Infections tormented the feet and legs of the nude prisoner lying on the cement floor of a United States Federal penitentiary drain-hole cell. Except for a roll of toilet paper, the cell was barren. There was no blanket, mattress or cot. The cement floor was his bed. Soreness of flesh, muscles and bones caused excruciating discomfort.
An animal is conditioned to withstand hard and rough surfaces but a human being is not. As a political prisoner, incarcerated without a trial or conviction of any offense, he had no human or civil rights and was reduced to animal status by inhuman cruel-ties, brutality, and torture.
At meal times the heavy steel cell door was opened by three prison guards who watched in silence as he crawled in weakness.
On the floor outside the cell door was a paper plate with mushed food. He'd reach out, bring in the food plate. The guards then slammed and locked the cell door. A small cardboard spoon, the only eating utensil, easily broke and was useless. With his fin-gers he stuffed the food in his mouth and wiped them off with the sweat of his body.
For five months he was compelled to wear old, tight, sweat-soaked shoes that lamed his feet and legs. The nerves became painfully raw to his hips. Pleas for properly fit shoes were ig-nored. The only relief he got was being confined in a strip-nude drain-hole cell, but the cement floor could hardly be called "re-lief. " The drain-hole served as a toilet and an outlet for blood and puke hosed off a beaten prisoner. Flushed but once daily, the drain-hole still stank with a sickening odor. Techniques of tor-ture and inhuman cruelties in this Federal prison were Kremlin-created. They could only have been devised by demented, sadis-tic fiends and applied by perverted doctors with moron mentalities.
Systematically, the prisoner's health was shattered and his mind kept under unrelenting pressure. In Communist Russia po-litical prisoners, government dissenters and accusers are inca-pacitated and destroyed by psychiatrists with torture punishment called "therapy in the name of science." The same Communist psychiatric methods are used by the U. S. Justice Department.
Arrests are made on charges with no intent to permit trial; quickly substituted is subterfuge psychiatric prosecution.
Within a few days after being incarcerated, the political pri-soner was thrust into a "special" strip-nude drain hole for Pav-lovian "music therapy" to soften his mind and brain. A loud-speaker concealed in a wall ventilator, covered by heavy mesh steel wire, emitted shrill, high-intensity ultra sound played con-tinuously day and night from a tape recorder. Blasts of cold air gushed out of the ventilator at intervals.
Huddled on the cement floor in a corner of the cell, he closed the palms of his hands over his ears in futile effort to muffle the din. Within minutes he lapsed into a stupor and then unconscious-ness. His mind couldn't cope with the sound vibrating in his head.
Three days and nights he lay in a coma on the cement floor with-out food or water.
Consciousness was regained when the "music" ceased. His head throbbed with the sound vibrating in his mind for weeks af-terward. The Federal prison psychiatrists entered his cell daily and made notes on the effects on his mind and the extent of dam-age, if any, to his brain.
If you are shocked and appalled to stomach much more - then close this book now! Thus far what has been disclosed is mild in comparison to what is yet to be revealed. All is substantiated by documentation, transcripts of court records, petitions, affidavits and motions denied hearings.
The writer was the political prisoner who crawled for food in the drain hole. Behind my imprisonment is a sordid story of rigged and corrupt proceedings by the Justice Department in the Federal courts to cover up homosexual and communist influence in government corruption. My two children were the pawns in this pervert corruption.
For nearly two years I was the political prisoner of the late President John F, Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, then the Attorney General who directed the savagery of the Justice De-partment. Now he is a U. S. Senator with aspirations for the Presidency!
Kennedy imprisoned me at the so-called Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri. It is image-built under the label of being a "hospital" and a "mental institution, " but it is neither. It is a hard-core, hell-hole penitentiary where young doctors are indoctrinated and trained in Communist psy-chiatric torture. Prisoners are used as guinea pigs in experiments.
For three years, starting in 1957, I had tried to safeguard my little daughter and son from an abominable life of homosexuality.
But the homosexual and Communist perversion corruption in the Los Angeles County Superior Courts, administrative agencies and the State of California was such that I sought and was refused hearings and investigation.
In behalf of my children I brought charges against the county 8 and state officials for protecting homosexuals and exposing my children to sexual degenerates. Had any of the charges not been true I would have been arrested and prosecuted for libel. But they knew I had ponderous evidence of p roof and witnesses to sub-stantiate the charges I had made; a libel trial would have exposed the rampant homosexuality and communism in government--state and Federal!
Threats were made that unless I was mute on what I had un-covered, I'd be imprisoned for alleged insanity. Both major po-litical parties were concerned because the organized homosex-uals had a tremendous 'slushfund' and were financing local, state and national candidates in the elections.
Photocopies of pictorial evidence against the homosexuals re-garding my daughter and son, Sandra and Edward Seelig; obscene letters written by homosexuals telling of their activities and affi-davits of witnesses were sent to the Los Angeles County Probation Department, the involved judges of the Superior Courts, County Supervisor Warren Dorn, the Board of Supervisors, the Grand Jury, District Attorney William McKesson and the presiding Su-perior Court Judge, Louise Burke.
Investigation and hearings were asked and plead for the safe-guarding and protection of my children. I reiterated the charges to Carter Coker, the District Attorney's investigator, and told him what I had uncovered; how the children had been kept in a Venice shack where they were sexually abused and maltreated, had gone hungry and without baths, and of the neighbors feeding them.
In Santa Monica Superior Court, Judge Edward Brand favored the homosexuals, refused to ask the Grand Jury to investigate the criminality, or Marylouise Rymal and Gloria Busch, the county social service workers, who upheld homosexuality for children and had exposed them to perverts.
The homosexuals and operators of pervert bars had threatened to kill the children if I released what I had learned or the docu-mented proof on their nationwide operations and international links with the Communist Party to undermine sexual laws and moral codes; the homosexual-Communist "slush funds" used in Califor-nia and national elections! The Los Angeles County officials and judges knew of those threats and the "slush funds. " The county social service workers and Judge Brand used the children as emotional weapons against the possible publication of what I had accumulated and would not tell me the whereabouts of my daughter and son. The welfare and safety of my children pre-vented making public disclosures.
From 1958 through I960 I did not cease my fight in behalf of my youngsters.
Practically every week I was in Judge Brand's chambers for custody hearings. The homosexual attorneys, their pervert clients, and county officials, including Probation Department Director Karl Holton, accused me of "imagining" charges~ despite evidence and witnesses. They accused me of being "psychiatrically ill" in my aversion to homosexuals.
My records show that on January 12, 1959, I sent a registered letter to the Grand Jury with a petition and complaint against Ma-rylouise Rymal, Gloria Busch, Judge Brand and Karl Holton, re-questing an investigation, hearing of witnesses and examination of evidence to determine the validity of the charges. February 25, 1959, the Grand Jury replied. It refused to give a hearing!
On July 20, I960, a sworn statement was sent by registered mail to Governor Edmund Brown. An excerpt follows:
"Homosexual bar operators and other perverts, in the presence of witnesses, boasted they had supported you and Attorney General Stanley Mosk with "slush funds" in your election campaign and of their influence and power in the courts and the government. Request hearings and investiga-tion into the organized homosexual corruption in the Superior Courts and state government as well as the pervert "slush funds." Governor Brown was silent--but, I didn't know until after mv release from the Federal penitentiary in 1962 that John F. Ken-nedy, then a U. S. Senator with aspirations for the Presidency, had in May and June of 1959 been quietly seeking all the information he could get on the evidence and material I had against the Brown Democratic "liberal" regime, the nationwide organized homosexuals in political activities and how damaging it would be in his quest for the Presidency!
Pat Cooney, a Los Angeles attorney and reported henchman for Joseph Kennedy, the billionaire father who was notorious for buying elections and judgeships, made the probe on evidence I had. Cooney also reportedly was buying up California Democra-tic delegates for JFK's Democratic nomination for the Presidency in I960!
It was in the closing days of the Eisenhower administration that Attorney General Herbert Brownell kept me incommunicado in the Texas Potter County Jail. After JFK took office in the White House, his brother, Robert, took up with a vengeancewhere Brownell left off.
Twice, FBI agents, in Los Angeles in 1958 and early in I960 in Baltimore, interviewed me extensively on what I had uncovered nationally and internationally on the Communist-homosexual syndicalism and on the charges I was making against Los Angeles County officials, judges, and homosexuals.
They told me they had no authority for any action except to make a report to the Justice Department. Both gave me friendly warnings that what I had uncovered put me in a precarious political position.
In late 1959, in Washington, I met with newsmen in the National Press Club whom I knew and had worked with as long as twenty years; including Leo Farrell, who had been a Democratic Party press liason aide for Harry Truman. With their aid I obtained revealing portions of testimony given in the 1950 U. S. Senate hearings on homosexuals and Communsits in the government; that testimony has never been released to the public. President Truman, following the protective policy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1951 sealed the transcripts by an Executive Order.
That testimony substantiated the charges made by Senator Joseph McCarthy for which he was vilified by the Communists, homosexuals and pseudo-Americans posing as "liberals." The lives and future of my small children were at stake and I refused to be silent. That led to my arrest on a Federal misde-meanor charge of mailing alleged libelous matter. The arrest took the "hook" off the Los Angeles County and California State officials!
Since the political power of the organized homosexuals is na-tionwide, reaching into both parties, the White House and all gov-ernment agencies, the Kennedys were accomodating to the Cali-fornian "liberals and moderates. " There was no intent either to allow me to see my children and know of their activities or to put me on trial for libel; collusion between the California officials, the Justice Department and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare saw to that!
Robert Kennedy's Justice Department substituted a subterfuge --Communist-created psychiatric penal prosecution. The Justice Department then confiscated all my files of evidence, property, and assets worth $60, 000. 00 so I would be impoverished. What better way to prevent a defendant from obtaining counsel and to silence him with Communist psychiatric imprisonment where he can be incapacitated and destroyed?
That is exactly what the image-built and deified Kennedys did with the power of the Justice Department and politically stacked Federal Courts. But it took seven corrupt and rigged psychiatric prosecution proceedings in two Federal districts and over 150 violations of the Bill of Rights, Articles of the Constitution and American jurisprudence codes to imprison me!
Three times I was transported across the country shackled in chains, leg-irons and handcuffs; starved, degraded, demoralized and humiliated. Clothing rotted off my body; maltreatment caused toe-nails to curl into the flesh. For weeks my toes were caked with blood.
It didn't take long to learn that Americans no longer have Bill of Rights protection against political tyranny imprisonments. Of-ten I wondered what country's laws or constitution prevailed--So-dom, Talmud, United Nations or Soviet Russia--and if I was still in the United States! For a certainty it wasn't anything American from December 2, I960 through November 1962; nor from 1957 to i960 so far as my son and daughter were concerned.
Statutes mandate court arraignment within 72 hours after an arrest. Instead, I was "railroaded" as "insane" to a Texas Fed-eral hospital-prison without a doctor's examination, a hearing, appearing in court, or being represented by counsel. A Texas Federal Medical Board found me sane and competent with a high IQ after 30 days of exhaustive medical tests.
Now the Justice Department had to find another way to prevent my libel trial and its disclosures--a falsified motion to transfer case and trial to Southern California was filed. Eighty-four days after my arrest I made my first court appearance.
Two weeks later, sheriff aides in L,os Angeles County Jail re-fused to be a party to violation of the Bill of Rights when they learned I had not been arraigned for more than three months.
They notified the U. S. Attorney's office I would be freed the next morning unless I was arraigned. I was held on "open charges" and not allowed bail.
Thus it was, that after 114 days I was finally arraigned and given a preliminary hearing, although still not allowed bail, on a misdemeanor charge. Statutes mandate a prisoner must be ar-raigned within 72 hours after arrest and allowed freedom on a reasonable bail.
Up until now there were over 80 violations of the Bill of Rights --now I was to be placed in "double jeopardy, " as the Los Ange-les U. S, Attorneys re-instituted Communist psychiatric prosecu-tion. This was easily done by the "rigging" of every proceeding in the Los Angeles Federal Courts that had no jurisdiction for any proceedings:
I was not allowed a sanity trial.
No witnesses nor evidence in my behalf was allowed.
Recent Federal evidence attesting my sanity and competency was not allowed.
I was denied return of confiscated evidence for my defense.
Having been brought into this court by a falsified document, I was now to be judged, as to my sanity, a second time. Now, the U.S. Attorneys could not afford a second competent medical board —they brought in a charlatan, alleged doctor who was on the pay-roll of the very officials whom I had accused! The doctor testi-fied as he was told by the government. His statements exonera-ted his employers of all charges against them as well as defended those implicated in homosexuality. Having seen me one time and without the benefit of a single test, he pronounced me, not only "legally insane for the last five years (which covered the entire period of the California corruption case) but a "homosexual who 'imagined' everyone else was. His testimony condemned me to penal, psychiatric torture.
Millions of Americans are unaware that political imprisonments, rigged and corrupt politically-stacked courts, government slavery, torture and maiming of prisoners is happening in our United States. They have been brainwashed by psycho-political image-builders, managed news prostitutes, politically-stacked courts with liars and cheats in the highest offices.
Although I had not been convicted of any offense. Judge Yank-wich "sentenced" me to the Federal penitentiary for alleged "insanity" on the perjury of county "Psychiatrist, " Thomas Gore, a man, not only unqualified as a psychiatrist, but one with a crim-inal record!
Federic Seelig
Destroy the Accuser
To be is to be contingent: nothing of which it can be said that "it is" can be alone and independent. But being is a member of paticca-samuppada as arising which contains ignorance. Being is only invertible by ignorance.
Destruction of ignorance destroys the illusion of being. When ignorance is no more, than consciousness no longer can attribute being (pahoti) at all. But that is not all for when consciousness is predicated of one who has no ignorance than it is no more indicatable (as it was indicated in M Sutta 22)
Nanamoli Thera
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