To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.

Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)

Nanamoli Thera

Friday, December 9, 2022


  We’ve obviously been heading into a cashless society for some time, with electronic transactions — credit cards and debit cards—increasingly replacing money. China—which many view as a prototype for a technocratic totalitarian world government— is virtually cashless now.1 Even street beggars there take digital handouts in lieu of cash.

James Corbett notes:

In 2012, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped found the “Better Than Cash Alliance,” which brings together governments, international organizations and the private sector “to accelerate the transition from cash to digital payments globally.”2

The coronavirus crisis has accelerated the drive for a cashless planet. The online journal Euromoney noted in its article “Cashless after COVID-19?”

When the World Health Organization released a statement on March 9 recommending that people turn to cashless transactions to fight the spread of COVID-19, a number of governments and retailers across the world took action....

Some retailers have banned the use of cash in their stores to keep employees and customers safe, opting for contactless payments instead.. This could be the push needed for some countries to become truly cashless.3

Money is considered “dirty.” After all, it could carry that invisible bogeyman, the COVID-19 virus. It’s not difficult to see where this could  lead. If a digital tattoo could store your vaccine information, a small upgrade would enable it to store your financial information. As we saw at the end of the last chapter, a system that integrates digital identity, vaccine records and payments processing is already being tested in Africa.

Most of us, at some time, have known that unpleasant feeling of swiping a credit card that doesn’t work. What happens when our digital tattoo won’t let us buy food, gasoline, or a bus ticket, because we aren’t up to date on vaccines, or have in some other way become unacceptable to the government? This is truly the realm of 1984 and Brave New World, and I think it appropriate to now quote the Book of Revelation, 13:16-17:

And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.

Revelation tells us that the Antichrist will rule the planet. To govern the world requires a world government. This too has been a Deep State objective for many decades, as I documented in my 1988 book The Shadows of Power. So it was no surprise to read this in the March 26, 2020 Guardian:

Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response....

“This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.” .Brown said his proposed global taskforce would fight the crisis on two fronts. There would need to be a  coordinated effort to find a vaccine, and to organise production, purchasing and prevent profiteering.4 

World government has long been equated with a one-world currency. In 1944, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Martin Eccles said: “An international currency is synonymous with international government.”5 Just as the European Union has been a regional stepping stone toward a one-world government, so is its “euro” a stepping stone toward a world currency. Looking further back, at the end of World War II, the establishment of the United Nations (incipient world government) coincided with establishment, at the Bretton Woods Conference, of the World Bank and IMF (world financial system). At Bretton Woods, John Maynard Keynes proposed a world currency called bancor, but the plan was then considered too radical to gain international acceptance. However, we may now be on the threshold of world currency, but in a form we didn’t foresee back then-digital.

This appears to correlate with what Deep State oligarchs are calling “the Great Economic Reset,” whose pretext is the economic distress caused by the global COVID lockdown. Brandon Smith summarized the situation well writing for Alt Market:

For those not familiar with the phrase “global economic reset,” it is one that has been used ever increasingly by elitists in the central banking world for several years. I first heard it referenced by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF at the time, in 2014. The reset is often mentioned in the same breath as ideas like “the New Multilateralism” or “the Multipolar World Order” or “the New World Order.” All of these phrases mean essentially the same thing....

Many alternative economists often wrongly attribute the Fed’s habit of making things worse to “hubris” or “ignorance.”

They think the Fed actually wants to save the financial system or “protect the golden goose,” but this is not reality. The truth is, the Fed is not a bumbling maintenance man, the Fed is a saboteur, a suicide bomber that is willing to destroy even itself as an institution in order to explode the US economy and clear the path for a new globally centralized one world system. Hence, the “Global Reset”....

Now in 2020 we see the globalist plan coming to fruition, with the elites revealing what appears to be their intent to launch their reset in 2021. The World Economic Forum officially announced the Great Reset initiative as part of their COVID Action Platform last week, and a summit is scheduled in January 2021 to discuss their plans more openly with the world and the mainstream media.

The WEF also posted a rather bizarre video on the Reset, which consists of a series of images of the world falling apart (and images of factories releasing harmless carbon emission into the air, which I suppose is meant to scare us with notions of global warming). The destruction is then “reset” at the push of a button, with everything reversing back to a pristine humanless world of nature and the words “Join Us”..

The goal is rather obvious—Terrify the population with poverty, internal conflicts and a broken supply chain until they lobby the establishment for help. Then, offer the “solution” of medical tyranny, immunity passports, martial law, a global economic system based on a cashless digital society in which privacy in trade is erased, and then slowly but surely form a faceless “multilateral” global government which answers to no one and does whatever it pleases.

I remember back in 2014 when Christine Lagarde first began talking about the reset. That same year she also made a very strange speech to the National Press Club in which she started rambling gleefully about numerology and the “magic number 7”. Many within the club laughed, as there was apparently an inside joke that the rest of us were not privy to. Well, I would point out that the World Economic Forum meeting on the global reset in 2021 will be held exactly 7 years after Lagarde gave that speech. Just another interesting coincidence I suppose.6


 1. Cory Doctorow, “Foreigners Visiting China Are Increasingly Stumped by Its Cashless Society,” Boing Boing, November 11, 2019,

2. James Corbett, “Who Is Bill Gates?” The Corbett Report, May 1, 2020,

3. Kanika Saigal, “Cashless after COVID-19?” Euromoney, April 2, 2020,

4. Larry Elliott, “Gordon Brown Calls for Global Government to Tackle Coronavirus,” The Guardian, March 26, 2020, tackle-coronavirus.

5. Gary Allen, “Stop the Bank Gang,” American Opinion, February 1979, 12.

6. Brandon Smith, “Globalists Reveal that the ‘Great Economic Reset’ Is Coming in 2021, Alt Market, June 18, 2020,"

from the book COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pillel

by J.Perloff 

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