holds it back from going directly to the earth's surface, says Charles Yost of Dynamic Systems, Leicester, North Carolina. HAARP zaps the ionosphere where it is relatively unstable.

"If the ionosphere is greatly disturbed, the atmosphere below is subsequently disturbed. "97

It is reasonable to expect Earth's relatively thin atmosphere of insulating gas (water vapor) to be mechanically pushed and pulled by tlie surrounding electrical forces, Yost says. Electrical currents in tlie ionosphere are said to be 100 times larger than those produced lower down at any moment by all tlie world's thunderstorms. Yost concludes that electrical forces should be included along with thermodynamics, gravity waves and effects of Earth's rotation, as causes of weather variations. According to his experiments and analyses, ionospheric currents and changing magnetic fields in Hie ionosphere must produce "global oscillating gradients" that go down as far as the ground.
What about HAARP? Energy blasted upward from an ionospheric heater is not much compared to the total in the ionosphere, but HAARP documents admit that thousandfold greater amounts of energy can be released in the ionosphere than injected. As with MacDonald's "key to geophysical warfare", "nonlinear" effects (described in the literature about the ionospheric heater) mean small input and large output.

At a 1983 science conference in Atlanta, one of the presentations held clues about where engineers and physicists were heading with that small input/ large output goal.99 E.E. Richards talked about the above mentioned Stanford University experiment in beaming VLF radio waves to the magnetosphere. The signals followed the curves of the magnetic field and swung back to Earth. They were detected halfway around the world away from their origin in California. In some cases the signals were amplified a thousand times.

What strengthens these radio signals a thousandfold? According to Richards' research, the signals gather energy from electrons within the Van Allen radiation belts which surround Earth's atmosphere. Each time one of the world's fifty or so VLF (3 to 30 KHz) transmitters sends out its signal; streams of excited particles from the outermost regions of the magnetosphere cascade into our atmosphere. "Even low frequency (LF: 30-300 KHz) radio waves leak into the upper layers, causing this same phenomenon. The injection of small signals into the energy belts creates something like a super-transistor effect, altering the motion of free electrons thousands of miles out from the earth's surface. This Tesla Magnifying Resonance effect can control enormous energies by minuscule triggering signals." As did Nikola Tesla, Richards works with the principle of resonance. (...)

E.E. Richards reported the following conclusions from his search of the literature. "The conducting ionosphere can affect the instability by short circuiting the electrostatic part of the earth electric field, thus requiring less energy to release charge from the upper layers. These auroral arcs result in an acceleration process called ring currents, precessing along the magnetic field lines that connect the magnetotail with the ionosphere. This is the primary supply of energy for the auroras..."

He explains how electrostatic waves stimulate the ionosphere, allowing the powerful radiations described above to flow in from space. He adds that observations from satellites and from the ground tend to confirm Nikola Tesla's claims about his Colorado Springs experiments. "With his oscillator he was able to stimulate the ionosphere through high voltage, and then allow the cascading of the upper layer currents, thereby simulating the natural action of the aurora and also of lightning."

Tesla was one of several inventors cited by E.E. Richards who were on the path to using the "abundant energy source that surrounds us each minute". Humanity lives within the cosmically stimulated bubble of the magnetosphere, Richards said, and upon the twirling spherical generator that is the earth. In the spirit of previous generations of scientists called natural philosophers, he is awed by the beauty of the system. 

There was another unexpected discovery of an atmospheric phenomenon in 1993. It was found that the Earth's lower atmosphere contains "rivers of water vapor rivaling the Amazon in the massiveness of their flow". 104 Reginald E. Newell of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reported that these vapor rivers were the main mechanism for moving water from the equatorial regions of the earth to the poles. However, he did not expect to find that the water vapor was contained in narrow bands which are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. These bands are about 1.9 miles above the earth, and have flow volumes of 165 million kilograms of water per second. The observers found that there are five atmospheric rivers in the Northern Hemisphere and five in the Southern Hemisphere, each with these typical flow rates.

We speculate that if HAARP were located at the right place, it could be used to deflect these flows in a way that alter weather patterns. This is another concern which should be considered in the operation of HAARP - a fact not known before HAARP was planned.


Weapons-oriented researchers, on the other hand, are quite interested in other, more invasive, aspects of Tesla's knowledge besides resonance, such as the "explosive channelization of air" which he is said to have learned about this phenomena as he injected successive pulses of energy along the same channel, According to Dr. J.F.X.Daum, Ken Corum and Dr. James Corum, Teste experimented with atmospheric tunneling. By the 3930's Teste had invented a "channelized beam composed of a coherent burst of electrically charged material particles" moving as fast as the speed of light. The three scientists calculated that such a particle beam would easily pierce armored vehicles. 105


Earth as a spherical electrical system is a fairly well accepted model. However, those experimenters who want to make unnatural power connections between parts of this system might not be thinking of possible consequences. Electrical motors and generators can be caused to wobble when their circuits are affected. Could human activities cause a significant change in a planet's electrical circuit or electrical field? A quote plucked from a lengthy paper in the respected journal Science deals with manmade ionization from radioactive material, but perhaps it could also be studied with HAARP-type skybusters in mind:

"For example, while changes in the earth's electric field resulting from a solar flare modulating conductivity may have only a barely detectable effect on meteorology, the situation may be different in regard to electric field changes caused by manmade ionization,,." 106

Meteorology, of course, is the study of the atmosphere and weather. Ionization is what happens when a higher level of power is zapped into atoms and knocks electrons off the atoms. The resulting charged particles are the stuff of HAARP. "One took at the weather should tell us that we are on the wrong path," says Paul Schaefer, electrical engineer, commenting on HAARP-type technologies.

An administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration once said, "It is not possible to draw clear distinctions between research and technological development on weather modification for hostile and non-hostile purposes."
Manning thought about the enthusiastic attitude of the scientists and military contractors whom tlie NO HAARP group called "tlie big boys with Hie big toys". Those big time experimenters admit that they don't know what will happen when they push ionospheric heating experiments into the next level of effects. They seem to be excited about the macho adventure of passing tlie next "threshold of effects" in tlie ionosphere, and do not hesitate to pump gigawatts of power up there and intentionally accelerate particles in the ionosphere to "relativistic" speeds - nearly the speed of light. Why would they be so irresponsible?

Trombly answered in a word - denial. The decision makers are not being malicious, Trombly said; they are just refusing to face the facts about how flimsy is tlie web of life on Earth. "We do not want to admit that we are in a situation that is tenuous, where there are gradual (planetary) processes that are punctuated by catastrophic processes."

Specialists tend to look at their own experiments as isolated incidents, without seeing long term effects on larger systems, Trombly noted. As Manning heard him talk about lack of respect for Earth's systems, she thought about a professor she had interviewed who was connected with HAARP. The professor's enthusiasm encompassed the possibility of HAARP creating a massive airglow in the ionosphere, and of giving his doctoral students some technical challenges so they could get their Ph.D.s.

Could their experiments set off a catastrophe? The research of the Institute for Advanced Studies looks into such questions. For example, earth monitoring with sensitive instruments revealed a connection between underground nuclear tests and earthquakes.

While nuclear explosions zap more high energy particles into our global environment, HAARP specifically gives a sharp jab to the ionosphere. Trombly is concerned about atmospheric storms "once you create a point-like stress differential... What is it going to do in terms of gating influx from particles, from the magnetosphere down?...we already have real problems with particle influx into this planet, now."
Flanagan's Brain Tool

In 1958 when Dr. Patrick Flanagan was 14 years old, he invented the Neurophone, which won him world recognition as one of the brightest inventors of our time. The Neurophone device can convert sound (like words and music) into electrical impulses which can be transferred through any point on the body directly into the brain, bypassing the ear and associated hearing mechanisms entirely. For more than six years the United States Patent Office refused to issue a patent for the device while they debated the fine points of the technology. In the end, the government declared that the Neurophone would never work, and refused the patent. Patrick and his lawyer then went to Washington D.C. with a working model of the device to show the patent examiner. The examiner told the duo that if the device could make one of their employees who was deaf hear, he would reopen the case and issue the patent. The device was tested, the employee "heard" and the patent was granted. (...)

The Neurophone was one of the most powerful brain entrainment devices developed until new advances were made in tlie science in Europe in 2001. In recent years, these other researchers have advanced the technology and continued to work on the possibilities it offers, with an emphasis on other modes of transmission. Given tlie Defense Intelligence Agency's interest in the earlier device, it is very likely that they have also continued to woTk to improve it. Discussions with several inventors over the last few years about the HAARP project revealed that this radio transmitter, tlie ionospheric heater, could possibly be used as a wireless brain entrainment device. This use has the greatest invasive possibilities.234

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